Two Lovers
Night Mode
Volume 1 Changes Chapter Menu Next


A/ I got no messages for Volume 1 but it's been getting views. It was our #1 Last year. Given that ending "cough""cough" I wasn't sure what the reception would be but I will "assume" if you've returned then you are here for another front row seat to this crazy train wreck so yeah lol. "Now departing for Depravity!"

One can no longer deny their love...the other will abuse it.

She just wants to drift and doesn't want to care anymore.

The more they struggle the harder they fall.

Two Lovers

Volume 2


There is no other love for me, just you, always you, infinitely so.

Ameri's feet could not carry her fast enough as she ran with all her might. A violent storm raged on around her, fierce winds rushed through her hair and cold rains whipped against her skin as her dress trailed out behind her. She took off her boots as she reached the tall grass and threw them aside, knowing they were slowing her down.

She rushed on as lightning flashed nearby and thunder roared out. It was so loud but nothing, compared to the sound of her heart pounding in her chest. She picked up her pace as she saw his castle in the distance. She was nearly there! She was nearly there! She was nearly there! She would make it! SHE WOULD MAKE IT!

Various debris, began to pick up and fly past her as she became the wind itself, moving faster then she ever had before. The sky churned with ominous dark clouds and looked like an ocean threatening to boil over. The ocean itself had never been so furious. The waves crashed against the shore at great heights as they moved inland.

Still she continued rising up the slope. The tall green grass was nearly waist high now and swayed about madly, in the vicious winds. Larger debris rattled and soon tree limbs and broken furniture lifted off the ground. It flew high into the air but she did not slow. In the distance water spouts formed over the ocean but still she did no waver in her determination, even as she struggled to catch her breath. Her lungs burned something fierce and her legs felt like jelly but she did not stop.

Suddenly she stumbled over a rock and nearly fell. She slowed her pace for a moment and realized she'd made it to the stone pathway. It had overgrown so much it was barely recognizable. She carefully traversed it and soon reached the castle grounds. She rushed up to the main entrance seeing it had fallen into disrepair. There was no longer an archway and the walls were barely standing. It did not bode well for the rest of the castle.

She furrowed her brow and ran a hand over her mouth, but carried on to the side entrance of the castle. When she opened the wooden door on the castle's tower, it flew off its hinges and nearly took her out. She turned, watching it fly off into the air. She realized she'd never seen a storm quite like this in all her life. Though she was scared, she turned and hurried up the castle tower's crumbling stairs. As she made her way round and round, he mind flooded with memories of the past.

It had been years, since she'd come to this side of the island, not since she'd walked out on her husband, Grishin. He'd bought this castle for her. She had always wanted to live in a castle by the sea and one day he'd surprised her with it. He was always doing stuff like that. He always seemed to know what she wanted, even before she could put it into words.

He was amazing, loving and oh so kind. Most of all, he was always so gentle with her and hadn't ever so much as raised his voice. She felt so fortunate to have such a man...such a love. She adored him but knew he loved her more. For while he loved her with all his heart she felt as if she were holding back. It was silly but she felt as if something was keeping her, like she'd lost something or forgotten it.

She also felt unworthy of him. They had come from different worlds and try as she might she had failed to fit into his. Part of her wondered if he had bought the castle so they could move away from the overwhelming expectations of his world and ease her ever growing distress. He was always putting her first and seeing to her needs before his own.

She hoped one day she could make it up to him and make him as happy as he had her. Yet time and time again, she failed to fulfill the duties of a wife. She couldn't keep house, host social events or ease his burdens. If anything she only added to them. Most of all, she couldn't bear him children. They'd come close a few times, but none had come to fruition.

He told her it matter not, if they had children, that to be with her was all he truly desired. She was enough for him. yet it was hard for her to believe. She often felt inadequate. Grishin had given her everything, and she couldn't give him the one thing he required—an heir. To top it all off, she hadn't even been able to remain faithful to him.

She hadn't meant to but she fell in love with another. Her husband had hired the best builder on the island, Sharlo, to help with repairs and alterations. He had been unlike anyone she had ever met. He was so guff and guarded. Her chest would ache when she was around him and she felt as if she knew him from somewhere, someplace before all this, perhaps in another life.

She knew such things were impossible yet she couldn't help but get lost in his ocean blue eyes.

She felt such an ease around him that she sometimes forgot herself. He felt like her other half, that which she had lost and forgotten. She could see he felt it too and like magnets they couldn't help but attract. When she realized she had fallen in love with Sharlo she went to her husband and told him.

Of course he wasn't happy but asked if she wanted to be with him more. She didn't want to hurt her husband but also couldn't like to him so she said yes. He looked devastated and she knew he had every right to punish her and her lover but after much anguish Grishin had simply told her to go and never come back.

She'd left with Sharlo that very night and didn't look back. All these years they had been together and had built a life. Unlike with Grishin, Sharlo's family and friends had welcomed her with open arms and she fit right in. They hadn't expected to have kids but oddly enough she fell pregnant that first year and since then had several children. Things weren't always easy, some days could be really hard but she didn't regret the choices she had made. She cherished everyday with Sharlo and their family.

