Chapter 14
Night Mode


Chapter 14

Beckett heard the noises from downstairs, luckily most the staff was outside cleaning up. The few that were inside, were concerned but he quickly ordered them to keep working. He instructed Hagan to keep everyone downstairs before rushing to check on Velona.

He'd been acting strange all night, no, for quite some time, something had been effecting him or more as someone, Korina Andon. Beckett had seen that she was a problem, he'd warned Velona multiple times and was concerned he might need to take action but Velona seemed to have finally come to his senses.

When he ordered Beckett to kill her he thought she would no longer be a problem. However after tonight, it was clear, now more then ever that she was clouding Velona's judgment. Beckett hoped once he got things cleaned up, they could sit down and have a proper conversation. Velona needed to understand they couldn't risk any more mistakes right now, not when they were so close...


Devotion, was the first word Beckett ever learned. Born into servitude as soon as he could walk, he was taught to serve one master or another. He'd been raised to understand that his life mattered not, less it was of value to his master. It was an honor, a privilege to be of use.

His father had been the head butler of the Tavok's family as his father had been before him and as Beckett was one day, expected to be. His mother had been a maid in the kitchen staff but had run away when Beckett was very young. What little memories he'd had of her had quickly faded into a feeling of disdain. His father used to say that some people were just doomed. Anyone who believed they deserved more then their lot in life, that didn't know their place in this world were doomed to live in agony.

It was better to know ones place and accept it. Beckett accepted his fate at a young age. Accepted it with a happy heart. There was nothing more comforting to him then serving. He loved every aspect of it and yet there were times, when something felt slightly amiss, as if some vital part were missing. He tried not to dwell on it too much and instead worked harder.

His father believed that any problem could be solved with hard work and devotion. Beckett admired how hard he worked. His father would strive everyday to do the best he could, to please their master. In turn, the master would dote on his father and the rest of the staff.

His father passed when Beckett was still a teenager. It nearly devastated him but he knew his father had died a happy man, doing what he loved. Beckett took up after him and did the best he could to please the master as his father had, each and every day.

For many years he felt content but not quite happy, again something felt as if it were missing. Something he couldn't quite put his finger on. Some days he would stare out the window as if he were looking for something. He did his best to fill his spare time and kept himself busy.

One day the master died and his estate was passed on to his son. The new Viscount Tavok was difficult, to say the least. He didn't respect the way things worked. He was crude and treated his servants with disregard. He saw them as disposable slaves. Beckett did his best to help with the transition but they lost a lot of staff that first year.

The new Viscount drank day and night, had elaborate parties and gambled every chance he got. Woman after woman paraded indecently through the manor. Whores, every last one of them, not that Beckett had a high opinion of women. A few on staff, fancied him over the years but he couldn't be bothered. He solely devoted himself to the master and his needs.

Though there were times when he questioned his place, questioned his devotion. He was raised to devote his life to a master but nothing...nothing was said of the worthiness of the master. Sometimes the Viscount would get violent. Beckett did his best to take most the blows. Other times the master would be away for months on end, without word. It would feel as if he'd abandoned them. Payments to the staff and bills would be late. Beckett would become concerned but quashed his doubts with devotion, devotion, devotion and then...she came along.

Beckett was used to the master bringing home all sorts of women by now and yet from the moment Celia entered the manor, he found her to be quiet different. The fact that Beckett took notice of her at all, was something in itself. Usually women were just blurs, figures that took up space but he took in every bit of her.

From the moment her ice blue eyes first locked with his, he felt on edge. There was something about her, he couldn't quite put his finger on and it annoyed him, to no end. He thought perhaps it was her odd behavior that set him off. Unlike most woman she held herself with a confidence. Most the women the master brought home were also scantly dressed, their makeup smeared about but this woman was dressed pristinely, her make up was subtle but effective.

When the master wasn't around, the women would usually lounge about drinking and eating. They'd make a mess of things and would bother the staff. Some would spend vast amounts of the masters' money, trying on clothes or getting themselves lavish gifts. Celia mostly kept to herself, when the master was away. She was tidy, quiet and when she spoke, her words were clearly thought out and precise. Every morning she would rise early, drink coffee and read the newspaper. Rather then go shopping, she would sit quietly in the library, devouring one book, after another.

Beckett didn't like it one bit. Clearly she was up to something but it wasn't a servants place, to question his masters' company. He kept his mouth shut and his eyes open. He found himself watching her, throughout the day. He told himself he was just trying to figure her out, that he was just looking out for his master. She always seemed to know when he was watching her. She would smile at him from the corner of her mouth and then order him about. He always obliged her requests but never let his guard down.

