Chapter 2
Day Mode


Chapter 2:

“It really was the last straw. I warned Gordon not to over cook the meat and just last night would you believe what he did?” Vira gave a long dramatic pause, “He over cooked it!” She turned away distraught before continuing, “So there I was sitting in front all my guests, as they politely pretended they didn’t know but I knew. I knew...I could tell they could taste it. That it had been overcooked. And I couldn’t have that, no I could not. He’d been working for me for nearly four months but last night I just had to let him go-”

Velona ran his tongue across the top row of his teeth. He’d been here for nearly an hour now, listening to Vira go on and on. He began to wonder, how much longer he was going to have to suffer through these pleasantries before she finally got to down to business.

It was quiet clear she wanted something. Velona hadn’t even risen from bed, when he’d received her urgent letter requesting Aviannas’ presence. This was one of the reasons he never fully undressed. He untucked himself at night, loosened a few things here or there but he knew, should there be a fire, an urgent request, or some other unforseen event to always stay partially in his female form. He needed to be ready at a moments notice.

As Avianna she’d quickly finished dressing, called for her carriage to be readied and had her servants cancel her entire day. Most might think the morning would be enough but not with Countess Vira Bray, a light conversation for this woman could last hours. Anything of real urgency was bound to take all day...if not several.

Of course he regretted having to cancel his morning ride. It was the one thing he made sure to do everyday, for himself. It wasn’t as if he couldn’t take it later but he liked to start the day off right. As Avianna he’d take his horse out to the edge of his land until he could see the Stokes estate. He’d stare out at it as a reminder to keep his eye on the prize. That one day, soon enough this would all be over and at last vengeance, would be his.

For a moment his ice blue eyes flickered with furry as he brought his tea cup to his mouth. He sipped it lightly and then put on one of Avianna’s pleasant attentive smiles. “I see,” said Avianna, “But of course what choice did you have? You couldn’t allow such a thing to go on. The first time could be overlooked but surely not a second,”

“My thoughts exactly,” said Vira. Her eyes lit up. She was pleased that Avianna agreed with her. “Word would surely get out that my dinners were atrocious and no one would ever attend one of my gatherings again,”

“Oh I wouldn’t go that far,” said Avainna, “Your company in itself is such a delight and an honor.”

Vira’s smile widened and her thick layers of makeup cracked. Velona kept a shit eating grin on his face, thinking he was really shoveling it in today. Everyone in Crestmoore already knew Vira was atrocious. In her old age she could be offended simply by the changing of the wind.

Given her age and title, no one dared to slight her, or turn an invitation down. If they should, Vira would surely badmouth them to anyone who’d listen and passively aggressively torment them with her politeness. At least until they properly apologized and an apology to Vira could cost you. Velona always made a point to handle her with care.

Vira took a sip of her tea and then continued, “Just the same, I’m out yet another chef,”

Velona’s eyes sparked, perhaps this was why he’d been summoned to help with the loss of Vira’s chef, “If you need a recommendation. I’d be more then happy to assist,”

“Oh no it not necessary, I’m dear friends with Corlin Melos, he’s head of the Trazvu(Tra-as-voo) academy. I sent him a letter first thing this morning. I’m sure he will send his best and brightest graduate in no time. Of course until then I’ll shall have to settle for Roman. He’s a bit loose with the spices but we’ve had a talk. My taste buds are just so delicate these days and these young chef’s are so brazen. I miss my Misha-”

Velona internally grimaced, it was far too early in the day for this. Why, oh why did he have to sit through this. He knew this story by heart now as Vira babbled on. She’d grown up with a world renown chef, Misha, who’d worked for her family for thirty years.

He died in her twenties and no chef, or man for that matter ever lived up to her expectations again. As Avianna, Velona kept a pleasant smile plastered on his face. He took another sip of his tea and  realized he was going to have to pry it out of her. “Yes, good chef’s can be so hard to find these day. It is quite dreadful really. I am glad you called upon me to discuss such matters,”

“Yes, well that wasn’t the reason I called upon you,” said Vira, “I’m afraid the matter I wish to discuss with you is much more grave,”

“Oh my, has something happened?” asked Velona wide eyed, waiting.  

