Night Mode

Okay!!! Let see if I can finally do this!

It's been a few years but I finally got to a place where I could
post the original ending and go over the extra/behind the scenes.

First the original Ending I posed is (here)

Now...why didn't I post the original ending. Crestmoore has
a lot of emotions tied up with it. I was caught up in Crestmoore
the last night I spoke with my mother. The whole night had just
been a mess of emotions and frustrations. I was suppose to meet
up with some friends on Skype but it wouldn't let me on. My sister
and I got into an arguement and my mom got up to keep the peace.
We worked it out, she went to bed and we each went back to the things
we were into and that was you never know its the last moment.

After she passed our whole world changed. Like some of you know about
my situation. We had so much to do, I just wasn't even sure if I was
gonna ever get back to Crestmoore and then it became a thing. I realized
sooo much emotion was tangled up with it and I needed
closure. So much that when it came to the ending I spoke with Magic
and realize it was rather opened ended. I was concerned with a sequel
but lets face it some books will have sequels some wont it just
depends on how I feel.I decided to just post the original ending
open ended and all. Sometimes its okay to leave things up to
the readers imagination lol.

I did leave out one line.

At the very end it was suppose to say.

The next time Velona and Korina met he recognized her but she
didn't recognize him...

Anyway go where you will

For the Behind the Scenes

I started Crestmoore around around 2015-2016. I liked the premise of it. I
just wasn’t sure if I would be sharing it. I really don't mean to offend anyone.
I’m very open I don’t believe in violence or hate, against anyone. I believe
everyone should be who they want to be.

There are a lot of lives I’d like to do, some where they are different gender or
the same or different species all together. The curse states that half their soul
is in stone and the other half is in flesh.

Like they have lived sooo soo many lives and with space and all of existence
being vast as fuck there are so many possibilities. I tend not to get too wild.
I tend focus more on the story rather then the environmental details. So I
usually keep them in humanoid/comparable shapes and the setting pretty standard
to our world though I have made some exceptions.

For some memories

I remember one time I was in the bath and was all I got to jot something down
I was like I could wait or get out of the bath...yeah I chose to get out of the bath
and get back in lol. Apparently I'm not the only one who does notes in the baths
I've seen other writers do it. The house we live in now >< has a horrible tub.
I miss long bubble baths. I like to eat cereal or ice cream in the bath but this
one you can't lay back in its got like benches and its just not comfortable. ><
Oh well rest of this place rocks.

But yeah TMI I know but this is the behind scenes and Its not like I have a
camera crew I just got what I can recall at the time and I miss baths.

Anyway I might add to this more later but for now this has been the Crestmoore
behind the scenes. If you have any questions let me know.


© 2011 Leona Keyoko Pink All Rights Reserved Contact Leona at

May not be reproduced in whole or part without express written permission.

Thanks for reading!