One night the master was in a real foul mood. He was bad mouthing the staff and throwing a fit. Beckett did his best to step in and moderate the situation. As head butler it was not only his job to please the master but to take care of the lower staff.

On this night, the master had absolutely no patience. When Beckett didn't pour him another drink fast enough, he threw his glass. It hit Beckett in the face and shattered as it struck. The shards drew several lines of blood. Beckett paused for a moment and then apologized for the mess. He brought the master another glass and poured him a drink. He took a moment to wipe the blood from his face and then began to clean up the broken glass.

The master finished his drink once again and then raised it to throw at Beckett. He braced himself ready for another impact but before the master could throw it, Celia shattered her own glass on the floor. Both Beckett and the master looked at her.

Beckett was sure she would be punished, perhaps even thrown out of the house all together but she simply laughed it off. She said it looked fun and had wanted to give it a try. She gave the master a provocative smile and picked up the wine bottle. She said she preferred to drink straight from it and began to sexually suck on the bottle. She sauntered over to the master as she did so before pouring some wine in his mouth.

The master took up the bottle and proceeded to drink as Celia lowered herself to his lap and took his member out. She began to give the master a blow job right then and there. For a moment her eyes dully met with Becketts'. He felt strange… feverish…He tried to focus himself and clean up the broken glass but his hands shook.

After a minute or two the master dismissed him. He quickly left the room upset and had to step outside to cool down. It was winter and snowing. He buried his fists into the snow, punching the cold ground. He was pissed off, Celia probably thought she'd won him over intervening like that. She probably thought he'd be grateful and pull back on his scrutiny but he knew she was up to something. Now more then ever, he could feel it in his gut.

Over the next few days, he stepped up his surveillance. He watched her every chance he got. Beckett began to notice, he never saw her naked or in the process of changing. It wasn't as if he wanted to...but it struck him as odd. As head butler he saw everything. He was always about, always on call and in the past, he'd seen his master in the throws of it, with countless women.

It was true Celia was a different class of woman but he should have seen her in bed with the master at least once. As far as Beckett observed she only ever gave him blow jobs. He made a point to stick around at night and would watch the master drink himself to sleep. She'd undress him, give him a hand job but never did she undress. She'd wander through the house, always to the study. He knew whatever she was looking for was in there. He thought to call her out but waited…to find out exactly what she was after.

Every morning he would clean the study. He'd look through the safe and all the records, to see if anything had been moved. He hoped to find something and see what she'd be looking for but nothing, absolutely nothing would be out of place, even when he purposely moved things about. He always found it just as immaculate as he left it. He found himself fascinate and more determined then ever to catch her.

One day he heard a ruckus in the bedroom. Some yelling, shouting and then a thump. He quickly rushed upstairs, to check on the master and found him unconscious on the floor. He rushed to the study, knowing she was making her move.

He burst through the door and found her inside. Her dress was torn, her makeup smeared, Beckett had never seen her so unkempt. He realized the master must have gotten rough with her. She turned fully, facing him and he saw one of her breasts was missing. It was then, that Beckett realized, Celia was not a she but a he. His mouth fell open.

Beckett knew his place, knew what he must do, tackle the man, turn him over to the authorities. The man would doubt be imprisoned for attacking a noble. The fact that he dressed as a woman and pretended to be one, that alone would have him hung…

There eyes locked, in the heat of the moment. The man turned his pistol on him. Beckett could see he was clutching a piece of paper in his hand. Beckett found himself frozen unable to think… to do anything.

After a moment the man sought to reassure him. "You're master is fine..." he said in his true voice. "He got a little too handys for my liking but I'm done here. I got what's mine. I shall take my leave and promise he nor you will ever see the likes of me again,"

Beckett mouth quivered at the thought and his stomach ached. He'd never felt like this...What was wrong with him? The man moved towards the window and Beckett came to his senses, stepping forward, "I can't….I can't let you go,"

"But you can," said the man, "I don't know why but I like you. You have options, choices you can make. The first thing I suggest you do, after letting me go, is finding yourself a new master. Come a few days from now, the debt collectors will come calling and all of this will be gone. Your masters gambled everything away and taken out far too many loans."

Beckett thought to call him a liar but felt he was telling the truth. He clenched his fists and said, "It matters not, I am devoted to my master and I will not allow you to get away,"

"What a waste," he said and then pulled the trigger, of his gun. An expensive vase shattered just behind Beckett. He turned instinctively to look at it. When he turned back, the man was already on the windowsill. The man smirked at Beckett and said, "Heed my advice, find a master who is truly worthy of your devotion," And with that, he was gone.