“Well,” said Vira enjoying, Avianna’s full attention, “Yes… You are still fairly new here Avianna. Though I feel I have known you nearly all my life,”

“Yes, I feel the same,” On with it you old bat.

“Well there are things about me, you don’t know. I had a daughter once,”

Velona knew all about Vira Brays estranged daughter Dillie Bray. He did his home work on everyone in Crestmoore. From what he knew Dillie had been a fragile creature. Vira had often doted upon her, especially after the loss of her husband.

When Dillie was of age Vira had been hesitant to allow her to attend the debutante ball. Of course Vira’s ego won out in the end. She allowed her daughter to attend but could not bring herself to part with her. She turned down the few offers of marriage there had been, deciding Dillie would stay in her care.

Dillie of course had other plans. In the middle of the night, she’d snuck away with a young poor inventor that had been passing through. From there she was never seen or heard from again. Vira had been left devastated. She disavowed all relation to her daughter and even wrote her out of her estate.

For nearly two years Vira was practically a recluse and then one day, she just popped back into society as if nothing had ever happened. Of course this was all some twenty five years ago or so. It was before. Velona always measured time in before the incident and after.

He put on a shocked expression and pretended to known nothing of Dillie, “Did you? I did not know,”

“Yes, well,” said Vira, “It was a long time ago. She married young and moved to the mountains. We barely kept in touch,”

If that was the story she wanted to go with, okay, sure. Personally, if it were him he would have never mentioned the matter of his daughter again. It was best to let such things be forgotten with time. Unless there were a reason to address them once more.

He took another sip from his teacup, thinking. Perhaps this was why Vira had called upon him. Had the estrange daughter returned, after all these years. Was she looking to re-enter society once more. It would be near impossible, given the shame she brought down on her family. Yes it would be a hard sell. No one would really accept her. They might be polite at best but most would not even acknowledge her existence. Really it would be better for all parties involved if she never returned-

“She passed some years ago,” said Vira bringing Velona from his thoughts.

“Oh,” said Velona, “I’m sorry for you loss,” Truly he didn’t give a shit but found himself annoyed. Yet again he did not know the reason he had been summoned here. His head was beginning to ache dully. A migraine was no doubt beginning to form. Of course he didn’t show it. No, people only saw what he wanted them to see. And right now they saw Avianna politely sipping her tea, as she showed interest in her dear friends sorrow.

“Yes, it was some eight years ago,” said Vira. She stared off into space for a moment.

He felt a slight twinge in his chest as he remembered his own loss. “Hmm, some losses you never get over,” He more then anyone should know.

“Yes,” said Vira turning to Velona “The reason I called you here today,”

“Yes,” Oh yes out with it.

“My daughter Dillie, that was her name. She had a daughter. Well she had a son too but he passed I believe in some accident. I’m not quite sure. Anyway, Dillie connected with me just before she passed. We caught up and after she died I didn’t stay in touch,” said Vira she pulled a handkerchief out of her dress and began to dip her eyes, though there weren’t any tears “Some months ago I received a letter from Dillies’… Dillies’…husband,” Vira seemed to have a hard time getting that word out. “I found it rather peculiar as we weren’t fond of one another. But he informed me he was dying. He also told me of the passing of the son. Only the youngest child the girl was left. It would seem I’m all the family she has left,”

“Really,” said Velona. He set his teacup down, acting as if he were entranced in the conversation.

“Yes,” Vira said waving her handkerchief around, “Well he begged me to take her in and see to her care. After what he did-” Vira nearly let the truth slip out but caught herself. “Anyway, it being a dying mans’ wish and all and of course her being blood, how could I refuse,”

“Yes, of course, of course. It is the noble thing to do,” said Velona. He knew Vira wasn’t a noble woman. It was her pride that would not allow her, to turned her only living relative away. If word got out that she’d denied a dying mans wish and had forsaken a young girl who could not be held accountable for the sins of her dead parents. How would it make Vira look? Vira was all about appearance. Who would give her attention and sympathies if they knew she’d done such a thing.

“Of course I have no idea what I am to do with her. Am I to be expected to care for her for the rest of my life. The man suggested I put in the debutante ball, that I just see to it she finds a husband. Someone to take care of her. The boldness of the man, asking me to put he in the debutante ball,”

“Hmm,” said Velona. Vira seemed distraught and put out but Avianna knew it was not so. He could see a twinge of delight in Vira’s eyes. To have a girl in the debutante ball, the prime event of the season, especially given her past. Vira and her granddaughter would be the talk of the season. It might even be enough to make up for what her daughter had done...if she were to garner the attention of a proper man.

