Thank you to everyone who shared Perversion's Power and the website in general. It really does mean alot to me. ^^ As you know I'm not very social and it means alot to me that people not only enjoy the content but are sharing it! Thank you again so much.
Sorry for the long pause between Perversion's Power and now. I compiled a list of all the things I want to do right now and have given them a number so that they all have a chance. If there is any project you'd like me add to the list let me know.
Top 5 Lists
I updated all the top fives. Books Perversion Power is now Overall and 2025 #1. For Comix Craven jumped to #1. For Shorts Quickie made it onto top fife.
Two Lovers Volume two
I posted the first chapter of Two Lovers Volume Two last night. I mentioned this in the authors note that updates will be a little different not every book update will be Two Lovers. I'd like to alternate some. There is a surprise I've been looking into as I said I've been makine some covers and such.
Perversion's Power
Right now, it's number one and has now surpassed two Lovers Volume 2 in overall for top 5 books. As I said I just started tallying the numbers last year and website only. I used to do top five by sales but we no longer have our books in store. Otherwise Bound Kept was our reigning champion. I remember when Roberries came out I was like I wonder if anything will ever be higher then that and then Bound Kept was released and both Magic and I were blown away. Speaking of Bound Kept.
Okay so I have had some requests for this. Origionally Magic wanted me to wait to put it up. I got permission but rather then just put it up as is I wanted to give it another look. Magic agreed but only if he can look at every change. So it is being looked into just going to take some time. We did this book together so its 50/50 on every decision. I plan to add some author notes/behind the scenes. I'm torn on if I should just upload chapters as we get them done or just wait and do the whole book.
Broken- Broken part 5 is close to popping. I've got 9/15 debu done.
Craven- I have been looking into this I just got super excited about something. I'd like to share soon.
MSS- I'm uploading two pages at a time and have started the second page so might update soon.
Asunder-Should be the newest one. It's subject matter is a bit dark so we'll see if it gets picked up after the 15.
Two Lovers- I am up to the blind date. If you want me to start posting it an update as I go. If I get one review/comment for the book Tow Lovers I'll start posting it otherwise I'll save it till/when/if its done.
If ther is any project I haven't mentioned and you'd like to know about let me know.
Current Book
Two Lovers Volume 2 (Read Now(D)(N)
One can no longer deny their love...the other will abuse it.
She just wants to drift and doesn't want to care anymore.
The more they struggle the harder they fall.
Two Lovers
Volume 2
If you have any questions always feel free to email.
Thanks for reading^^