 Night Mode 

"You eat like a fucking garbage disposal! Exhale a little would you, I don't want to have to call another ambulance!"

That...that right there was the moment! The moment Angie Telone truly knew she hated Zak Vossner. Up until that moment she tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. She was raised to never hate anyone! You could dislike someone, not care from them but to hate was unacceptable. Yet after that day in the break room, when he'd walked in her eating her lunch. She made a fucking exception. There had to be an exception to every rule.

When Angie had first met Zak she hadn't thought much about him. He was quiet did something with computers or something. She mostly stayed to her own job and it didn't often involve him, she was an office assistant. She handled calls, took care of files, assist with anyone who needed extra helped made coffee and made the occasional snack run or client drop off. She loved her job, loved the people she worked with. She felt helpful and valued.

She came to work every day with a smile on her face. Sometimes she was so happy she'd bake cookies or cakes for everyone. Of course that all changed when their boss had a grand mal seizure during the weekly. Everyone knew he had epilepsy but they'd rarely seen it affect him. Pace montry was the kindest, most patient boss she'd ever had. He always remembered everyone's birthday and tried to schedule something fun from them all to do quarterly.

They'd all been worried about him when he didn't recover. They called an ambulance and he was taken away. They were able to revive him but he had to take a leave of absence as his doctors ran tests and adjusted his medications. The office wasn't sure what was going to happen…They were in the middle of an important project and had hard deadlines they needed to meet. There was talk of the project being canceled of layoffs. She brought donuts to work hoping to cheer everyone up until things got sorted out. A few days later the big bosses decided put a temporary boss in charge and it was Zak.

He went from being a co-worked who mostly kept to himself in the shadows of the office to being in charge of everyone and everything. Nobody knew what to expect at first things seemed, okay but then...he started to make suggestions, tweaks, to improve there performance. He moved people around assigned longer hours. You know those people who seem reasonable...until they get a little bit of power and it went straight to their head.

Within weeks the office had completely changed, no one had any time to chat, people became stressed out struggling to get their work done. Angie found it hard to smile as Zak changed up her schedule. He had her doing task after task for him, most of it was meaningless like recounting the supplies five times each. Shredding thousands hand books just to print out the exact same ones. He expected her to arrive when he did and stay until he was done for the day. He moved her desk so that she was only a few feet away. He expected her to be at his beck and call should he need anything. She was suppose to be the office assistant, not his personal fucking slave.

He told her to stop bringing cookies and cakes in. He had her clean up the entire break room. He wanted people desk simple...impersonal he thought all their personal touches were distracting. Productivity went up only because they found out he had the ability to fire and hire as he saw fit. As long as he made his deadline upper management didn't care what he did.

Angie got more and more stressed out. She tried to cheer herself up by making herself extravagant lunches. She'd watch little videos late at night and make her food look happy and cheerful. She looked forward to eating her lunch everyday and then it started to go missing. She'd got to eat lunch and it was just gone. She made sure to put her name on it. Even put it in a special container but every time she went to eat lunch it was gone. She couldn't figure out who was eating it and it was really pissing her off.

She decided to take her first break really late and just eat it all then that way no one could steal it. She took it at eleven and he'd walked in on her trying to finish it all in time. Her lunch...her special treat had been the last things she'd been looking forward to. She considered getting another job...maybe finding a less stressful environment when she overhead Bennett and Mason talking. A few days ago Carl had been laid off for supposedly leaking files to their latest project. The client wanted to keep things secret and the big bosses had come down had on Zak wanting answers. He'd thrown Carl under the bus for the leaks but Bennet thought Zak was the leak and Mason wanted to help him prove it. They were hoping to get Zak removed. You can bet Angie jumped on their bang wagon fast. She made it clear whatever they needed she'd get it for them.