“Of course, I made no promises,” said Vira, “Given her age,” Vira lowered her voice as if someone of importance other then them might hear, “She is nineteen,”

“Hmm,” said Avianna. The was a bit old but not beyond the debutante ball. Twenty would have been much worse and of course a woman marrying beyond twenty-five was unheard of.

“I said I’d looked into it and made arrangements for her to travel here. She arrived just last night,”

“How was she?” asked Velona. Strangely he found himself curious. After that build up who could blame him.

“Dreadful, she is absolutely dreadful. The situation is far worse then I thought it might be. It appears impossible, just beyond. I thought perhaps she might have some of her mothers looks or graciously some of my own but she is repulsive. If her looks weren’t enough her behavior is toxic. I sent one of my best servants to accompany her on her travel and he has informed me of such things. I dare not repeat. I still had to see for myself and it was just awful. I would have sent her back but before she’d even arrived a letter from her home arrived, informing me of her father had passing some two days after her departure to come here. So now I have no where I can send her. I can do nothing with her absolutely nothing.”

Vira twisted and seemed quite distressed. Hazley also seemed alarmed. Velona knew Vira’s health wasn’t the best these days. He wondered if this might send her over the edge. He watched with slightly amusement. After some time Vira calmed herself much to his disappointment.

Eventually he pretended to comfort her. “There there. There must be something that can be done?”

Vira’s mood quickly shifted so much that it surprised Velona. She gave him a side glance, “Perhaps...perhaps…” she said coyly. Velona struggled not to sigh. This was it. This was why she had been summoned. Vira continued, “Perhaps you might be able to do something? I heard you attended the Archin Academy for Ladies,”

“Years ago...yes,” said Velona. Archin was the best Academy a young women could hope to attend. Every single graduate was certified a proper lady and highly sought after by the most elite men. It was a badge of honor have a wife from Archin. Of course Velona had never attended. He’d had special training far more advanced then Archin’s and far more difficult but it had been necessary for his plans.

Two years before he returned to Crestmoore, he hunted down a graduate from Archin, an Avianna Toruk. She had the right look and he was easily able to assume her identity. Before he took her life he made sue to get as many details as he could. He was sure now that if her parents were alive not even they would know the difference between him and their daughter.

“I heard you gave Andree Matok’s niece a make over and help Orla Melstins’ daughter in the last debutante ball,”

It was true, he grew bored sometimes waiting for his plan to come to fruition. He knew everything about being a women, so why not put it to some use from time to time. Humbly Velona responded, “I gave them a few tips here or there,”

“Perhaps you could give my granddaughter some tips and prepare her for the ball,” said Vira before picking up her own tea cup and taking a sip.

They both knew from what Vira had described that this girl was going to need far more then a few tips. No, Vira wanted Avianna’s time and expertise. Velona saw this an an opportunity to finally be rid of his debt to her.

In elite society, one could not just show up. They had to be introduced and not by just anyone. If one wished to become any real part of society, they needed someone of influence. Velona had sought out Vira, because of her standing in Crestmoore, her title and her overall seniority.

The whole process took nearly six months, from the time he’d chosen Vira to introduce his family, to the point of contact, making arrangements, buying the proper estate, and finally the introduction itself. Ultimately it had been a success, everyone in Crestmoore knew Valance, and Avianna Corday. In just three years they had become a highlight of Crestmoore Society.

Of course in those three years Vira had never let Velona forget, she was the one who introduced them. He thought he could exchange gifts, or other various goods to appease her introduction but the old women made it clear he was indebted to her. That he owed her for their current life, in Crestmoore. He’d been waiting for the moment, for the day when he could clear his debt to her in full.

Today appeared to be that day. Vira was trying to skirt around it but he wanted to make things clear. This was it. This was the favor that would repay his debt to her. Politely he smiled, “Oh my, I don’t know. From what I understand of our conversation, it sounds like this would be quiet the undertaking. The debutante ball is less then three months away. Without looks, without understanding of or ways, it would be near impossible to get your granddaughter ready for such an event,”

“If you think it can not be done. I understand,” said Vira disappointed.