There was always so much going on but over the years she'd kept an ear out for any word of Grishin. She heard the castle had been boarded up shortly after she left. She told herself that was a good sign that Grishin had moved on and left the island. She was sure he'd found someone else and had a family of his own by now. Yet rumors persisted of torches at night and a shadowy figure who would stand out on the balcony.

She hoped they were mistaken and tired not to dwell on such rumors. Yet a few months ago she'd heard the castle had fallen into such disrepair and that the foundation was giving way. She couldn't help but worry. A friend of theirs said all it was going to take was one good storm for it all to come crashing down into the sea.

That one good storm had come today. She kept telling herself that he no longer lived there and was surely out in the world, living his new life as she was. Yet, knowing him as she did, there was still a slight chance that he hadn't left, even after all this time, because the castle was the last place they'd been together and happy. She knew it was a silly thought to consider herself so important that he hadn't moved on. Yet just the same, when she saw those dark, ominous clouds in the distance, she dashed off without a second thought.

She had to be certain of his departure and ran farther and faster then she had in her entire life but she made it. Now that she had she slowed at the top of the stairs unsure of what she was going to do or say. If he was gone she'd simply leave and be relieved but if he were still inside, then what? It had been so long and so much had happened since they'd last spoken.

She clenched her firsts and again told herself she was being silly. He wasn't here and this was all for not, everything was okay. Still she went to his study, the door was shut and her hand trembled as she opened it. When she stepped inside she could see the walls were crumbling here as well. Several of the supports also looked to have cracked and might give at any moment. She knew it was risky to be up here but she just needed a quick glance, just long enough to dispel any doubts.

It was mostly dark with little bursts of light from where the ceiling had given in. Some rain poured through and she could see papers blowing about everywhere. She could hear and then saw rats rush about various discarded objects on the floor. She covered her nose, thinking surly no one could live here and yet when she turned to his desk, he was sitting there just as she had left him. She gasped for a second thinking he was dead but saw his shoulders rise and sink as he let out a heavy sigh.

He was almost unrecognizable! He had long hair and an even longer beard. His nails were long and he looked so very thin like a skeleton almost, his eyes sunken in. How could he have let himself go? She knew how much care he took in his appearance and grace. Yet this man before her was destroy. She realized she had done this to him, in all this time he had not recovered from her departure.

Lighting flashed and there was a roar of thunder. The wind picked up blowing into the room. The balcony doors had long since fallen away. She looked at outside then back to him. She cleared her throat then called out "Grish...Grishin," She carefully stepping toward his desk. Some of the floor boards were loose and creaked. He didn't respond but she went on."You have to get out of here, it's not safe. The foundation its going to give way." He still didn't respond and she wondered if he heard her over the howling winds. She raised her voice "Grishin."

He finally responded and quietly asked. "Why are you here?"

"I just told you it's not safe!"

She looked outside again and swore she'd saw a wave rise up. She'd never seen water that high. More stones fell from the walls, and she felt a slight tremor as the ground shook beneath her feet. She suddenly realized the ground was slightly tilted as several small rocks slid across the floor. The castle was already beginning to break away.

"Safe," he said drawing her attention. "What does it matter to you?"

"I," she gasped, "I still care about you!"

He scoffed and then chuckled almost madly to himself, "Care, care you know nothing of what it is to care for anyone but yourself."

She clenched her fists but didn't refute him. She had indeed been selfish. He had given her everything. He had picked her up when she had fallen, made her laugh when all she wanted to do was cry, and held her hand when was sick. Yet, still, she had chosen another. It didn't mean she didn't care for him or that she didn't still loved him, but her heart couldn't deny that she loved someone else more. No matter the cost, she had chosen Sharlo over everything and everyone else.

All these years she had told herself Grishin would let go and that in time he would move on and be happy, but clearly he was not. While she had lived in the sun with her love and their children, Grishin had been here, alone in the dark. She didn't want him to suffer. She shook her head; she may have chosen another, but she shouldn't have abandoned him so.

At the time, she thought it was just better to go. She didn't want to hurt him any more than she already had. Now she could see she should have kept in touch and done all she could to make things right. It might have taken time, if she even could, but would have been better then completely abandoning him as she did.

The castle trembled again and more rocks came crashing down. She nearly fell and realized now was not the time to address such things. Once they were out of here and safe, then she'd tried to make amends. "Please, Grishin, I don't want you to suffer."

"Don't want me to suffer. She doesn't want me to suffer! No, like always you just don't want to take responsibility and accept what you have done. Actions have consequences, Ameri." She didn't know what to say to that. An eerie silence filled the room before he continued. "You know what the problem is, you don't know what love is."

"That's not true," she said.

"IT IS! Because if you knew what love was, you wouldn't throw it away so easily and give it out to everyone….everyone but me."

"No, I do love you!"

"But you love him more," He spat

"I do." she said not denying it.