She became almost like a spy then gathering information where she could. Who logged on when and where. What time she noted Zak disappearing and where he went to. After a week Bennet found out that their was an off site computer accessing all of their files. Angie didn't understand a tone of it but they needed to get access to this other computer and copy over the data as proof. They thought Zak was keeping this other computer in his house but they weren't sure how they were going to get in. Mason had looked into where he lived and found he lived with his mom and she had a half a dozen dogs. He wasn't sure he'd be able to get into the house long enough to copy the other computer.

Angie stepped up volunteering to get into his house and try to copy the computer. Bennet got her a device that only needed to be within a certain range to copy everything. They wanted to know how she was gonna get into his house but truth be told she didn't really know. Angie was sort of think on her feet kind of girl. She figured she'd get there, ask to use the rest room and go from there.

The day before the "missions" as she called it. She went through to a thrift store. She found a wig and a suit and a name tag. She baked some brownie and put them all in a basket. She got a folder and some pens and planned to pretend she was doing a survey or something for the neighborhood everyone who fills one out gets some brownies! She though that would surely get in the door she'd sneak away to use the bathroom and get what they needed.

When it was time for the mission she called in sick. Then she waited until a little before ten and went to his house. She'd knew they'd all be in the weekly meeting and there was no way he'd be there. She was nervous stepping up to his door but also found it kind of exciting. She knocked on the door and an older woman answered. All at once a half a dozen dogs rushed the door. She loved dogs so she didn't mind. She smiled at Zak's mother she seemed nice and for a moment Angie felt a little bad about this. After all she was trying to get him fired...then again if he was innocent then this would all be forth nothing.

Angie offered her a brownie in exchange for a survey. His mother waved her off, she seemed more interested in the TV then what Angie had to say. Angie had to think fast and got an idea. She called out to her saying not only was she doing surveys but offering assistance, help for free if there was anything she needed. His mother had paused then, Angie thought she'd surely call her on her bullshit but instead she let her in. She said she could clean up some of the dog poop in the yard and house and the bathtube need a good scrubbing. Before she knew it she was getting a whole list of things, like mother like son she guessed.

She offered his mother a brownie and she took it sitting down on in her chair. The dogs all ran around Angie. She gave them attention until they calmed down and then got to work. She picked up dog poop and wandered through the house getting the layout down. She found herself surprised Zak lived her, Mason might have got it wrong. Zak was very well dressed and had a place for everything while the house was a mess and had a smell.

She wondered why he still lived at home? Why he didn't have some swanky apartment or something. After she picked up the poop she wandered around some more and found what she assumed was Zak's room it was the only door with a pad lock on it. She bit her lip and contatced Benet. She wasn't sure if she'd have to pull out and scrub the mission. He told her to put the device as close as she could. She went to the bathroom next door and managed to get a good signal she started the download and then thought she'd scrub the tub like the woman had asked.

It didn't look very good. She also couldn't find the cleaning supplies. She had a hard time turning on the water and ended up breaking the handle. It was likd a nightmare, the water was rushing everywhere, filling up the tube. She began to panic unsure of what to do. She scrambled to turn it off and just barely managed. She went to drain the tub it it wouldn't drain it was like it was broken.

She ran her hands through the dirty water for nearly twenty minutes she kept expecting Zak's mom to come in and kill her for fucking up her bathtub. Eventually she gave up on it, she looked at the device and saw it had copied everything over. She grabbed it and then went to tell his mother what had happened, hoping she wouldn't be to mad. His mother was too far into her show, she kept waving Angie off and even cursed at her to shut up. Angie decided to just get the fuck out of there.

She left the basket of brownies as and I'm so sorry and rushed to her car. She went home cleaned up and waited for the boys to tell her it was safe to come to the office. Zak left early for once, and they called her around seven. She drove into the office and handed them the device. She waited at her desk for nearly an hour hoping the mission had been a success. Eventually Mason came and got her but he didn't seem happy. He took her over to Bennet's computer.

"Did you get what you needed? The proof," she asked.

"Yeah," said Mason he had a really strange look on his face. Her kept rubbing his mouth. Bennet wouldn't even look at her both men seemed very uncomfortable.

