Two Lovers
Day Mode
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When she finally managed to fall asleep, she dreamt she was endlessly running through the stone hallways of a large castle. She was being chased by shadowy figure and no matter how fast or far she ran it always seemed to be just behind her. She had on a long flowing white dress that trailed behind her as she turned corners and went up stairs then down. She felt like she was in a never ending maze. She cried out as she tried to find a door, somewhere to hide or someway to escape but there was nothing but endless stone hallways.

Still she kept on running and kept trying to get away even though she knew, she couldn't escape him. He was going to catch her one way or another and when he did, he'd crush her into submission, lock her in a cage and make her his sex slave, once more. Part of her was so scared but there was another part of her that was excited, beyond damaged from lifetimes of torment, she was infinity torn, internally struggling with herself

Suddenly, cold metal bars came down blocking her path forward. She was trapped! She didn't dare turn around. She heard the sound of chains rattling before two chains shot out of hidden panels in the walls. The chains wrapped around her wrists and she grasped hold of the bars in front of her, knowing it was over. She had been caught once more and there was nothing she could do. She screamed at the top of her lungs and her cries echoed through the halls.

Now that she was caught there was no more excitement, only dread. He was soon upon her. She could feel his overwhelming presence bearing down on her as he took hold of the back of her neck. He drew her back to him and whispering in her ear. "You can't fight this. You can't fight what you are. You wont escape it or me. You are bound to me..."

She could feel his cold lips against her neck. He bared his teeth down on her tender flesh as she whispered, finishing his sentence "For all eternity." Her eyes glossed over as she felt this deep pit inside her chest. Her heart ached and tears streamed down her cheeks as she knew she was doomed, to struggle and suffer at his hands for all eternity.

Her dress and the chains around her wrists fell away as she accepted her fate. She stepped back from the bars and was naked, save for a thick collar around her neck. Her nipples were pierced along with her clit. She turned to face him and the room changed. She was no longer surrounded by endless stone hallways. She was suddenly surrounded by darkness, save for a small patch of light in her immediate area.

She could see a carpet leading up to an ornate throne. The Shadow, her master sat on it, with his legs crossed, one of his elbows rested an arm wrest and his head was against his fist as he waited for her. A chain appeared from his other hand and attached to her clit ring. He yanked on her, and she fell forward to her knees. She cried out, in pain and ecstasy as he slowly pulled her in. She dropped down to her hands then crawled to him.

As she drew close, she saw his cock was out, waiting for her to mount it. When she reached his feet she bowed down to him, kissed the top of his boots, then crawled up him until she could place herself upon him. She slowly sunk down on him and felt his mighty cock fill her completely. She arched her back almost falling backwards as she let out a deep lustful moan. He caught her just before she fell and wrapped his hands around her, they burned cold on her skin as he pulled her to fall forward against him. He held her hips to him and began to thrust up into her. It felt good but also hurt. She was torn between the pleasure of her body and the pain of her heart and soul.

Suddenly she pulled back almost as if she were floating away. She saw herself atop him on his throne and saw a large infinity mark on her lower back. He ran his hands across it and there was blood on her, where his hand had been. His hands were covered in blood, everything he touched was covered in blood.

She turned her head to the side, looking back at herself, her face was expressionless. Her eyes looked hallow, like that time after the twins...only much worse. She was completely broken and had lost all control. She began mindlessly grinding her hips as the shadow pumped up into her. She was beyond intoxicated with lust and pain, a twisted hallowed out shell. She was no longer herself but a carnal object for her master desire.

Pleased, her master let out a deep, disturbing laugh, it echoed through her and rattled her to the core. She tossed and turned in bed struggling with what she was seeing and how she was feeling. "….no!" She cried out in her sleep. She didn't want to become this thing...she didn't want to lose control...lose all sense of herself. Her body felt like it was on fire, her clit throbbed with such pain as her inside ached. "No…no..."


"What...what" she said opening her eyes at hearing her name called.

"What's that?" said someone.

She heard sizzling, she felt sick, no hungry...she was hungry. She could smell food cooking. She sat up in bed, her bed, she was in her bed. For a moment she was confused, she couldn't recall going to sleep, then she did, the tacos with Tawnie and the clit ring. She dangled her hand over her crotch, feeling it through her soaking wet underwear. She could feel the metal, it was still there, a part of her now.

It didn't hurt just then, if anything her clit was on fire, a good kind of fire. An aroused heat, from her wetness she must have been having a wet dream. She wondered when her clit would heal, so she could have sex again. She'd heard the piercing could enhance an orgasm and the thought got her excited, anything to increase, her pleasure, there was nothing like a good hard fuck. Sometimes she worried she liked it a bit too much, for a moment the dream danced across her mind. She couldn't remember what it had been about, she'd almost grasp it and then it would slip away again.