"You do! You do!" he repeated. He ran his arm across his desk throwing everything to the ground. It caused the rats to scurry and she pulled back but didn't run away. "YOU DO! YOU DO! He madly repeated then scoffed. He pulled his hair back, ran his fingers over his face and through his beard then continued. "Maybe I'm mistaken. Maybe you do 'know' what love is but you are just not capable of returning it. You sell yourself on the idea, think you can, pretend you can, act as if you are capable but in truth, real true love, caring for someone other then yourself, is beyond you."

He staggered to his feet and continued, "YOU! You know nothing of what it is to SUFFER! I gave you everything I had and still you CHOSE another over me. You stabbed me in the heart! YOU GUTTED ME LIKE A FISH BUT THAT STILL ISN'T ENOUGH FOR YOU! I told you to go hoping you would leave me with what little dignity I have left and YET here you are before me now with your PITY!

"Please, can we talk about this later, this place is going to collapse into the sea at any moment!"


She hadn't ever seen him like this, devoid of all hope. "NO!" she cried out the wind rushing through her hair, "YOU HAVE YOUR LIFE! You can still find someone and be happy."

"Life. Happy." he mumbled taking in her words. "WHAT LIFE! I HAVE MISERY! EVERY HOUR, EVERY MINUTE, EVERY SECOND, I AM IN AGONY BECAUSE OF YOU! AND I FOUND SOMEONE! I FOUND YOU! I CURSE THE DAY WE EVER MET! There is no other love for me, just you, always you, infinitely so.


He looked at her with such malice and she gasped, "Grishin, I'm sorry."

"I DON'T WANT YOUR SORRY!" He roared as he stumble through the debris, walking past her. He went out onto the balcony as the sea rose up and the winds roared.

"Grishin" she called. The castle quaked once more and she struggled to keep her footing. She began to slide but still she went after him stopping in the doorway to the balcony. "COME BACK! I'M SORRY!

"DON'T!" He hissed not looking back at her. The balcony looked as if it were about to break off at any seconds. She could see several large cracks where it was coming apart, "DON'T YOU DARE! SORRY! SORRY! HUH! You should be made to live in the dark! To TOIL in the darkness with each passing day, hoping to catch a glimmer of light then maybe, MAYBE you will know a sliver of my pain! SORRY! SORRY! YOU WILL BE I SWEAR THE NEXT TIME WE MEET! THE NEXT CURSED LIFE WE LIVE, I WONT BE SO SWEET. NEXT TIME I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER WITH EVERY OUNCE OF MY BEING! I'LL RUIN YOU AS YOU'VE RUINED ME! I SWEAR I WILL TORMENT YOU A THOUSAND LIVES OVER!"

She didn't know what he was rambling on about, clearly he had gone mad or was close to it. He stumbled forward as part of the balcony broke off and fell into the raging sea below. The clouds were so dark they nearly matched his heart. He reached out his arms welcoming the storm; the cleansing of this unending nightmare. Soon it would be over and then maybe he would have a moment of peace. Yet he knew there could be no peace with or without Ameri.

She knew she didn't have any right to argue with him but couldn't leave him like this. She refused to walk away again knowing this time he would not survive "GRISHIN PLEASE!"

A huge bolt of lightning lit up the sky in the distance a second later thunder clashed so loud it was nearly deafening. The wind whipped through her hair as more waves rose higher and higher. She screamed frightened but still she stayed. She clung to the doorway looking out at Grishin. He lowered his hands and turned to her.

He spoke calmly then, "I know why you are REALLY here, Ameri. It's not to save me but yourself. To clean your conscious but it can't be cleaned after what you have done. You are filth, unsalvageable, rotten, putrid fruit!" Some of the railing on the balcony gave way. She cried out again but he was unfazed. He continued once more, "Know that I gave you everything I had until there was nothing left. Know there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you but it was not enough for you. NOTHING WILL EVER BE ENOUGH FOR YOU!


"NO! Grishin IS NO MORE! You saw to that!" He spat taking a several steps back. He drew closer to the railing that had given way and she looked at him thinking he really had gone mad. "I tire of this life Ameri."

He suddenly spoke so softly she forgot herself for a moment and took a step forward. She almost let go of the doorway but just then she heard someone calling out to her. "AMERI! AMERI! WHERE ARE YOU!"

She turned from Grishin thinking she'd heard Sharlo? Surely not! Surly he hadn't come after her? Had he? How had he known she'd come here? It wasn't safe! She started to go inside, when Grishin commanded. "LOOK AT ME AMERI! LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO ME!" She looked back at him as he angrily glared at her and continued, "YOU LOOK AT ME AND THINK OF ME! When you relish in your happiness, in your LOVE! You think of how you DESTROYED me for your OWN gains! How the price of YOUR happiness came at the COST of another's! I DO NOT FORGIVE YOU! ALL OF THIS IS YOUR FAULT!"

They locked eyes as tears streamed down her face. For a moment his gaze softened and he reached out to her. She reached out to him but before she could say a word, he simply stepped back and off the balcony. He fell out of sight into the raging sea below and like a candle in the wind, his life had been snuffed out in an instance.