He darted through the window and disappeared from sight. Beckett rushed to the window but didn't see him anywhere. Not on the side of the house, nor on the ground. He rushed out of the room and downstairs. It was what he was suppose to do. He was suppose to protect his master, chase after anyone who had done him wrong.

Yet he found himself rushing down the stairs, chasing after this man for another reason. Everything seemed different now...confusing. When he got outside he was gone, there no sign of footprints in the snow. It was as if he'd truly vanished. Becketts' chest sunk and felt tight all of a sudden. He felt as if he couldn't breath, he stumbled around in the snow frustrated...almost disoriented.

Eventually he came to his senses and went back into the manor, he rang the authorities and the doctor. They both came at once. The master was fine save for a nasty bump on his head. The authorities investigated but found little to go on, if anything they scrutinized the master, believing he had illegally chosen to enter into a relationship with a man. They questioned him for days, almost to the point of harassing him and the staff. When they finally moved on, the master was in a fowl mood. He drank more then ever.

After a week the debt collector's came just as Celia...he...had said they would. They took everything including the master. The servants were indeed out of a job. The Tavok estate abolished. Beckett found himself at a loss. This life...was all he'd ever known. Head butler was all he'd ever been raised for…

He went about trying to find another master but these things were set in stone, generation after generation held the most coveted spots. He could no longer be a head butler. He was lucky to get a lower servants job, his tasks were something a child might do, running errands, serving lower guests. He had far too much free time.

He found his mind wandering, at night he would toss and turn thinking of Celia...the man. Who was he? What had he taken that day? What was he after? Why did he dress as a woman? Clearly he was an insane pervert and they were never to meet again so what did any of it matter? And yet Beckett found himself intrigued.

He couldn't stop thinking about those eyes, that voice... his true voice and what he had said upon their parting. 'Heed my advice, find a master who is truly worthy of your devotion'. With the passing of each day Beckett found himself more and more restless. He found he was no longer content to just blindly serve. When he found the master he was serving, unworthy, he'd pack up his things and leave.

He moved from place to place and became driven to seek out and find a master, who was, truly worthy of him. There were times when he barely got by, times when he almost starved and yet he kept going. He could not, would not stop until he found who he was looking for.

Years came and went, Beckett drifted from day to day and then one day he heard a familiar laugh. He'd been at a new job for nearly three months. The master was old but decent enough. Beckett was again lower staff, delegated to meaningless chores. On this night he was holding the wine tray at an extravagant party, the masters son was throwing. He moved idly through the room serving wine and taking away empty glasses. He'd just come out with a new tray of wine, when he heard her...him laughing.

He spun around in place, his eyes darted around the room until Beckett found him. Again he was dressed as a woman. He was surrounded by men, all biding for his attention. He smiled and casually flirted. Like a magnet, Beckett drifted toward him and offered him a new glass of wine. He turned from his conversation, glancing up at him and their eyes locked. The familiar smile spread across his lips. He finished off his glass of wine and then took a new one before continuing his conversation.

Beckett lingered for a moment but was eventually called away as someone raised their hand for a glass of wine. Beckett did his best to keep an eye on him through out the entire night. His mind raced with adrenaline and excitement. Beckett wondered what he was doing here. What he was up to. At one point he watched him sneak upstairs and into one of the rooms that was off limits, to guests. Beckett saw when he was spotted and then chased out of the house, by several men.

Without hesitation Beckett rushed outside to see them fighting. It wasn't long before they found out what he was. It was clear he could fight, from the way he handled himself but there were so many of them. When it was discovered he was a man, even more joined in. Beckett knew the man couldn't take them all, not even he could.

More and more people gathered outside. Beckett watched him being beaten, broken and it was like something inside him snapped. He tossed his tray of wine to the floor and set fire to the estate, drawing the attention of on lookers and some that were fighting. They rushed to put the fire out and Beckett stepped outside.

He fought like he never had before taking out the remaining men, who had not been distracted by the fire. When there was no one left to fight, Beckett took him up into his arms and carried him away. He was badly beaten but still awake...aware. The item he'd stolen was still tightly in his grasp, even after all he'd gone through.

Beckett ran several blocks before the man told him where to go, an address for a local hotel. Beckett quickly took him there and snuck him inside. He treated his injures the best he could. When Beckett was done the man thanked him for saving his life. He said he owed Beckett and allowed him to make a request.