"What is it guy? What's wrong?"

"We uh…" Bennet began but stopped.

Mason continued. "We found something else as well."

"Like what?" she asked curiously. Neither of them responded "Guys what is it?" She was beginning to get worried.

"We should show her," said Bennett with a heavy sigh.

"Show me what?" asked Angie.

Mason shook his head and said "When we were looking for proof, we found some other files. Some picture and videos. It seems Zak has been uh…"

"What?" asked Angie

"Watching you," said Mason.

It took Angie some time to process what Mason had said. " Do what?"

"Let's just show her," said Bennett he looked visibly sick.

Mason nodded and grabbed a chair, he motioned for Angie to sit so she could see Bennett's computer. She watched Bennett open some files, some pictures, they were all of her at a distance, at her desk, eating, walking, coming out of the bathroom, looking tired in the elevator, walking to her car, outside her apartment, going for walks her eyes just got wider and wider. Her mind dull, Bennett clicked on a video. She saw a couch that looked like her couch. A moment later her dog Sprocket ran across the couch. It showed him rubbing himself into the couch cushions before he collapsed. He clicked on other camera angles, her bathroom, her bedroom, the kitchen. She realized they were live feeds.

Angie swallowed "What...what is this?"

"We don't know," said Bennet.

"But like how... why… I.." Angie didn't understand.

"Show her the video," said Mason. "The one with her sleeping."

"Sleeping," said Angie. She stared at the computer monitor as Bennet clicked on another file

She saw herself sleeping and a hand reaching pulling back her blankets. He'd...been in her apartment...while.. she was...was...She'd seen enough she pulled away from the computer, shaking her head, "What is going on...why...why does he have...what is this...what is this!"

"I think," said Mason, "If I had to guess, he's stalking you,"

"The dude hates me," said Angie. "He is always sending me on meaningless tasks. He's rude to me and just a jerk. Do you think he is trying to kill me?"

"That's a jump," said Mason.

"Well what other reason would he have to video tape me. Maybe I saw something I shouldn't have," She was trying to rationalize this...she knew she was leaping but...but what the fuck was that. She began to pace about the office.

"You should go to the police," said Bennett.

"The police," said Angie.

"Yeah," said Mason, "The info we got should be good enough for the higher ups to let him go and maybe even press charges but...this...those videos and pictures should be enough for stalking charges at least"

Angie stopped moving, "You want me to go to the police...wont they ask how we got this?"

Mason perked up as Bennett said, "Right...shit..."

"Well what was the plan? " She asked "I meant the higher ups are probably going to ask too"

"Well...we were gonna get the proof then find another way to prove it that didn't show us like breaking and entering." said Bennett.

"Oh" said Angie.

"Yeah but that takes time, this- this seems more pressing, like you should take care of this today." said Mason.

"How?" said Angie. "Wont we get in trouble for like copying his hard drive?"

Bennet got an idea, he turned on the live feed again, "Maybe we can use the live feed, to find a camera and say you found it...that might be enough for them get a warrant to search his place."

"Yeah but you're also betting that the camera will lead back to him." said Mason. "I mean you can't just find a camera and say, hey that guy might be the owner. They'd have to run it or something and it might not trace back to him or he might realize he's been caught and wipe everything before they get their warrant.

"True," said Bennett.

"So what am I gonna do!"

"You could say you got it from an anonymous source?" said Mason. "I mean you could just say you found it on your desk or in the mail."

"If we do it right they might not be able to trace it back." said Bennett. "It's a possible option."

"Possible option…" said Angie feeling overwhelmed. "I just don't understand...any of this. he doing this...What did I ever do to him."

"What the fuck," said Bennett.

Mason and Angie turned to him, he was looking at the computer screen. They looked to see Angie's front door open, Zak rushed in and started running around the apartment frantically.

"What is he doing in my apartment." said Angie.

They watched Zak run into every room, Sprocket ran around him but he ignored the dog. He pushed a chair over getting angry before he ran out of the apartment.