Ameri stood there with her hand still outreached, her eyes widened as he mouth fell ajar. She, couldn't believe he'd stepped back. She'd worried the balcony might give way or that he might slip and fall but in the end, he'd simply stepped off. She pulled her hand back and clutch her chest as she felt like her heart was going to explode.

Tears drizzled down her face as the realization of what just happened truly hit her. What had she done! WHAT HAD SHE DONE! She didn't want this! She didn't want to lose him! She still cared, still loved him. SHE LOVED HIM! SHE HAD DESTROYED HIM! His last words haunted her. This...this really was all her fault. She collapsed in the doorway and let out a heart wrenching scream.

Gwyne gasped waking from her nightmare only to realize she was in another. Dawson had left her slumped over the toilet. She was so sore and exhausted she hadn't moved and before she knew it, she'd fallen asleep with her head in the toilet. She groaned disgusted with herself. Once again, what was her life? Seriously she felt like she was spiraling out of control. This had to be rock bottom for her and the worst part was, she didn't know if she wanted to stop.

This was all so crazy and yet exhilarating as fuck. She groaned feeling ashamed of the thought, "exhilarating" seriously! She had to be out of her mind. It had to be all the glorious orgasms and exhaustion because she clearly wasn't thinking straight...wasn't thinking at all. She laughed feeling delirious. She definitely needed to get some solid rest and a day wasn't going to cut it. No, she needed like a full week, to sleep this shit off and then maybe, maybe she'd be able to take a closer look at things.

She closed her eyes and nearly drifted off to sleep again but heard Dawson whistle as he finally returned. She wasn't sure how long she'd been out but shit had started to dry on her and she was beginning to feel sick. Her nightmare hadn't helped. It was slowly fading to the back of her mind now but it had something to do with a castle, storm and her husband or something. She couldn't recall all the details but she remembered the feelings from it. The urgency as she ran as fast as she could. The feel of the wind and rain against her skin. She recalled being upset about something and arguing with someone maybe. Then realizing she'd messed up and ruined someone life. Finally there was this overwhelming agony as she lost someone she loved.

A feeling of despair fell over it. It happened sometimes after being so elated. Her body had to even itself out and come down at some point. Sometimes she'd feel so so so good and then after feel sick as shit, inside and out. It was probably going to be really bad this time given all she'd done.

Dawson took a moment to check himself out in the mirror then rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. He started to clean up, taking some air freshener, he sprayed it in the bedroom and then the bathroom. He used so much she could feel the mist as it landed on her back. It did little to mask the stench of so much sex but was a start.

He left the bathroom again for who knows how long as he cleaned the bedroom. When he returned, he started cleaning up the bathroom floor. He got a towel wet and ran it over the mess. Once he was done he wrung it out over the toilet and thus her head. She protested but he just kept whistling away. He flushed the toilet after a few seconds and she was splashed with water.

She managed to lift her head up but still felt so fucking exhausted. She realized this had to be the most exhausted she'd ever been in her life, all the while Dawson seemed energized. He kept whistling as happy as could be but of course he'd gotten what he wanted. His sadistic little heart was no doubt beaming with pride. She still didn't get how anyone could get off on the pain and humiliation of others then again people probably didn't understand how she could get off on her own suffering… she barely did.

He walked in and out of the bathroom a few times before he turned on the shower. He let it run for a while and she almost passed out again as the steam filled the room. It felt so good and warm. She kept switching between being overheated and cold as fuck. Suddenly she felt his foot between her legs. He pressed the top of his shoe against her sex and lifted her up a bit.

"You let yourself go all out tonight or should I say this morning." He chuckled.

She didn't respond— again too exhausted. He bent down and grabbed her under her arms dragging her into the shower. He detached the hose and began hosing her down and out. She suddenly felt so thirsty and tried to drink the water opening her mouth.

He gently rubbed one of her sore tits and teased, "You thirsty girl? All that fucking make you thirsty?"

She let out a deep groaned and he set the hose down, letting the water wash over the floor of the shower. He stepped out but soon returned with an ice cold bottle of water. Nothing had ever tasted so good in her entire life. He helped her to drink it down and she noticed it tasted a little weird but didn't care. When it was empty, he removed her corset and began soaping her body up. He made sure to focus on all of her holes. Surprisingly, he took her mask off and gently washed her face with a cloth before shampooing and then conditioning her hair.

Every so often, she opened her eyes and find everything was too bright, without the mask on. When she looked at Dawson, she saw he was still fully dressed. His clothes were soaked to the bone but he didn't seem to care. He was so focused on her and washing out every nook and cranny. He had this small smile on his lips as he softly hummed to himself. His touched was so gentle and the way he looked at her, his eyes lit up with such affection.

She looked down and off to the side, telling herself she was reading into things, once again, just as she had with Corrie. She wanted Dawson to care about her, wanted both men to care but clearly, they didn't. She sniffled, realizing she WAS one of those dumb bitches who took the slightest bit of attention as love. Tears streamed down the sides of her face and Dawson washed them away, along with everything else.