Still sleepy, she looking around, slowly becoming more aware of her surroundings, it was night, dark save for a single light on in her kitchen. Someone was cooking. Yes, she could smell meat and saw it was Corrie. CORRIE! Her eyes shot open and she pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming. A sting of pain shot through her arm and she got even more excited, he was here, really here, at last he'd come home!

"Hey, you hungry?" He asked, seeing she was up. "I'm making steaks and eggs."

"I could eat," she said stretching. She tried to play it cool and casual like she hadn't been waiting for his return.

She laid back in bed for a few seconds just enjoying the moment before she rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom. She relieved herself then she checked herself out in the mirror. "Shit! Right" She was still super bruised and blotchy. No sex tonight! Not that she could with the new ring but still. She didn't want him to see her like this. She'd had few hickies and slight bruises before but it usually wasn't this bad. She quickly put on cover up, any place her big T-shirt didn't cover. Then she brushed out her hair making it look nice.

She took a moment to check on her clit and wasn't as shocked to look at it now. It actually looked kind of sexy. She'd always been torn if she'd get the ring or the bar but liked how the ring looked. Like a door knocker to ecstasy's door, she hoped. She ran her finger over it trying to get used to touching it and moving it like any of her other piercings. She moved it a bit too much and got a little zing of pleasure before so much pain.

"Uh not yet!" she hissed at herself.

She changed her underwear then washed her hands. She also brushed her teeth and sprayed on some perfume around her neck and privates. Even if nothing happened tonight she still wanted to smell nice for Corrie. Again he was here! She practically danced into the hall before rushing up behind him. She wrapping her arms around him from behind and gave him a big hearty squeeze

"Hey, Hey watch it." he hissed, "I'm dealing with grease here."

"Sorry." she said pressing her forehead into the back of his shirt.

For a moment she just breathed him in. He always had an earthy smell like being in a deep forest after it rained. She knew he liked to work with wood, carve when things were slow or he had some time to himself. She wished she could bottle this smell up so whenever she missed him, she could breath it in.

Oh how she had missed him this time. She wanted to tell him it had felt like forever and she was so glad he'd come by, that she'd been waiting for so long but knew that would just upset him and start a fight. So instead she closed her eyes and thought everything she wished she could say to him in this moment. "I love you. I love you so much. I wish you would stay. I wish we could be together always. No matter what happens, good or bad I just want to be with you."

Her heart ached as she basked in this moment here with him, the man she loved. She knew every second of it was so precious. She wished she could stop time, when he was around but knew she couldn't. After a few blissful minutes she gave him a big squeeze then let the moment carry on.

"What time is it?" she asked.

"Just after four I think."

"Am or pm."

He chuckled as if it were obvious "Am," He moved some things around in the pan then took a swig from his bottle of beer. When he set it down, she snatched it up and took a swig of her own. She stepped beside him then and smiled up at him playfully. He chuckled smiled back , then leaned in and kissed her before taking back his beer. He chugged it back, finishing it off.

"How'd you sleep?" he asked setting the empty bottle down, "You seemed to be dreaming pretty hard, when I came in, you were mumbling to yourself"

"Really," she said. She paused for a moment trying to recall her dream but it was gone. "I can't remember."

"Hmm, well you looked out of it. Almost didn't think you were gonna wake up,"

"Then you should have woken me!"

"Didn't have to, besides if you didn't wake up, more steak and eggs for me."

"Why offer, if you want it all?"

"Just because I want it all doesn't mean I should have it," he teased, "I could stand to lose a few pounds."

"Right, Mr. Six pack, run five miles a day."

"Seven, actually," he said with a grin

"Oh well excuse me, seven."

He chuckled then leaned in and kissed her again, they lingered on each others lips for a bit this time. It was a sweet soft kiss that deepened. When she pulled back she hummed with delight. She always loved his kisses. They'd always put a pep in her step, it was one of the reasons she knew, her feelings for him had evolved, with just a look...a simple kiss, it was enough for her.

Usually she needed sex but for him it didn't matter, if he never touched her again. Like if he couldn't anymore because he got hurt and needed her to take care of him for the rest of their lives, she would. Her heart ached at the thought, at how happy he could make her feel simply by being near her. It amazed her that she could ever feel like this. They'd been together three years and this feeling, only seem to deepen and grow stronger with each day. She never felt like this about anyone before. She loved her family and friends but the love she had for Corrie, just felt different, on a whole other plain of existence.