"Well...I...think he knows," said Mason.

"How," said Angie. "We just got this..."

"Think about it, he has a camera on you...he might have one in his own house," said Bennett.

"So he saw me...there today" said Angie. "But I was in a disguise,"

"You mean that cheap wig, you showed us yesterday" said Mason.

"Yeah." said Angie, "It fooled his mom,"

"She never met you in the first place," said Mason.

"Still…I didn't want her to like describe me to Zak just in case"

"Would you two just quit it," said Bennett as he looked through the files on the hard drive until he found the feeds that showed Zak's house, "Yeah he has camera's in his house"

"So he saw me the whole time I was there?"

"I don't think so," said Mason. He went over some back up video's, "It keeps track in increments of time"

"Mason moved through the old feeds and saw the bathroom camera, Angie was messing with the bathtub as it filled with water her wig slipped."

"Shit," she said biting her lip. "I… forgot about that I couldn't drain it. He must have looked to see why the tub was full and then saw me,"

"What were you even doing?" asked Mason as they watched her scrambling about in the water.

"I was trying to clean it and the device copied his computer," said Angie. "The handle broken then I I couldn't figure out how to drain it...JUST IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER!"

Both men looked at her it wasn't like her to rais her voice but given the circumstances she thought it was understandable. "Zak has been stalking me for who knows how long. He has a key to my apartment...AND NOW HE KNOWS WE KNOW!"

"Not necessarily," said Bennett. "He doesn't know what you were doing, he doesn't know about the device. He might just think you were cleaning his house,"

"To what end," said Mason. "She called in sick to work her side gig as a cleaner and just happened upon his house."
"He...might suspect she was after something….you said you couldn't get into his room."

"Yeah it was locked." said Angie rubbing her arms up and down.

"Then maybe he saw you trying to get in...he might realize were on to him but other then that-"

Angie sighed, "I need to sit down." She went to a chair and sat.

"Alright...alright," said Mason. "Let's just come up with a plan here, He's got to be panicking he knows we got the proof that he is the leak and as for Angie's problem. We go the anonymous thing."

"Yeah," said Bennet, "But now...they might see that she was in his house..."

"Great...great..." said Angie. "JUST FUCKING GREAT," said Angie bursting up from her chair.

"Hey...hey calm down. We're gonna come up with something," said Mason. He grasped hold of her arms trying to comfort her. "It's gonna be okay,"

"Is it,"said Angie. "I...I don't know how to handle this...I'm freaking out,"

"Anyone would." said Mason. "Anyone would."

He looked at her, she looked back at him never noticing the color of his eyes before they were like the ocean. He brushed a strand of hair from her face and said, "Calm down, splash some water on your face and give Bennett and me some time to think things through."

"Okay...Okay," she said, "Maybe I'll get something from the vending machines," said Angie. She realized she needed some time to think things through. She needed a cinnamon roll, E4. Maybe a Mega Max bagr J5 and some Krispy Pips C2...yeah….fuck it, she'd get whatever she wanted right now. She pulled from Mason then went to her desk and grabbed some change. She and walked into the hallway and went to the vending machines by the elevators. She put in the change, trying not to think...but she just kept seeing those pictures...him running around in her place and him watching her sleep.

She felt so violated...beyond violated...She never would have thought in a million years he was...anyone was watching her. She felt cold…numb, other thoughts began to run across her mind. Had he been the one taking her lunch. She'd once had her car broken into had that been him as well. What would have happened if she'd woken up while he was there? Why hadn't she woken up while he was there?

She pushed E4 the wrapped cinnamon roll fell into the pick up bin. She bent down to get it as the elevator doors opened. Someone quickly rushed into the hallway. Angie stood up and turned, realizing it was Zak. He looked absolutely frantic, his head turned, seeing her. Their eyes locked and she couldn't help but scream.