Once he'd finished cleaning her up, he dragged her out of the shower and onto a large, fluffy towel he'd laid out on the floor. She wasn't sure when he had put it there or if it had always been there. Her sense of time and space, was all over the place. He dried her off and rolled her to lie flat onto her stomach. He gave her ass a good hard slap then left her there, for who knows how long.

She dozed off and on so very tired. She'd just done so much this time and had fucked so hard. She'd hadn't been fucked like this in years. Maybe ever, these guys knew what they were doing. They were professionals. She realized she'd just been professionally fucked. She would have laughed if she wasn't so tired.

After a while, she started to drifted off. She hoped she'd sleep for a while this time. She just wanted to sleep this off and feel better...feel less. She knew in the morning, afternoon, or evening whenever—she woke up, she might have "regrets" but that was later...not now...later. A cool breeze blew through her hair as she soared through the sky. It took her a moment to realize she was no longer laying on the bathroom floor but dreaming.

What a wonderful dream it was! The colors and clouds, everything was breathtaking. She basked in the beauty of it all, feeling like she was in paradise. The wind whirled around her as she sped up and then slowed down. She loved rising with a burst of air, then letting herself fall a little before bursting once more. Oh, she loved flying dreams so much, especially when she was aware. She must have been in a wonderfully deep sleep.

After who knows how long, she just let herself float in the air and moved the clouds around her like they were soap bubbles in a bathtub. She made various shapes and laughed before flying off once more. She came down from up high, and a rush of cold air and moisture hit her. It felt refreshing as she burst through a large rain cloud. She could see the ground below, and there were rolling hills, winding rivers, deep forests and great mountains.

She saw a flash of lighting in the distance and heard thunder roar across the sky. She wasn't afraid though. If anything she was exited. She sensed another and sought them out, flying toward the storm to greet them but suddenly she jerked, feeling something press against her ass cheek. It hurt, then felt hot-NO IT BURNED!

She woke disoriented by the sudden pain radiating from her ass cheek. She cried out madly as she realized someone had their knee on her back. They pinned her to the floor as something was burning her ass cheek. She screamed at the top of her lungs and tried to squirm free but it was no use. She couldn't get away.

A second later, a towel was shoved against her face muffling her screams. She tried to pry free of it but couldn't. She was so worked up she soon found it hard to breathe. Then suddenly, the pressure on her ass let up but it still burned. It felt like she was on fire! She cried out hysterically unsure of what was going on. She hoped she was having a nightmare but this felt too real.

She felt some liquid pour over her ass and run down her cheeks. For a second the pain lessened and then hurt even worse. She frantically moved her hands beyond the towel, to the hand that was holding it against her face. She tried to pry it off and dug her fingers into it, wishing she still had her nails.

Suddenly she heard Dawson's voice. "Yes! Oh yes! That is going to scar up quite nicely!"

SCAR! WHAT! WHAT THE FUCK HAD HE DONE TO HER! He kept his knee on her back and she heard the sound of tape ripping. She felt him put something on her ass and secure it. It hurt! It hurt so much! He didn't let up on her, not until her cries grew into the occasional whimper. Then all at once he releasing her face and got off her back. She tried to get away from him but was still so sore and exhausted. She only managed to squirm a few feet before she collapsed. He stood over her and laughed, watching her struggle.

"FUCKER! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!" She cried out. Her voice nearly went out and her throat hurt,

She didn't wait for him to respond. She painfully got to her hands and knees but he stepped on her back, easily pushing her to lay flat once more. "Where are you off to in such a hurry? Looking for more cock already?"

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!" She rasped wanting answers.

She felt so out of it and in pain. She tried to make sense of what was going on but felt completely overwhelmed. Her body hurt so bad everywhere, her heart raced and her mind felt foggy and fatigued. She just wanted to collapse but kept fighting for several more minutes. When she eventually calmed down some, he stepped off her back and she rolled on her side, curling up into a tight ball. For several minutes, she shivered on the floor from all the exertion and trauma. When her head finally started to clear she reached for her ass wanting to know why it burned so. He grabbed her wrist as she came in contact with a small bandage and pulled her hand away.

"I would leave it alone, at least for a few hours, let the medicine take effect."

"Medicine?" She sniffled then once again asked, "What did you do to me? My ass feels like it's on fire!"

"Well, technically it was, for about a minute," he said then crouched down, showing her a cigar. "Put this baby out on that fat ass of yours. It's gonna leave a nice reminder of today."

"WHAT!" said Gwyne, her eyes went wide as she struggled to processed what he'd just said.

He'd put a cigar out on her ass! "What the fuck is wrong with you!" she gasped getting upset again. She pulled her wrist free of him and dragged herself several feet away. "Get away from me! I'm done! You went too fucking far this time!"

"I went too far?" he laughed standing, "Says the whore who just downed a gallon of sperm and still wants more. You were just fucking in your sleep, pumping your hips on the floor. If anyone's gone to-


He looked at her unfazed by her tears and hoarse yelling. He ran a hand through his hair and just shrugged, "That's the idea, love. You are a masochist and I am a sadist."

