Perversion's Power
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Extras(Behind the Scenes)

Last updated 01/21/2025

So alot of behind the scenes stuff happened during this one.
-I got my first surgery
-I learned how to do ebooks, posted ebooks, then had to disband ebooks due to various concerns. ><
-Magic and I debated future of website


-There are certain books I think of whenever I think of stepping away. This was one of them. I would think to myself but they won't know about Perversion's Power.

I wanted to do this one for a while but I wanted the timing to be right.

-The original was set in 3rd person. Eventually I switched it to first person and split book 1 into 2 books.

-Years ago, I started a comic then stopped it deciding to just release a book version instead.(If I ever did a comic version again it would be based off the book/series as I'd like to take more liberties)

Dr. Cole's name was orginally Callen changed to Callum at last second.

I picture this being set in a low tech society closer to 1920/1950's.

As you know I adjust some things in the books/lives. I read somewhere that when details are too strange it pulls people out of the story. So I just do minor details.

The system they were living in had three moons to their planet and they had yet to discover space. I called it "space" thought they called something else. It's easier to call it "space" then by what they called it cause you get the jist of the context without being all what is Aurari(Aura-rare-e)meaning outer scope of the livable/visble plane etc.

In bound I they were eating different foods then mentioned but I changed them to be more >> realistic. Magic also took out the fact that they had two moons on that planet.

These are little detials but thought you might find them interesting.

This would have been my 3rd Ebook. Magic retired in June 2024. Content became website only as he did all the store stuff. I wanted to still offer Ebooks and did learn how to do it. I released Amends(Refesher) and Two Lovers in December 2024/Jaunary 2025 but could not find a suitable way to distrubute them and things got complicated. Other concerns arose and thus we ended the Ebooks section.

I finished the second versions of this before my surgery. Then decided to do another 3rd and finaly version as I released it with the final ending. Ending two was only 6 pages. Ending 3 came out to 15 pages.

Ending 1- Just had the mention of proxy.
Ending 2-Just had the mention of what he did to her parents.
Ending 3- Showed what he did along with proxy etc.

Dr. Cole does not believe in past lives nor does he think himself to be the reincarnation of Urel.


FAQ(If I get any questions I can put them and the answers here)


Thank you all for your support^^

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© 2011 Leona Keyoko Pink All Rights Reserved Contact Leona at

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© 2011 Leona Keyoko Pink All Rights Reserved Contact Leona at

May not be reproduced in whole or part without express written permission.

Thanks for reading!