Zak quickly rushed shoving his hand over her mouth, she stumbled back and they both fell to the floor. She struggled trying to get away from him. He wrestled with her, pulling his hand off her mouth and she screamed and screamed. He pulled something out of his coat pocket. She didn't know what it was it was so fast. One moment he was coming at her, the next he pressed something against her mouth.

She breathed in deeply from all the screaming and felt...faint.


Bennett and Mason heard Angie's screaming from the office. They rushed into the hallway trying to find out where she was. They saw Angie laying unconscious on the floor by the elevators. Zak was leaning over her brushing, the side of her cheek. He quickly swooped her up into his arms and headed for the open elevator doors.

Mason didn't hesitate, he knew he had to stop him. He burst into a run yelling at him. "PUT HER DOWN, YOU SICK FREAK"

Zak turned dropped Angie in the elevator, as Mason threw a punch at him. Zak moved to the corner and then lunged at Mason, the two struggled grasping hold of each others arms. Mason threw his weight it to Zak, trying to throw him to the ground. Zak kicked Mason feet as he went down, taking them both to the floor. They began struggling throwing punches. Bennett rushed up trying to help, Mason was clearly the stronger fighter and able to roll them both so he was on top. He let loose on Zak and began punching him until he stopped fighting back.

Bennet rushed into the elevator checking on Angie. He checked her pulse and then lifted her up taking her back into the office. He set her on a couch in the break room and tried to wake her by gently tapped her cheeks, "Angie...Angie wake up."

Mason staggered back into the office with bloody knuckles and called out to Bennet, "She okay,"

"I think so but I don't know, were in the break room" call Bennett. "We should call an ambulance and the police."

Mason nodded, "I'll find something to tie him up with until they get here," He looked around the room and then went to the supply closet to look for some zip ties. Bennett kept trying to wake Angie. After a few seconds she let out a whimpered and opened her eyes, "It's're okay now, I'm gonna get you some help, I'll be right back"

He went to his desk and called the police, as the phone rang. Zak stumbled into the office. Mason had done a real number on him, his face was covered in blood. Bennett nearly dropped the phone when he saw he had a gun. He turned it on, Bennett, without warning he shot at him. The first bullet missed but the second bullet hit Bennett in the chest he fell to the floor taking the phone with him.

Mason couldn't find the zip ties, he heard what sounded like a gunshot and rushed out of the supply closet. He saw Zak was up and had a gun. Zak saw him and turned his gun on him, he pulled the trigger but missed. Mason dived to the ground and quickly found cover behind a desk.

Bennett struggled to move as his body surged with pain. He realized he'd been shot. He ran his hand over the wound as he began to bleed out. Someone answered on the phone, he heard a womans voice call out to him. He realized he he was till holding the phone he pulled it to him and painfully gasped "Help...I've been…." he hoped that would be enough to get them here.

Zak continued to stumble through the office looking for Angie. He kept his eyes on the area Mason had come from and could hear Bennet crying on phone. He realized he didn't have much time. Angie rolled off the crouch hearing the gun shots, she felt sick. She tried to find some place to hide but didn't make it very far...Zak stumbled into the break room and roared out, "GET UP! GET UP NOW!"

Angie looked up at him and met a gun, she trembled staring into the barrel and puked. Mason picked up a stapler. He threw it at Zak, it didn't hit him but it caught his attention.

He turned to Mason as he said "LEAVE HER ALONE,"

Zak shot at him and missed once again as Mason dived behind another desk. Zak cursed him and then the fire alarm sounded, someone else must have heard all the gun shots. He forced himself to move, he painfully bent down grabbing Angie by the back of her neck and forced her to her feet. She screamed out and he put the gun to her head.

Mason got another stapler, he didn't plan on missing this time but he saw Zak had the gun to Angie's head. He dropped the stapler and stood, putting his hands up, "Just let her go, man"


"I believe you," asid Mason. He tried to move around the desk.