"No, this...this, you've gone too far!" She shook her head. She knew she got off on pain and humiliation but this, burning her, scarring her, felt like it had gone too far! He'd crossed a line! "You've crossed a line!"

"As I've said before love, there are no lines with us!" said Dawson. He shook his head and looked up, like he was suddenly put out. "It's like you've got selective hearing or your memories gone to shit. I told you there are no rules. What we are doing here is beyond the spectrum, beyond limitations."

"I- I-" she didn't know what to say.

He 'had' told her this before, many times but she hadn't taken him seriously. She assumed things would get really wild and rough but not to this level. He suddenly stepped up and snatched her from the floor. Her forced her onto her feet and she tried to get away but every step hurt. Her hips ached something fierce and her pussy and ass were throbbing like mad. Her body had been pushed to its limit and was beyond fatigued. He held her up and turned her slightly so that she could see the bandage on her ass in the large bathroom mirror.

While it hurt like a son of a bitch she could see the bandage itself was relatively small. Still, it didn't matter how big of small it was, HE'D FUCKING BURNED HER! She sniffled and he grabbed hold of her chin. He forced her to look at him in the mirror as he held her up, "Consider this the first of many scars to come. Every time we do something worth while, I'm going to give you a new scar. While cum washes away and bruises fade with time, your scars will last a lifetime! Every time you look at this scar, you are going to think of me, of tonight and how I let five cocks haul your worthless holes."

"NOOO!" She cried lashing out at him.

She managed to hit him in the face and he got pissed off. He grabbed her both her wrists and roared. "You want to hit. I CAN HIT!" He let go of one of her wrist and swung, hitting her in the face. She fell back but he held her up with the other wrist and kept her from hitting the floor. She grabbed hold of her face as it throbbed with pain and started to sob. After a few seconds he dropped her on the floor and she curled up into a ball, once more. He stood over her and mocked her, "BOO HOO! Grow the fuck up and stop bitching when I give you a gift!"

"GIFT!" she screamed in utter disbelief, "BURNING MY ASS WITH A CIGAR IS A FUCKING GIFT!"

"YES! YES IT FUCKING IS! I told you I can hurt you real good Gwyne but you have to want it! You have to obey me and thank me when I take the FUCKING time! I am not hearing a lot of gratitude here!" She was completely speechless, she couldn't believe him or anyone for that matter, was this disillusioned. He went on "I said in time I will break you down into your true form, a fucking masochistic work of art. Bruises, scars, piercings and burns! Fuck, I'm going to get my initials tattoo on your worthless ass, or maybe I'll brand you! YEAH! Nice hot iron on your pussy lips. I bet you're like that. One initial each that way everyone knows who you belong to."

"SCREW YOU! YOU'RE FUCKING PSYC-!" She screamed and her voice cut out at the end.

She ran her hand across her throat. It felt so sore but she didn't care, she'd worry about it later. She tried to drag herself away but he grabbed her up once again and got her on her feet. He put his lips to her ear then said, "Don't worry, I will once we're back at my place. I'm going to fuck you until you pass out and keep going. I'm going to keep you for days, fuck, I might just keep you from now on. I've seen what you get up to on your own. And honestly I can't do much worst!"

"WHAT!" she said confused, "What did you say?" Had he been following her?

"What I'm saying is you don't have to worry about me." he said pulling out a new mask from his pocket. He put it on over her head and yanked it down, covering her face. "I'm not "Tobias." I'm not going to leave you because you are a gross slut. If anything, I encourage it! The more depraved you are the more beautiful you become."

"Tobias…" She said giving him a strange look. He couldn't see it as she had the mask on but she wondered how he knew her first boyfriend's name. She'd told him the story but she couldn't recall if she'd told Dawson his name. She didn't like saying it but must have, right? How else could he have known? She groaned uncertain as he continued.

"Today was a big step. I'm proud of you but we've got a long ways to go. From now on, we've got to stay consistent." He ran his hands over her breasts admiring all the bruising. He couldn't wait to take pictures tomorrow, when they were more developed. She was going to be covered in them. The best of them would of course be from him. He gave her breasts each a good squeeze but caught himself. "FUCK! I want to smash you so hard right now. I can't wait to get you back to my place and in my bed."

He grabbed a new corset from the bathroom counter and put it on her, lacing it up. She felt so out of it. Everything felt like it was too much right now, so many thoughts and feelings were coursing through her. She just couldn't keep up with it all. She kept thinking she needed to say something or do something but what? What the fuck should she do right now? What could she do? She didn't know. Her mind raced a million miles a second then seemed to just go blank. It was like she'd suddenly short circuited or some shit. Could that happen to a person?

Once she was laced up tight, he ran his hands over her waist admiring it "Yeah...yeah, I'm so proud of you. You are making so much progress even here, getting a nice curve."

He ran his hands over her then suddenly smacked her ass. She fell forward but he caught her and moved her so that her back was resting against his chest. She realized he wasn't soaking wet anymore. He must have changed his clothes. When had he don't that? She didn't know. Her eyes were glossy now her vision coming in and out of focus. She was just so tired.