“I did not say it was impossible,” said Velona, “Oh nearly,” Vira looked at him and Velona continued, “It would be quite the favor,”

“Yes,” said Vira. He could see she understood but he needed her to say it.

Velonas’ eyes igniting. “I suppose I owe you this, in exchanged for all you have done for me,”

Vira paused taking in Velona’s words. She nodded and then said, “Yes...I suppose we would be even,”

“Then consider it done,” said Velona “Now you must allow me to have a look at this young lady and see what, if anything can be accomplished”

The offer had been made and accepted. Velona’s heart swelled. Here he was thinking this morning was a waste of his time. Yet now he found himself about to be free of a three year debt. He still needed to take a look at the girl but he was confident he could make her presentable. Of course there was only so much one could do. You could put makeup on a pig, teach it to drink tea but it would always be a pig.

“Yes, yes,” said Vira. She motioned to Hazley.

He stepped up to them from his post, “Bring me the girl at once,”

“Yes Countess,” he briskly turned and walked away.

They sat in silence then for a few minutes. Vira must have been worried about something. She wrung her hands and said, “I trust that what we have discussed today will stay between us,”

“Of course,” said Velona. “I would never dream of breaking your thrust.” They sat through another moment of silence. Before something occurred to Velona. If he were to do anything with this girl it was clear he’d need time, “Might I inquire as to what you are telling others of your granddaughter?”

“You are the fist person of any importance that knows of her arrival,” said Vira. She paused then recalling yesterdays events, “Though there was an incident yesterday,”

“An incident?” asked Velona raising an eyebrow.

“Nothing I can’t take care of,” said Vira. Not wishing to share the details. It was unlike her. Velona made a note of it and continued, “So beyond me and your staff no one knows of her presence,”

“Yes...” said Vira not wishing to mention Duke Kerr. She hoped the entire events of yesterday would be overlooked. She had spent nearly half the night preparing a special package for him in exchange for his forgiveness. She cleared her throat and attempted to move on  “I had thought to introduce her to my guests last night. But as things are I wont allow anyone to see her like this. Save for you, since you’ve offered to help,”

“Of course in exchange for all you have done for me,” He wasn’t going to let her change things around. This was a favor not an offer. “Might I suggest you tell your staff to keep her arrival quiet. Delay the news for as long as you can. A month or so. If someone does learn of her arrival and presence here then say she is but a fragile creature and needs to rest from such a long trip. Either way keep her from being called on as long as you can. It will allow me time to make adjustments.”

“Yes, yes, so that when she is called upon she is not so atrocious. Wonderful! I shall do just that.”

“Tell me?” asked Velona after another moment, “Does she know of the passing of her father,”

“No,” said Vira, “I was to tell of tell her last night but forgot. I suppose I should tell her of it this morning,”

“Do not such thing!” said Velona, “Until the debutante ball let not a word of it slip. We need her to be focused these next few weeks. I will need her full attention and grief could possibly diminish even the slightest chance we have of making her presentable,”

“Yes...I could see that. Only I and Hazley know of the news. I shall keep it a secret,” Vira looked at Avianna and was almost surprised at how capable she was. Here Vira was devastated, thinking of what she could do and Avianna knew just how to handle everything. She smiled pleased with herself for thinking to call upon such a woman.

The door opened a moment later and Hazley entered, “The young lady awaits outside,”

“Bring her in,” said Vira.

“Yes,” said Hazley.

Hazley bowed and left the room. A moment later, he opened the doors and announced, “Lady Andon,”

Velona adjusted himself in his chair and then flattened out some creases in his dress. He wasn’t expecting much from Vira’s description of the girl. He mentally prepared himself for what was no doubt going to be a massive undertaking.

His gaze rose slow and steady as a young women seemed to drift into the room. His breath caught in his throat. She had a way about her, a slight glow, her skin was tanned from being out in the sun most her life. Her hair was long, quite long, as if she had never cut a single strand in her entire life. It was messy but flowed around her in such a way.