Beckett simply wanted to know his name and his story, his true story. He sat there for some time staring off into space but eventually nodded. He introduced himself as Velona Avic Stokes. He told Beckett his story then and what a story it was. The illegitimate son of a duke, raised as a girl. His mother murdered before his very eyes. Barley escaping a fire that sought to take his life, traveling from place to place, abused, mistreated, overcoming everything, training and pursuing his vengeance at any cost. Beckett took in every word he said and knew it was true.

When Velona was finished speaking, they settled down for the night. Velona slept in the bed and Beckett slept on the floor. He kept an eye on Velona for several hours, making sure he was alright. When he was sleeping soundly Beckett laid down. He stared up at the ceiling, feeling fire in his belly and excitement in his heart. Something he hadn't felt in years, perhaps ever. He closed his eyes and felt this was right. This was where he needed to be, where he was always meant to be.

He woke early the next morning and went to check on Velona, only to find he was gone. A letter was in his place. It was a farewell. Velona thanked him again for last night but made it clear there association should end here. He wished Beckett well and again hoped one day he would find someone who was truly worthy of his devotion.

He included some money, enough to get Beckett by for a few months but he didn't care. As soon as he was finished reading the letter, panic swept him. He'd finally found what was missing...who he'd been looking for all his life and now Beckett feared he'd slipped away. He quickly quelled his panic and resolved himself to action.

He rushed from the room and ran to the front desk, hoping to find out when Velona had departed but they knew nothing. He darted outside and scoured the streets. He saw sketches of them were being posted from last night. The authorities were looking for them. He knew he had to get out of here but kept looking. After a few blocks he settled his mind, thinking of where Velona could be.

Surely by now, he too would have noticed the wanted posters and try to find the quickest way out of here. He heard a train in the distance and rushed to the train station but didn't see any passenger trains. A freight train was slowly passing through. He went to the ticket booth to find out if any passengers trains had left that morning but there was a line. He stood in it and casually looked around to see if anyone recognized him. A few seconds later a familiar purple hat blew onto the station platform, catching his attention.

In the distance he saw a woman, running on the tracks, after the freight train. She threw her suitcase inside an open car and was struggling to grasp hold of the train. Beckett knew it was him. He jumped onto the track, much to the shock of onlookers and took off after him. He was faster then Velona and quickly caught up to him.

Velona tried to run faster and began to hold his side. Beckett ran up beside him. The two glanced at one another. Velona looked frightened and then relieved. He must have thought Beckett was the authorities. The two kept running along side the train. Beckett pushed himself to be faster. He ran in front of Velona and jumped, grasping hold of the train.

He climbed into the open car and quickly turned. He grabbed onto something solid and leaned out of the train. He reached out for Velona but he didn't take his hand. He just looked at it. He was beginning to wheeze. It was clear he couldn't keep going at this pace for much longer, with his injuries. Beckett called out to him. "I FOUND SOMEONE WORTHY...TAKE MY HAND!"

Their eyes locked for a moment and something distant, dormant …awakened Velona pushed himself to run faster, grasping hold of the open hand. Beckett held tight and swung them both inside the train. They hit the floor and Beckett fell on his back. Velona laid on top of him and the trains whistle blew as it began to pick up speed. The two stared at each other locked in silence. Velona studied Beckett for a moment and then leaned in, kissing him.

Beckett had kissed a few women over the years. It always felt dry...mechanical, like going through the motions but this kiss, took his breath away. It sent a tingling sensation throughout his entire body. He felt absolutely powerless, vulnerable and yet fulfilled.

Suddenly Velona pulled back and it was over. He rolled off him and began to fix his hair. Beckett danced his finger tips across his lips and then came to his senses. He cleared his throat and sat up. He noticed Velona was bleeding again and quickly treated his injures. When he was finished Velona pulled away and made it clear. "Know this, if you choose to follow me. I am not responsible for what happens to you. I care not what happens to me or those around me as long as in the end I get my revenge,"

They sat in silence for some time as the train passed through the country side. Beckett thought over his words and then made it clear to Velona, "You can have your vengeance. All that I desire is to serve you and stay by your side, until the bitter end."

Velona looked at him. "You are a fool...but I can be my fool. So be it but do not get in my way."

From that day on they had been together ever since. They traveled to many places and had gone by many names. At first it was as Mistress and servant and then when Beckett learned the ropes, they went as husband and wife. Many a dark deed was done but nothing that Beckett regretted. At any point he could have walked away but he chose to stay by Velonas' side. Some might call it devotion, perhaps even love but the truth was Beckett just knew where he wanted to be.