"Let's see how your fuck hole is doing!" He said spreading the lips of her sex. He jabbed a finger in her entrance, then added another. He parted his fingers inside her, spreading her hole as he said, "Would you look at that, is that a nice little gape I see."

She blinked several times trying to focus her eyes. When she managed to looked at herself. She was all swollen. Her clit was red and huge and her hole was more open. It wasn't huge, not like some she'd seen at the sex club but she could look inside now. He let go and she noticed she was still slightly open.

"Oh would you look at that. It doesn't want to close all way." She groaned then winced. Fuck! She'd had so much sex that her pussy didn't want to close. She knew the swelling would go down and it would shrink with time but this...this had to be the biggest she'd ever been, even with that one guy she dated. She suddenly felt panicked like they were doing way too much, too fast. He jabbed her several times with his fingers and kept trying to open her up more.

She didn't like that, she grasped hold of his hands and cried out, "Stop it! Don't do that!"

"Do what?" he mocked, doing it again.

Her body was so sore it hurt. "I mean it." She said pulling at his hand. "This it's, is too much! I'm done! It's over!" she shook her head.

"Really," he scoffed. He let her drop to the floor once more. She hit hard again and he mocked her, "Go on then, crawl off. If you even can!"

She painfully got onto her hands and knees. She managed to crawl several feet but collapse before she made it to the bathroom door. She laid flat on the floor and closed her eyes as everything in the room suddenly felt like it was spinning. He stood over her and laughed, "I swear, you are too cute, when you get yourself all worked up!" He scooped her up into his arms and carried her into the bedroom. He laid her on the bed next to a large duffle bag and said. "Trust me love, you don't want this to be over. Because I'd have to take my ring back and I doubt you'd like that."

He started whistling again as he took up a syringe. He popped the cap off with his teeth and jabbed her thigh with it before she could even react. She let out a deep uneasy groan as he injected her. She raised her hands for a moment but passed out a few seconds later. He put the needle away and stared down at her. He gave her breasts a good squeeze then ran his hands across her corset and over her sex. She really was like a fucking sex doll. Yes, his sex doll to do with as he pleased.

He admired her for a moment dipping his fingers into her swollen hole. He really wanted to pop off in it but alas something had come up. His big boss was suddenly in town and wanted to see him. He'd gotten the call just after his shower, it put a damper on things but he was determined to keep her close. He didn't trust her to stay in the hotel room or even at his place so he planned to keep her in the trunk of his car until after the meeting. He didn't want her going anywhere until he'd thoroughly fucked that hole and made sure it remembered who it belonged to. He also desperately needed the sleep only she seemed to bring. Laying next to her seemed to-

His watch beeped and he was glad he'd set it now. He'd let himself get distracted. She had a way of doing that to him. He ran his hand over her body once more but knew he didn't have much time now. He began attaching the necessary equipment to her, a catheter, oxygen mask and a long ranged heart monitor that connected to his watch. Most people wouldn't have these things lying around in their personal hotel room but he was not most people. He always liked to be prepared for anything and if possible over prepared.

He secured the equipment to her with medical wraps and then moved her limp body into a fetal position. It wasn't easy but he managed to secure her in this position. He'd found over the years give anything enough rope and it will do what you want. He admired her once more and was glad he'd gone with the extra muscle relaxer, instead of just the sedative.

He picked her up then stuffed her into his large duffle bag. He zipped it up slowly and found himself even more aroused. Admittedly he'd always had a morbid fantasy of keeping a woman, contained so to speak. He liked the idea of having her on hand, toting her around, stuffing her places and locking her away, for his own personal use. His wife didn't like to be "detained." He'd paid a few whores, over the years to play out some of his fantasies. They didn't mind being caged or tied up but always seemed to get upset when he wanted to put them in boxes, bags or the trunk of his car. He offered to drug them but they would only got more upset.

He knew Gwyne was different. She liked being pushed around and made to do more and more depraved things. She'd protest of course but he could tell she got off on her own degradation just as much as he did. He knew now, it was more then just the physical between the two. It was all of it, their conversations, their arguments, the way she gave herself to him and even more the way she resisted him. There was something about the struggle, the chase, and ultimately the capture that pulled them both in. He suddenly pulled back, realizing he'd unzipped the bag and was touching her again. His hands trembled. He...he couldn't even remember doing it. He just couldn't keep his hands off her.

He ran his finger tips across her skin, she was bruised and battered, so messed up and yet still so beautiful, if not more so. He loved her being all tied up like this. He just wanted to slide right in and fuck her senseless. He wanted to take the mask off and look at her face, into those eyes of hers and get lost. He wanted to lose himself in her embrace and sleep a thousand years. He bent over her, breathing her in deeply. He reached for his pans zipper but- NO! NO! NOO!

He slapped himself pulling back. It was the lack of sleep talking! He didn't have time for this SHIT! He took another pill and a line of something to keep him up and focused. He just needed a few more hours. He was already running on fumes but he needed to keep going. He hoped this meeting wouldn't take long. He went to close her up again but saw her hole was leaking. He'd cleaned it up good so he knew it was all her natural juices.