Zak roared out, "DON'T FUCKING MOVE,"

He tightened his grip on Angie's kneck and she screamed as Zak pulled her through the office and into the hallway. Bennett was beginning to lose consciousness, he dropped the phone. Mason kept still as Zak moved out of sight with Angie. Mason rushed to go after them but saw Bennett on the floor. He went to him and saw he was bleeding out. He knew he needed to apply pressure or something but Angie. He struggled between who to go to.

Zak pulled Angie into the elevator and then released the button for it to close. Mason rushed out into the hall and Zak turned the gun on him. Zak pulled back into the office and the doors shut, "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" He rushed back into the office seeing if he could help Bennett.


Alone with Zak in the elevator Angie screamed, he shoved her to the ground but let go of her. She crawled to her feet and pressed herself against the opposite wall. He wiped the blood from his eyes and checking his gun. He needed to get out of here before the police got here, he didn't think there was time…didn't think there was time. When he'd got home he found his mom had eaten a whole basket of brownies. He wondered where she'd gotten him and she'd said something about some woman cleaning up. He thought it was weird...he decided to check the house cameras...but wanted to check on Angie first. She'd called in sick and he'd missed her all day. He wanted to upgrade his laptop and phone so he could see her at work but it was too risky. He needed to make sure nothing could be trace back to him just in case he was caught.

He'd been stealing information from the company he'd been working at and selling it to the highest bidder. Just a few days ago he'd stolen everything, he had a bidder pay him several million dollars. He planned to be out of the country by the time they figured out it was him, he just a had a few loose ends to take care of. He looked over the camera's and saw she'd dressed up and gone out this morning. She was gone for a few hours and then came back taking a long shower. He'd watch hat later tonight. He checked the house camera and saw who had come to the house. It was her. He skimmed through it watching her clean the house she'd set something up in the bathroom. He couldn't tell what it was but had a feeling he knew what it was….

He realized someone had figured out what he was up to...he was surprised they'd sent her...but he it didn't matter. He checked the live feed and saw she was sitting on the couch painting her nails...He grabbed his go bag and rushed from the house without a word to his mother. The police would probably be there in a few hours. He planned to be out of the city by then, he drove to the bank, drove to his storage unit, checked on his exit plan prepared a rag for Angie and went to her apartment. He opened the door but she'd gone out again. He stormed out of her apartment, he considered leaving her...considered coming back for her but he knew it would be to risky….He…..he had to find her….She was everything...his entire plan...he drove around frantically looking at the normal places she'd go and then returned to the office, he drove through the parking lot saw her car and parked next to it. He'd rushed up to the office she was right there waiting for him to get her.

Things hadn't gone exactly as he had planned. That idiot Mason had interfered...Now he didn't know it there would be time to get away. He checked the bullets in his gun making sure there were at least two. He didn't want to but if it came to it, he shoot her and then himself. He nodded to himself but kept pushed the parking level button. The elevator went straight down he was almost glad now someone had pulled the alarm, if they hadn't some jack ass might have tried to use the elevator and slowed him down even more. He went to get Angie and she squirmed away from him. He didn't have time for this. He lunged at her and punched her in the face. She cried out and he was able to grab her. He lifted her up around the waste dragging her into the parking garage he held his gun up trying to see if anyone was there. Several people were rushing to their cars but there wasn't any police.

"Please...please..." choked Angie, "Please don't hurt me,"

Zak didn't say anything he just tried to stay focus

"Please Zak," she whimpered. "Please…."

"SHUT UP!" he snarled shaking her.

He dragged her to his car and struggled to get his keys out. Several people ran past him no one stopped long enough to pay him any attention, worrying about their precious cars. He pushed the button to pop the truck. Angie screamed when she saw there were blankets and pillows inside. She struggled to get free of him. He pressed her into the car and pinned her with his body weight as she struggled to get his rag out he hoped there was still enough on it. He brought it up to her mouth and pressed it against her face. She scratched at his arm but quickly went limp.

