Two Lovers
Night Mode
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Gwyne wasn't sure how long she slept this time but it had to be another long stretch, every so often she'd wake up and Dawson was right there with his arms wrapped around her. He seemed to sleep as long and as hard as she did, with a slight smile on his lips. He looked happy, if not relaxed. It was so strange to see him so peaceful when she knew what a force he was.

When she finally got up, he seemed to be back to his old cocky self again. He followed her around as she went to the bathroom and couldn't keep his hands off her as she washed her hands. He pulled her back to bed and she protested not wanting to sleep anymore but he had no intention of sleeping. He threw her down on the bed and slipped between her legs. She expected him to be wild and rough but he surprised her with a nice slow fuck.

It felt good but she knew she needed a break. She had been doing it so much lately she should have had her fill by now, especially after all those guys but now that her body had rested some it only seemed to want more and more. She began to worry she was becoming bottomless… everyone had their limit and she thought she knew hers up until Dawson.

After they finished they ordered some food and ate it in bed. He gave her some pills and she worried they were sleeping pills but he promised they weren't. She didn't trust him but took them anyway. They lounged around for a bit then took a hot shower. Her body soon felt overly sensitive and quickly became overheated and aroused.

She realized then he gave her something for her libido. She couldn't believe him, hadn't he had enough yet? It would seem he was just as bottomless as she was. He took her back into the bedroom and they must have done it five or six more times after that. He practically drilled her the entire day leaving them both exhausted. They climbed back into bed and slept off and on for another day or so. She began to realize when she was with Dawson she not only get endless sex but sleep as well.

When she woke up again she was ravenous. Dawson was already up staring at her. She half expected there to be a camera trained on her but he seemed content to just watch her with his own eyes. They started at each other for a long moment before she got up. She used the bathroom then told him she was famished. He said she could have whatever she wanted and she asked for something witch chicken and vegetables, along with some of that cake from that restaurant.

When it arrived she expected him to eat with her but he hadn't ordered anything. He pulled her onto his lap, lifted the bottom of her mask and just watched her eat. He barely let her finish her dessert. Yet again he couldn't seem to keep his hands off her. He played with her rings and kept dipping his fingers inside her. As soon as she took her last bite he scooped her up and bent over the bed, entering her once more.

For a moment she felt like they were newlyweds, not that she'd been married. Yet she'd always assumed if… if she ever settled down, she and her husband wouldn't be able to keep their hands off each other during their honeymoon. When they weren't fucking Dawson's touch was near constant, he'd kept snuggling her or messaging her. He would kiss her feet and suck on her finger tips as he gave her such intense looks.

After a few days he insisted on a bath. She thought they were going to take one together but he just wanted to bathe her. It was strange getting in the tub and having him crouch next to it. He lovingly washed her and then dried her off before brushing her hair out. Every so often she'd look at his face in the mirror. He seemed so very focused on her. It was so weird having his full, undivided attention.

There were times when they didn't speak he just looked at her with such she was all there was. At first she kind of liked it, liked feeling special but as they days went on and his attentions didn't waver in the slightest, it got to be too much. Again he was too much for her. She began to feel suffocated and wanted some space.

She tried to put some distance between them and wandered around his apartment but he'd just follow her. She hinted at wanting a moment to herself but he just ignored her. At one point he made them some tea and she wandered off with her cup. She found a door that accessed an outdoor balcony and was finally able to get some air and glorious space.

The view was amazing and it felt so good to have a moment to herself. Of course it didn't last very long. As she drank her tea, she caught a glimpse of him rushing around inside, he seemed absolutely frantic until he looked outside and saw her on the balcony. He did not look happy and rushed outside. He roughly grabbed hold of her and she spilled her tea but he didn't care. He was upset she'd wandered out of his sight. He practically dragged her back inside and only seemed to get more persistent.

For nearly a week, his demands were constant. He kept touching and humping her off and on. There was no where she could go even when she was tired and just wanted to sleep he was right there by her side or glaring at her from a chair next to the bed. He started taking more pictures and set up a camera to record her even when they weren't having sex. It was all getting to be way...way too much for her.

One night while they were eating in bed, he just kept staring at her with this sick smile on his face. After a few minutes she looked at him and asked, "What? What is it?"

"You! You are just so beautiful!" He said, his eyes lighting up.

"Right," she said. She was so beautiful with a mask covering half her face.

"I just want to keep you here forever, lead you around on a leash all day and keep you chained to my bed all night." He ran a hand over one of her breasts and gave it a good squeeze. "I want to use every part of you for my own personal pleasure. I want you to live only for me and my desires."