Beckett burst upstairs unsure of what he would find. He closed his eyes listening for the sounds he'd heard earlier, hoping to pinpoint where they were coming from but alas all seemed to have gone quiet. Frustrated, he opened his eyes and rushed from room to room. He saw remnants of a struggle, and quickened his pace. He paused when he came upon the library. He saw the door open and Velona stumble out naked and bleeding. Their eyes met for a moment and Velona weakly smiled at him.

Becketts' heart twinged and he rushed up to him frantically. "What happened!? Are you okay!?"

"I..." Velona sounded uncertain and then calm. "Yes...I am now,"

Beckett reached out, touching him. He seemed different somehow. The smell of alcohol was stronger then ever. He must have been as drunk as a sunk by now. Beckett had no idea what had happened but stepped into action.

He quickly removed his jacket and wrapped it around Velona before lifting him up. It was important to get him out of here and somewhere safe. Should anyone see him like this, everything they'd worked for would be ruined and both their lives would be in danger.

He carried him up to the third floor. To a bedroom he knew would be safe, from prying eyes. He laid him down in a bed and quickly examined him. Most the blood seemed to be coming from a head wound. It was small but deep. Beckett tore his shirt and pressed the cloth against the wound, hoping to slow or even stop the bleeding.

Velona lightly pawed at him but mostly just dozed. Beckett demanded to know what had happened but Velona just continued to smile. He seemed relaxed and carefree. When he eventually spoke his words were slurred and hard to make out. Beckett just managed to catch Korinas' name, Velona said it over and over again to himself before yawning and passing out.

Beckett made sure he was still breathing and continued to check his head wound. When it had stopped bleeding, he moved to look at the other injuries. There was scrapes and scratches all over his body. Beckett treated Velona as best he could before tucking him in. He left the room, locking the door behind him. Then he grasped a candelabra and returned to the darken hallway, before the library. He wasn't sure what to expect but knew he'd take care of it.


Korina continued to lay there, wide eyed and motionless. She stared up at the ceiling as something warm seeped out of her. Time trickled by as shadows danced across the ceiling. Slowly she became more and more aware. She listened to the sound of her heart beat and then her voice as she realized she was crying.

She choked on her whimpers, struggling to breath. It took her a moment to realize the fabric was still wadded up in her mouth. It took so much energy to raise her hand and pull it out. She could taste her own blood and her vision blurred with her tears.

Everything hurt, her mind felt like it had been shattered, there were so many thoughts, yet she couldn't hold on to a single one. Everything felt so vivid, so real and yet unreal. For the longest time she just stared up at the ceiling. She found she couldn't look away from the dancing…shadows.

When Korina finally managed to blink, she was able to look away but then everything hit her all at once. She was overwhelmed with flashes of what had happened. She sobbed once more uncontrollably, she nearly passed out hyperventilating. She stared back at the ceiling and everything grew quiet.

She just laid there once more and then a single, terrifying, thought broke through, the scattered chaos of her mind. It consumed her every being. The Baroness…she could… he could come back. HE COULD COME BACK!'

Korina had to get up, had to get out of here...had to get away. Somehow, she mustered the strength to move. She attempted to sit up but was in so much pain. Instinctively, she reached between her legs, where he had...had... She felt something wet. When she pulled her hand back and into the moonlight, it glistened, covered in blood. She turned, rolling on her side and then her stomach, laying back down.

She closed her eyes feeling sick and tired. She felt like she was burning up. Several moments passed before she tried to move again. She knew she needed to hurry, fearing his return but it was painful, hard to keep going. She opened her eyes and looked forward to the door. It was open. If she could just make it to the the door. She willed herself to move, dragging her body across the floor.

She made it to the doorway and kept going, forcing herself into the hall before she had to rest. She felt suddenly dizzy as she was hit with the temperature change of the room. She laid on the hall floor, feeling the cold air wash over her. She'd been so hot but now found herself cold, almost freezing. She was feverish, delirious with the pain and shock of it all. She began to shiver.

She attempted to focus, to get on her hands and knees but found what little strength she had was all but gone. She barely managed to hold herself off the ground. Her legs didn't want to cooperate, the pain between them was too much to bare. She heard footsteps and panicked, fearing who they might belong to. She tried to scramble away but felt dizzy, oh so dizzy and then sick. She vomited on the floor before falling into it and passing out.

Thank you for Reading^^




© 2011 Leona Keyoko Pink All Rights Reserved Contact Leona at

May not be reproduced in whole or part without express written permission.

Thanks for reading!