He quickly moved her into the trunk and shut it. He got in the drivers side and back out hitting a woman. He didn't check to see if she was okay he just continued to back out hitting another car before turning and maneuvering out of the parking garage. The fire truck had arrived as well as the polcie. They were scrambling to control the situation he drove carefully following the line of cars slowly hoping he'd make it...he just needed to make it a little farther. As soon as he could he pulled off the main street taking a side street away from the office.

He turne on his radio turned the sterio up as loud as could just in case Angie woke up. He drove carefully stopping at every red light. A few people looked at him strangely. After a minute or two he looked in the rear view mirror and saw how fucked up his face was.…He groaned but stuck to the plan.

He got to the second location and then took a moment to fix himself up with a first aid kit in the car. Then he pulled out a bag from his glove box. He was lucky he'd just gotten something special in the mail a few days ago. He'd thrown it in busy with work, he'd tested it out on his mom some and liked how it worked. It was a mild sedative. He quickly read the instruction twice...and then based on Angi's weight he pulled out a syringe and put the right amount in…

He moved getting out of the car he opened the truck. She was still asleep…she was so beautiful when she slept...He watched her for a moment and then came to his senses. He couldn't risk her waking up no now. He jabbed her with the needle and pushed the sedative in her. He attached a heard monitor to her and then loaded everything else into he second car.

When she was the only thing left to move he transferred her into the truck. He put an oxegon mask on her face and turned on the baby monitor. He stared at her for a long moment and then shut the truck. He set his other car on fire, popped some gum in his mouth turned on some classical music and pulled out onto the road.

He drove carefully taking the most direct root out of the city. He drove in the slow lane on the high way four hours and made his way to the third location. The entire time he watched out for police, for anyone or anything suspicious his heart leapt when he saw the turn off for the dirt road, and his storage building. He pulled onto his property shut the gate and then drove into the boat house. He parked the car and checked all the security cameras making sure the alarms were set.

He began packing the boat, he check his map, his supplies and realized this was it. The money had been transferred untraceable, he had ID's passports. There wasn't anywhere he couldn't go...He went back to his car. He opened the truck and started down at Angie...there wasn't anywhere they couldn't go. He smiled to long had he waited to have access to her….

He held it together just for a little long her told himself. He carefully lifted her and carried her onto the boat. He placed her into the bed of their cabin and then untied the boat. He checked to make sure everything was set to blow in an hour. He made sure there was nothing left that would trace him and then untied the boat, started the engines, drove it out onto the water and set out to sea.

He sailed on for two hours until he could see the stars…the endless ocean before him. How many times had he taken this route dreaming of this day. His heart swelled with such joy He decided to check on Angie then. He went down stairs and she was still sleeping peacefully. He watched her chest rise and sink and then thought to get her changed. He pulled out a white wedding dress...He'd seen it one day when he was picking up some spare parts in the mall.

He knew this was the dress that he wanted her to wear when they did it the first time. His hands trembled as he got all the buttons and laces ready. He'd practiced and practiced so many times. He breathed deeply removing her her shoes. He ran his fingers over her nylon legs admiring the feel of them. He pulled off her sweater… and then unzipped her skirt. He pulled at her shirt….and then admired her in her underwear. He reached for her nylons running his hands over them he took them off carefully at first but soon tore them free of her. He wadded them up and tossed them over his shoulder.

He undid her bra wanting to touch her breasts but he waited. He pulled off her underwear and breathed them in deeply and just looked down at her. How many times had he seen her naked from afar….come close to it...when he spent the night at her place...He reached out wanting to touch her but he pulled back. He put on the dress buttoning and lacing it up. He brushed her hair out and placed it all around her. He even put on gloves he'd gotten to go with it. He looked at her when she was all finished. He took several pictures and then went up top. He drank and energy drink thinking she'd be up soon an hour maybe two.

He rocked back and forth staring at the stars….the moon. He took himself he could wait...he'd waited this long and yet knowing she was there...knowing she was waiting for him. He went back down to the cabin. He thought of how she had reacted earlier...she didn't understand…She wouldn't probably understand… was probably better that he...take care of what he needed so then he could take his time explaining. "Yes….Yes" he said. He unzipped his sweat shirt, unbuttoned his dress shirt, removed his tank top, undid his belt, kicked out of his shoes and then dropped his pants and breifs on the floor.