"Okay…." she said slowly, looking away from him. She let out a nervous laugh and threw her head back, "You're freaking me out."

"What! Really? Why? We both want the same things?"

"Uh…I doubt that!" she said rolling her eyes. She was grateful he couldn't see.

"You love sex, being used and abused, with me, living for my desires alone. I'd make sure you'd get constant use."

His words didn't exactly fill her with a sense of joy. It was true she loved all those things but it didn't mean she wanted them constantly. She paused realizing she might have a limit it after all...Maybe just maybe there was more to her then just sex. Maybe it took an overwhelming amount to make her truly see that. Corrie was always trying to tell her-

Corrie...Corrie, she closed her eyes, she didn't want to think about Corrie right now. She didn't want to think in general. That was another reason she hung around with Dawson, she didn't think everything was always just so-

He painfully pinched her nipple and she flinched, "Hey!" she cried out.

"Pay attention!" he snarled.
"I am." she said as she picked up a small orange.

"You are not, you are zoning out,"
"How would you know I'm wearing a mask?"

"Trust me I know." he hissed pinching her other nipple.

"I just said that' hurts!" she cried.

"Good!" he said with a smirk.

"You know we've talked about this," She said hoping this time he'd actually listen. "Just because I love all this stuff doesn't mean I want it all the time. Even I have my limits, everyone got them and you know boundaries!" She said leaning away from him. He was practically on top of her, his face inches from hers still staring at her with that deranged smile. He was like a fucking mad man.

"No," he said pulling her back to him. "Worthless whore's like you don't have limits or boundaries. You were made for this, made to become the object of your master's desire. I read a study once where a woman could hypothetically never stop orgasming. I bet, if we timed it just right you could have sex forever, until it was all you knew."

"Fuck!" she spat shaking her head. How was she suppose to respond when he got like this? In the past she would have played it off as some fantasy but she knew now how real he could get. Agitated, she began to peel her orange and continued "I'm not an object, you know that right? I'm a person?"

"Come on, just admit it!" he groaned pressing his head into the side of her face. He played with one of her nipple rings as he continued "You'd love it wouldn't you! Being constantly humiliated, tied up, choked out, twisting in blissful agony, cumming endlessly."

She could feel his hot breath against her skin "No." she said but it didn't come out as strong as she'd hoped. She let out a groan of her own then a heavy sigh. Sometimes she could be so sure of herself and what she wanted and then other times she wavered. She couldn't do this, couldn't want this, it was all too much, sex, pain and him! This was why things needed to eventually end, they couldn't keep going on like this, this wasn't….it wasn't healthy! She licked her lips then said it outloud. "It's not healthy."

"Healthy!" he scoffed pulling away from her. He looked agitated."What do you know about healthy. Who are YOU to judge?"

"I'm not judging," she said, digging her fingertips into her orange. Again she wished she had her nails. She managed to get some of the skin off but it was taking forever and she had to squeeze it harder then she liked releasing some of the juice. "I'm not shaming you or anything. I mean whatever gets your rocks off it's just-"

"You got off on rocks!" he interrupted. She blushed almost having forgotten about that, given all the things they'd done by now it almost seemed tame. Fuck! Almost seemed tame! He grabbed her chin then turn her to look at him and kissed her lips. His were so soft but also cold. She wondered how he could always be so cold even when the room was warm. He began to tug on one of her nipple rings and gave her a wicked smile as he pulled from her lips.

She shook her head as he gave her breast a good squeeze. It felt good but she really needed to take a break. She knew, at this rate, they were going to go again. She still kept trying to peel her orange hoping to eat some of it before they did. She moved faster carelessly digging her fingers into it. After a few seconds, half the skin was removed, rather then finish, she bit into it. She was hit with pure sweet juice. They must have kept the oranges in the fridge, it tasted so good but she was getting juice all over, her mouth, hands and the bed. He watched her for a moment then without warning, he took it from her and threw it across the room, wanting her full attention.

He dragged her to the center of the bed and began covering her in light frenzied kisses and bites. It tickled and she laughed. He got between her legs and spread her before entering her hard. He sunk in deep and she closed her eyes as their bodies collided. They'd already had so much sex, she wondered how he could keep going like this, even though she had slept a ton, she still felt absolutely exhausted and she was just laying here for the most part.