She was wearing a fur robe, that clearly did not suit her and a nightgown that clung to her bosom and the outline line of her body. It was as if she were wearing nothing underneath it. Her neck was a nice length, her face was round like a dolls and her lips were full slightly parted. Her eyes, her eyes were large, round, open and alert, full of curiosity. She didn’t have an ounce of makeup on her and yet he could see a wild beauty. She was unlike any women he’d ever seen before…

His chest ached and he looked away annoyed. He realized he hadn’t been breathing and exhaled He took in a large breath of air and wondered if his corset was a bit too tight. He had laced it rather quickly this morning.

The young women stepped up and he turned to looked at her once more as she spoke, “Grandmother if I may ask about my others dresses? Could I please keep them, if I were to promise not to wear them eve-”

“The matter is closed!” snapped Vira, repulsed before turning to Velona. “Do you see what I was talking about?”

“Yes,” said Velona. He took a more critical look at her. He could see dirt now and things tangled in her hair. Still Vira had been mistaken about her looks. Velona felt he could do something with them. He’d handled much worse with a bit of adjusting here or there she might pass for something decent.

Her ill behavior was indeed atrocious. The young women had not curtsied to greet her grandmother nor him. She’d approached without permission, spoken without first being spoken to and had made a request, when she was clearly in no position to do so. Curious about her request Velona asked, “What of these dresses?”

“She arrived to me in such filth,” said Vira, “She claimed her clothes used to belong to my Dillie. I can’t imagine the state she must have been in. Not a single dress was suitable for even my lowest servant. I had my men destroy them all last night,”

“NO!” cried Korina rushing up to them, “PLEASE THOSE WERE MY MOTHERS… PLEASE!”

Again his chest ached. She had such fierceness, such passion in her eyes. Without thinking Velona rose and moved to stand before her. He was taller then her, quite clearly he was taller then almost every women in Crestmoore even though he crouched.

He locked eyes with the young woman, staring her down as he spoke in a pleasant voice with a harsh undertone, “You shall not speak, less spoken to and you are to not ever raise your voice to such a volume,”

The girl took him in and was clearly frightened. He found himself enticed as her eyes began to water. He wanted to put her in her place. He stepped forward and she stepped back shuddering she asked” W..who...who are you?”

He parted his lips to introduce himself but caught a whiff of something. It was faint at first but after a moment it became overwhelming. He was used to an array of smells, perfumes of the elite, the sweat of servants, the odor of the stables. This young woman's scent was unlike anything he’d ever taken in. His nostrils flared breathing her in.

Suddenly he felt his member stir. It did not stir! From time to time, it might adjust itself but he kept it carefully tucked and strapped away. His life depended on it. Often times he was completely able to ignore it. He became angry as it swelled, pressing against his bindings. It was no doubt a hormonal reaction. He was of course strong enough to control such a basic instinct. He concentrated and made himself flaccid once more.

Once it had been taken care of, he glared at this young woman, finding her repulsive. She was a wild animal. A dirty rodent. She was beneath him. He grimaced, knowing he still had to deal with her. Velona had given his word and did not take it back. He would get this...this thing, he did not recall its name. He would get it presentable and he would be done with his debt to Countess Vira Bray once and for all.

Velona turned his back on the pathetic thing. Vira looked up at him hopeful, “Well is there hope?”

He put on a false smile, “I see potential but we’ll have to start right away. Have her bath again and then send her to my estate this afternoon for a late lunch and for further assessment.”

“This afternoon! I still haven’t gotten in touch with my dress maker. She has nothing suitable to wear. Perhaps we could start in a week or so. By then she should have at least one suitable dress”

“Let her wear what she has on. I already have a dress maker at my home. I will see to it that she is attended to,”

“Oh my, thank you!” said Vira, smiling. Her makeup cracked again.

“If you’ll excuse me. I shall take my leave. There is much I need to prepare,” said Velona.

“Of course, of course,” Vira.

Velona curtsied to her and then walked to the door. While he waited for Hazley to come and open it for him, he took another quick glance at the pathetic thing he was to assist. She was just standing there, bewildered. He sighed and knew this wasn’t going to be easy, but nothing ever was for Velona.

Thank you for reading^^


© 2011 Leona Keyoko Pink All Rights Reserved Contact Leona at

May not be reproduced in whole or part without express written permission.

Thanks for reading!


© 2011 Leona Keyoko Pink All Rights Reserved Contact Leona at

May not be reproduced in whole or part without express written permission.

Thanks for reading!