His member was already surging with excitement….every time he saw he….every time she was near him he couldn't help it. He still remembered the first day he saw her. He'd gotten a new job it wasn't his dream job but it would pay the bills until he could find someone better. He set up his cubical and she'd come up to his desk with that smile of her...that smile of hers that was only for him. Those cookies…she gave him a cookie and had welcomed him. Every morning she was the first person to greet him, she'd stand next to him when they cut birthday cake. Sit next to him in long meetings. He'd loved watching her eat...loved watching her putter about...but he wasn't alone….He saw the others how they looked at her, how they ate her cookies. How she smiled at them all….

None of them deserved his cookies, his smile. He began to resent everything everyone that came between them. He'd devised a plan so that nothing would ever come between them again. He'd sale away with her and every day he'd live for her and her alone and she'd live for him for all eternity. She was his bride, his eternal love. He climbed into bed with her… ran his fingertip across her cheek. Brushed her nose her eyes her hair. He ran his hand over her dress, feeling the lace the softeness of her breasts. He soon freed them...soon unwrapped the gift he'd give himself.

He started slow at first enjoying pulling at the lace, the buttons...opening her back up but when he finally touched her breast and felt just how perfect they were in the palm of his hand he couldn't help it. He soon tore away at the fabric until even it wasn't between them. He spread her and tried to push him in but it...didn't go in...He reached for the lubricant he used to master bait dreaming of this moment of this day. He dropped some on the tip and then on his finger. He pushed his finger into was so soft so warm, he made little circles with his finger and watch his body react to him.

He moved between her legs again and said. I LOVE...YOU..ANGIE...I love you more then I've ever loved anything. I love your cookies, the lunches you made me, the way you smile… I love you. I have always loved you. I will always love you. He pushed into her….he'd hoped in his dreams in his fantasies that she would look up at him and say I've always know...and I love you….only you...take me….make me yours forever. He could hear her voice tickle his ears. Even though she was asleep it was just as good as if she'd said it herself...Her buried himself as deep as he could into her and then began to thrust with all his might, with all his love he made love to her, pumping grinding her into their bed...their bed their bed. He liked the sound of that, "Our bed," he said to himself. He smiled even wider drew her in even more he ran his hand over her breasts kissing and devouring them. He licked her neck and pulled on the tender flesh with his lips until it left his mark. He wanted to leave marks over every last inch of her but he...he didn't last long.

Not the first time… was only a few minutes and he found he couldn't hold back her body twisted around him such a way that he could not deny himself any longer. He let go cumming deep inside her…When he was finished emptying out he rolled off to the side and spooned her pulling her into him. Her caressed her and dozed for a bit but didn't fall asleep. He just rested until he could go away. He decided he'd do it and keep doing it until she woke up. The second time was longer, the third time he got a little creative, finally on the fourth time she began to stir, he didn't know how long it had been.

He turned her so that he could look at her, looked into her eyes as he jerked and pumped. She moaned….her lips parting. Her eyes opened and she looked confused disoriented a moment later she started to vomit. He turned her on her side… He already had a bucket knowing this was a potential side effect. He held her hair back as she got it all out. He was nice and even wiped her face clean. She looked up at him then, realizing what was happening, her eyes widened and she went to scream but he pressed his mouth to hers.

Admittedly it wasn't a perfect first kiss, but he knew there would be so many others now that his access would no longer be denied. When he pulled away he felt a little sick himself and asked. "What have you been eating?"

Angie cried out, this had to be...HAD TO BE A NIGHTMARE!

Thank you for reading^^



This one was based of a dream.




© 2011 Leona Keyoko Pink All Rights Reserved Contact Leona at

May not be reproduced in whole or part without express written permission.

Thanks for reading!