Where the fuck was he getting all this energy to fuck. Did he ever tire out? Was he on something? He had to be to keep up at this pace right? She bit her lower lip and wondered what would happen if she asked him to stop right now or if she just pushed him away. He'd probably get more aggressive with her and it.

He began to wildly buck into her and she tried to just relax and lose herself to the pleasure. He began mumbling, running his hands all over her. "You're just so beautiful so fucking wrecked. Watching you the other day, hmm mmm. You couldn't help yourself, if I let you, you would have kept going all fucking day, all night, you might have never stopped. Your hole is just so fucking glutenous always craving cock, constant use, wanting to be filled up. Tell me." he said slowing down. He stopped bucking and just wiggled his hips about, "Tell me you don't love this? Tell me you don't always want to be like this, you fucking whore."

She licked her lips unsure if she should say anything or just keep her mouth shut. She now knew how real he could get. She had to start pushing back at some point. It was true she was gonna break it off...eventually but in the mean time she should be clear and express actual boundaries. Sometimes she wasn't sure she had any but just like finding out she had a sexual limit, because of Dawson's constant overload she was quickly discovering she needed boundaries as well.

If she stayed longer then a few days, they'd have to talk, like actually talk and not have him brush her off but right now, mid-sex, didn't seem like the right time to shut him down. He started thrusting again and she looked into his eyes, they were glazed over like he was in a world of his own. He kept mumbling, "Yeah, yeah, you don't know what you want, what you are but I do. I know you inside and out now. I'll take charge, me and my cock, yeah we'll take charge of this mess. Yes, me the cock you love and are so obsessed with-"

Gwyne rolled her eyes, once again happy he couldn't see. He really was full of himself, if she was a mess he was a fucking dumpster fire. She really wished she hadn't told him she'd loved his cock now. It was very clear, any complements went straight to this guy's head...both heads. She let out a laughed at the double entendre. He noticed her laughter as he feverishly kissed her.

He paused nearly breathless and asked, "What? What is it?"

"Nothing," she said smiling to herself.

"No, tell me!" he insisted slowing his thrusts to a grind. "Tell me you love this cock, again. Tell me you can't ever get enough of it, of me. That you'll live for me and it alone."

She bit her lip, it was strange, he was so... persistent yet stranger still was her lack of a response. She always thought herself sex crazed that in the middle of it there wasn't anything she wouldn't agree to but right now she just wasn't feeling him or it. Her thoughts were so clear. It still felt good but wasn't all consuming, at this point she'd had so much and was stuffed, literally. Again she laughed at her double entendre's, it was probably funnier to her then it should be bu-

He roughly grabbed hold of her neck and full attention, "Gwyne," He hissed.

"Sorry," she gasped trying to focus."I do like it but I wont say I'd live for it. I also like other things you know, this isn't my whole world."

"No. NO! NO!" he suddenly got very angry shifting his gaze from side to side. She didn't think she'd gone too far with her response but the way he was reacting, it was like she'd set him on fucking fire or something. He pulled up still inside her and squeezed her neck even tighter cutting off her oxygen as he ranted. "There are no other things! Just this here and now. YOU AND ME! THIS! THIS IS ALL THERE IS!" He began slamming into her and it hurt but she also felt a suddenly spike of pleasure that quickly burst into an unexpectedly powerful orgasm.

It hit so hard and good that she was consumed once more so much so that she didn't care about breathing as it rippled through her. Soon enough her eyes began to lose focus and she nearly passed out but he released her neck and she was able to breath once more. He began madly cackling as her muscles bore down on him pulsing with her pleasurable intoxication. He got up in her face, to where their noses were almost touching and gloated, "Yeah, yeah, you say one thing but-

She knew where he was going with this and suddenly felt ticked off. Just because she came didn't mean he could dismiss how she felt. Without thinking she snapped at him, "Shut up!" Her throat hurt something fierce and her voice came out in a rasp but she kept going, "Just because my body reacts doesn't mean I always want it. It's a physical fucking response, based on stimuli and not how I really feel."

His eyes lit up and she was sure he was going to hit her but he just pulled back and laughed. "Look at you trying to sound smart!"

"Don't talk down to me," she rasped before madly coughing.

She grabbed her throat as he looked down at her and laughed even more. For several minutes, she had a full on coughing fit. She struggled for air and he just kept laughing at her. She gave him an angry look but he didn't seem to care. Once she managed to recover, she put her hands on his chest and tried to push him away but he just grabbed her wrists and playfully pinned her arms to the sides of her head.

He got in her face again and teased, "But you like it when I do."

"Again," she rasped, "Not all the time!"