"Hungry again, shit!" He hissed at it.

He ran his thumb over her hole, opening and closing it. It was beautiful, so swollen and open. He really debated just nudging the tip of his cock in but knew he wouldn't be able to hold back. He'd miss his meeting and he couldn't afford to. Still he couldn't leave it drooling like this. It would leak all over the bag. He need to get something to sate it and stuff it up, a plug! He found a box of brand new but plugs. He tried a few until he found a nice glass one, with a wide enough base so that it wouldn't get sucked up and lost within her. It was fucking perfectly. He plugged her gluttonous hole right up and ran his hand over it.

"There you go, suck on that, until I can properly feed you!" He paused, blinked and realized he was talking to it again. He'd done it before, liked how it annoyed her but this time he'd actually done it without her. He furrowed his brow and shook his head as he ran a hand through his hair, "I need to sleep."

He wiggled the plug a bit and watched her hole twitch before he zipped up the bag. He checked his watch to make sure her heart beat was nice and steady then picked up the bag. The weight was good, he'd also gotten the balance right. He cleaned up a few more things then left. The hall and elevator were empty. It almost always was. This hotel was special in the fact that all the rooms were always booked and the 'guests' came and went as they pleased.

He liked having a place to take strays or set up his family and associates, when they were in the city. He realized he hadn't taken Gwyne here the first time they'd met. He hadn't even thought to. Of course he hadn't expected her. He'd been working late that night, had planned to just go home and turn in. It would seem from the very start he'd done things different with her.

He got to the parking garage and noticed one of the guys from earlier. The last of the five to survive was loitering by one of the support pillars. He smoked a cigarette and perked up when he noticed Dawson a few seconds later. The two exchanged glances, the guy nodded to him and Dawson nodded back but didn't slow his pace. Their business concluded they had no other reason to address one another. He walked by him without a word and went to his car. He popped the trunk and loaded the duffle bag like it was any other gear. He secured it, with some straps so it wouldn't roll, then checked his watch before shutting the trunk.

He bet anything that fucker was waiting for Gwyne to come down or was gonna go back up to his hotel room, after he pulled out of the garage, to see if she was still there. Admittedly he'd gotten excited about him, he had a nice ass and a good looking cock with some solid fucking stamina. He wouldn't mind taking him for a ride himself, maybe even while he was inside Gwyne. He wondered what it would feel like to fuck her through someone else. He'd already used her to fuck at the club. Her ass had twitched the entire time.

He'd started getting excited but noticed the guy had been talking to her, when he entered the room with his camera. It bothered him, along with the fact he'd asked to keep going, when he'd said she was done. It itched at the back of his mind as he was cleaning up the room. So he looked through his other footage, taken on the rooms hidden cameras. Sure enough the asshole was trying to steal her away from him. He was proud she hadn't said a thing. She'd been good and he wouldn't have to punish her but that fuck was another reason he wasn't leaving her anywhere, right now.

Guy was probably trying to recruit her for one of the red rooms. They paid the best because the girls never lasted long, a few weeks at best and if they managed to survived at all, what was left wasn't fuckable. He had bigger plans for his fuck hole, more then a few weeks. He wanted to stretch her out long term and enjoy her for as long as he could. He got into the driver seat, started the car and checked the time. He didn't have time to deal with this fucker properly right now but made a mental note to handle him later. He slowly backed up, pulled out of his parking spot and took off.




Thank you for reading



Okay so that intro. Yeah they are effected by other lives. Like past memories and feelings. In this life he is intraced but also wants to like squeeze the life out of her. I think in Volume one there was a moment where he said she was the kind of woman you gave everything to and she ripped your heart out. Like yeah...some last life resentment there...but let us be honest if anyone has the right to be murderous here it's Keyoko. He might bring up a few lives but she could just go. Robbers, Confess, Craven, The Girl you die for, Rest of me, Broken, Undeniable, just yeah...they'd be there a while with her grievences.

She already be carrying her trauma hard this time round.


Okay so the posting for this is gonna be a little different. Not every update will be Two Lovers Volume Two. I'm also looking into some other things. One because two lovers tends to be a longer book and I like to stay at least five chapter ahead. To date Volume 1 is the longest book I've written. It could have been longer but I decided to cut it at the gang bang because I realize it was just growing as I told you before I did most of this book in a porn fueled, antibiotic haze. So yeah.


I love this series just cause I do, I'm weird I know I accept it. So of course I started a comic.

I make no promises in finishing it cause that's a lot of graphic detail. I have not posted it yet I'm torn of if I should post what I have and just update or just upload the whole thing all at once.

Volume 1 Changes Chapter Menu Next

© 2011 Leona Keyoko Pink All Rights Reserved Contact Leona at

May not be reproduced in whole or part without express written permission.

Thanks for reading!


© 2011 Leona Keyoko Pink All Rights Reserved Contact Leona at

May not be reproduced in whole or part without express written permission.

Thanks for reading!