"Yes you do," he said confidently, "You love being put in your place!"

She scowled at him and they struggled for a moment. She kept trying to get up but he kept pinning her down. It was clear she was no match for him and after a few minutes he began playfully kissing her. He was still inside her and started up again. He moved slow but each impact was powerful. She'd let out a moan on impact and the sound of his body smacking into hers filled the room. It didn't take long to lose herself again. She bit her lip upset. Just a moment ago her thoughts, her lines were so clear and now…. !

When he felt her let go and relax, he released her wrists kissing her lips. He pushed his tongue into her mouth as she wrapped her arms and legs around him. He kept slowly pumping her for a moment then lifted her up as he sat back on his knees. He held her hips to his and picked up his pace jutting up into her. She threw her head back in ecstasy, she was so fucked up and she knew it. To keep going with this guy even when they were fighting. She had definitely lost this battle. Fuck, she realized she'd lost all the battles they'd ever had.

For a moment a sliver fear tore through her as she came again. He couldn't see it but her eyes popped open. What if? What if she couldn't walk away from this? What if she just had to wait for him to tire of her? What if he didn't? What if THIS went on forever! Surely, surely- She bit her lip as she bore down on his cock once more with her muscles. They had already been pushed beyond their limits and were exhausted yet they kept pulsating, still cumming endlessly off this fucking cock.

He lifted her off him as she came down and flipped her around. He got her up on her hands and knees, pushing her to the head of the bed. She grabbed onto the headboard as he jutted up into her and they both let out deep moans as he reached her core once more. He drilled her and she looked at herself in the mirror. She hadn't even noticed this one behind the headboard, fuck this whole room might as well just be one giant mirror.

Once again, she couldn't see her face, only her mouth was visible from eating. She focus on her lips and saw how they were partially open in her ecstasy. Of course, he was drilled her doggystyle and it was her favorite position. She loved how deep she could feel him inside her and the smacking of his balls against her pussy on impact.

He grabbed the back of her neck and pressed her face up against the cold glass off the mirror She stopped thinking, stopped caring about anything but this moment and this oh so delicious cock. She realized he was right, this was all there was and might ever be. This thing of theirs, the things he could do to her, he reached her like no one ever had before on so many levels. It scared her, fuck he scared her not just physically but mentally and emotionally.

She felt like she was no longer in control of her herself or her life. It was like they were struggling over a steering wheel and it was nearly his. She heard him loudly grunt and groan behind her. He let go of her neck and put both hands on her hips. She was able to look at him in the mirror and watched his head fall back as he pounded her pussy into oblivion. It was glorious, she was nearly delirious with another powerful orgasm and then she felt his grip on her hips tighten. All at once he dove into her and stiffened shooting off deep inside her.

After he'd dropped his load, he pulled out and let her slump down. For a moment she rested her face against the headboard still clinging to it as she dripped out onto the bed, nearly missing their pillows. She groaned feeling so fucked up, overheated and beyond exhausted. She really needed to get out of here or they would do this endlessly.

He grabbed hold of her and pulled her back to him. He embraced her from behind lovingly kissing the top of her head. She could feel him breath her in as he pressed his nose against her head and inhaled several times. After a few good sniffs he moved them to lay down and spooned her.

For several minutes he kept softly kissing her neck and shoulders. It felt nice and she started to get sleepy. Eventually he threw the covers over them and things got so very quiet and still. She knew she could probably drift off to sleep again but she broke the silence. "Listen I- We need to have a talk. We don't have to do it right now but we need to have one soon."

"Mmmm," he moaned but didn't say anything.

She probably should have stopped here but still kept going "Like, we'd talked about it some, I think you're making me out to be something I'm not. I mean I love sex and all like the fantasy of fucking forever, it sounds nice but in reality, it's-"

He groaned and started to pull away.

"Seriously" she said rolling over to face him. "I know this relationship is just sex but I-" She bit her lip, what was she even trying to say here. She furrowed her brow and let out a heated breath "I know what you said about rules but I think we need some after this last, this- I don't even know how long its been but we've been going pretty hard and there is a lot I'm not okay with. Like all of this in general is a lot, it's too much for me and it's made me realize things-"

"Like your legs, you just can't keep your mouth shut." He snapped before rolling away from her. He sat up on the edge of the bed and she could see he was upset now. He ran his hands over his face and then hissed, "You're fucking ugly again! Don't look at me! Don't even talk to me! You disgust me!" She sat up getting upset. She was ready to lay into him but then he said, "You're always pushing!"

Her eyes went wide and her heart sunk at those words...those awful awful words. He couldn't have known Corrie had said that too her. She suddenly recalled their fight and how he had said she was always pushing, always wanting more. Her anger at Dawson's words quickly shattered as she pursed her lips in anguish.

She hung her head and quickly said, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" She crawled over to him and grabbed hold of his arm. He tensed but didn't pull away. "I don't mean to push, please. I've got to work on it, I know. Lately, I've been pushing everyone. I just don't know, I feel- I feel like things are getting out of control, that I'm getting out of control.

"Getting," he scoffed, "Clearly you are out of control that's why I'm taking over. I'll sort you out and put you in your place."

She loosened her grip on his arm, unsure of what to say to that. Eventually she said "How is having sex all the time going to sort me out and get me under control?"

He didn't answer instead he asked "Who else have you been pushing?"


"You said you've been pushing everyone lately. Who is everyone."

She didn't answered right away. She bit her lip and he turned slightly towards her but didn't look at her. She let go of his arm and sighed, "It's nothing, just Corrie and I got into a fight the other day."

"Oh," he said finally looking at her."Trouble in paradise?"

"No," she said. "We fight sometimes, who doesn't."

"What was it about?"

"It doesn't matter and like you care right?" she said sitting back on her knees.

"I might," he said.

"Really?" she said sarcastically crossing her arms.

He scoffed at her response and turned his back to her again. "Forget it, just thought you might like to vent."

He stood up and went to the walk-in closet. She saw him grab some black briefs from a shelf. He started to get dressed and she watched him for a moment. Every so often he'd stand in the doorway of his closet, glancing back at her. She knew he was waiting for her to say something.

She let out another sigh and dropped her hands to her lap. "It was over a job. I've been having a hard time finding one and he-" She sighed again, "I saw this add for a job at his station. I mentioned applying for it and it set him off, which I knew it would."

"Then why did you mention it?" He asked standing in the doorway. He had pants on now and was buckling his belt.

"Because I am an idiot!" She said letting herself fall back on the bed. "I don't know. I liked the idea of working with him and seeing him everyday. I guess I wanted things to be different. I wanted to be closer to him. Like I said I pushed and pushed, hoping for more when there can't ever be more... not with him."

"It's not your fault." said Dawson. He now had on a fitted tank top. He went back into the closet for a moment, then came out with a men's corset vest. She watched him put it on and adjust it. She wondered if that is what gave him his defined shape. He slid on a dress shirt and buttoned it up as he continued, "It's your greedy hole, it just wants to suck everything in."

"This...has nothing to do with that." she said looking at herself in the ceiling mirror. "For once it's not my hole, it's my heart. I feel things for him that he doesn't."

"Well." said Dawson. He finished buttoning his shirt and leaned against the doorway of his closet, crossing his arms. "I'd say break up with him but you'd have to be together to break up."

"Right, thanks you are so helpful."

"Anytime love." he chuckled.

He started whistling as he put on a waist coat then picked out a tie. He seemed to be in a good mood again. She watched him put the tie on then pick out a nice suit jacket. He put it on and smooth out the wrinkles. She thought he cleaned up quite nicely as he adjusted the collar. The suit was perfectly tailored to him and he looked good. All their sex seemed to have rejuvenated him.

"You going to work?"

"Been working, this was just...lunch."

"Right, you barely ate and how many hours did we spend fucking."

"As I said lunch," he said with a sly smile. "You are quite the meal, my love."

"Love, uhh," she sighed rolling onto her stomach.

"What?" he asked stepping into some shoes. She couldn't recall when he'd put on his socks. He bent and adjusted his laces before returning to the bedroom.

She sighed again and asked, "Why do you always call me that? Given this has nothing to do with love?"

"What?" he said furrowing his brow.

"You always call me love."

"I don't always call you that."

"Yes you do. It's always love this or that."
He shifted his gaze and looked uncomfortable like he hadn't realized he did that. She propped herself up on her elbows and said "Seriously!" Maybe he called everyone love or it was what he called his wife and it was just a natural slip up, "Is that what you call your wife?"

He was still caught up in his thoughts and now looked troubled. He licked his tongue across the top row of his teeth and then stepped back. "Hello." she called, "Are you here or did you go somewhere this time?"

His face turned to agitation, "No, I'm here!"

"Then what is it? What's got you all bothered now? What I just said?"

"No," he scoffed turning his back to her. He let out a laugh but it sounded off, "Just go back to sleep."

"Actually." she said rolling onto her back once more. She yawned then stretched and continued, "Can I have my clothes? I really should be getting on."

She sat up and he said "No! Stay lounge, sleep some more it's not like you have anything to go back to right and we're still having fun."

"Fun." she repeated thinking over what he just said.

Way to put a nail into her coffin, anything to go back to. Anyone to go back to...right. Yeah, there was no way Corrie was still there watching the game on her couch. Even then she was unsure of how their relationship was going to go from this point on. She could no longer lie to herself. It had been almost four years or was four years and he still hadn't fallen in love with her. At this point he wasn't going to. Still, Tawnie might be worried. She thought about it for a moment then laid back down and rolled over on her stomach again. Knowing Tawnie she might be doing her own thing. She didn't necessarily have to go home. Maybe she would give her a call and see what she was up to then decide.

Dawson stepped up to the bed. He seemed pleased she had laid back down. He massaged her butt cheeks for a second. "Rest up, I'll have them bring your meals and pills, when it's time."

"Meals? Pills?"

"Yes your meal plan and supplements." he said pulling away from her.

"Right, oh I probably have boxes waiting for me."

"Don't worry I had them delivered here." He said as he went into the bathroom.

"You can do that?"

"Yeah, depending on where you are. Now relax and rest that fuck hole so I can plug it up again."

"Fuck," she said, "I need a good rest but I doubt you''ll let me get any, if I stay."

"I will." he said coming out of the bathroom. "Believe it or not unlike you I don't need it all the time."

She let out a loud groan of frustration "We've been over this!" she said "I told you I don- She felt him suddenly pinch her butt, "OW,"

"What," he said pinch it again. "I can't resist touching it."

She cried out again as he kept on pinching her. He did it so hard that it felt almost sharp. She rolled over to face him but suddenly felt very sleepy. She laid back twisted in a half turn as she saw him pull a syringe away. Had he just- He set it down on the nightstand then turned her the rest of the way onto her back. He slid her across the bed putting her in the center of it. He rested her head on a pillow then tucked her in. She realized, he'd done something, given her some- so-


He lightly hummed as he adjusted her. He made sure he mask was secure but let her hair stream out around her. There was so much of it. He liked it but didn't like how it peaked out of her mask. "Maybe later, I'll take you shopping and we can get you a haircut."

He waited for her to response but she was already out. He smiled then bent down and kissed her lips. She was his sleeping beauty once more and for a moment he just watched her. He loved how her breasts rose and then sank. He played with her nipple rings and wished he could stay here forever but he needed to get some actual work done.

He'd taken too much time off already. His boss had taken noticed of his absent these last few weeks and had become 'concerned.' Since he'd never been away this long not even when his kids were born. He had still been doing a few small jobs here or there that needed his touch but it wasn't enough and things were getting backed up.

He needed to take some solid time, make important calls, adjust plans and run various numbers. He needed to focus and she...she made him to anything but. He'd given her something to sleep and hoped he would be able to work now knowing she was here waiting for him. He ran his fingertips across her lips and gave her another kiss before slipping away.





Thank you for reading

A/A/N March 06,2024

OKay so some stuff. I'm working on the website.I'm making a bottom bar that should list About Contact Obsesed with Obsession and Quick Guide that just lists the current Lives that have been shared and their status. Since there is like 300 some lives it narrows it down. You'll also be able to click on the project you want to jump to.

Second I also uploaded Broken along with this chapter so yeah double content. You know I don't like to be away long sorry. It was also next fest last week so I was testing various demos.

Third we have some long chapters coming up. In the last book I had to cut one up into like 2 or three chapters. I don't like to cut chapters but when you have a 9 page chapter then like 40 pages the next I think it might need a trim lol. Anyway chapter 7 is the longest chapter so far.

Finally. Dolls! I mentioned it before. There was a sale! My birthday's in April so a family member got me some parts! I'm building my own Gwyne doll. lol I'm excited but also know it might take several tweaks. I got a nice head. The hair isn't quite her color or length but I'm aiming for close. Gwyne also has that white stripe down the middle. I'm thinking how to put it in. I've been told to use chalk for it if not paint. If it looks good I might share.

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© 2011 Leona Keyoko Pink All Rights Reserved Contact Leona at

May not be reproduced in whole or part without express written permission.

Thanks for reading!


© 2011 Leona Keyoko Pink All Rights Reserved Contact Leona at

May not be reproduced in whole or part without express written permission.

Thanks for reading!