"Ouch what's this?" said Corrie touching her shoulder.

She pulled from her thoughts and realized her big night shirt had fallen off her shoulder. She looking at it knowing it was the one Dawson had left his bite mark on. She hadn't covered it up... it hadn't been showing at the time.

"You get bit, by a dog or something?" He joked.

She put a hand to her mouth, debating what she should say. She turned away not wanting to face him but then decided to own up to it. She turned back and softly spoke "Uh no, I met someone at a party the other night and we got a little rough."

"Oh," said Corrie. She looked at him, she wasn't trying to make him jealous but if there was even the slightest hint of a reaction, something anything that told her, he didn't want her fucking other people that he really wanted to be with her, then she'd-

"Well good," he said quickly deflating the hope in her heart. His voice sounding tight, he cleared it but continued, "Just be safe."

"Yeah," she said. Just be safe, just be safe…her heart echoed with his words. She had been rough fucking another guy and the man she loved just told her to be safe. She felt self-destructive in that moment, like she wanted to go out and not be safe, just find some stranger to really take it out on her, rough her up good just to spite him, to spite this feeling, this awful pit in her stomach...

She knew she was just trying to avoid how she felt. She felt like she was constantly reaching out to him with her heart in her hands and he was slapping it away. She reminded herself this was the life she had chosen, when she chose to love him, despite the circumstances. She moved to look in the fridge as some awkwardness filled the air.

After a second he hissed "Ahh fuck."

"What?" she asked perking up.

"I'm burning the steaks."

"Oh," she said with a laugh. She watched him wrestle to turn off the heat and transfer the meat. "Wait no," he said excitedly. "I might be lucky, they might be okay." He took a fork and a knife and carefully cut into them, "Alright people, calm down, the steaks are okay."

She scoffed shutting the fridge door, he had more of a reaction to burnt steak then her hooking up with other men. Of course, he encouraged it, he wanted her to find someone else, to eventually be with someone else. For some reason she just kept spiraling tonight. She knew she was wasting her time with him. She could be depressed later.

"I'm gonna set the table," she said finding something to do.

She went to the table to clear it off and saw the vase with the flowers, they were still so perfect even after more then a week. She also saw the card from the other day, inviting her to dinner, along with the new letter, fuck hole, clearly readable on the envelope. She opened it and looked at the picture of her new clit ring before quickly putting the picture away again. She stared at it all for a moment and thought of Dawsone as she bit her lip. He was really something else...

"How goes?" called Corrie noticing she'd paused.

"It goes." she said quickly gathering everything up. She put all the papers on her table in a basket with her mail. "I really need to clean up more often." she said nervously. She didn't want to think of Dawson, not during her precious, precious Corrie time. She lifted the flower vase and surprisingly it was heavier then she thought. She put it in on a counter in the kitchen then finished clearing the table.

Once it was cleared, she grabbed a wash cloth, wet it and wiped down the table. Then she went to the cupboards and grabbed two plates, silverware from the draws and finally a beer for herself and another for him from the fridge. She quickly set the table and plopped down in a chair. She'd did it a bit too quickly and there was a twinge from her clit ring. She stifled an uncomfortable cry not wanting to draw Corrie's attention.

Her eyes shot wide as a zing of soreness tore through her. Shit she was gonna have to get used to this. She adjusted herself and notice her underwear was getting wet again. It was like she was always on now…vibrating with pleasure. It had to be the sensitivity. She could still remember how sensitive her nipples were after she got them pierced they'd get so agitated and were always hard at first. Was she just going to soak through everything now until it healed? She'd have to clean up a lot and watch where she sat. Corrie stepped up to table with a plate of steaks and scrambled eggs, pulling her from her thoughts.

"You okay, you seem kind of spacey tonight." He said setting them down.

Oh if he only knew, "Fine, just tired." she said.

"You know you could have declined the offer and kept sleeping."

"No, I'm starving," she said.

"Great," he said. He dished her up before himself, then pulled out his chair and turned it round. He was the only grown man she knew who liked to sit in chairs backward on a regular basis. She found it quirkie and charming. Oh she had it bad for him, even the little things filled her heart with joy. She bit her lip and tried to stop staring at him.

She waited a few seconds then coyly asked "So what were you up to this time?" Sometimes he'd tell her, sometimes he wouldn't it just depended on his mood and how dangerous it was.

"Well, uh let's see, mostly rebuilding a school."

"Rebuilding a school?" she said cutting her steak.

"Yeah, me and a bunch of the guys read about this school that burnt down a few hours away. It was a small town and they needed volunteers. So me and some of the guys volunteered to rebuilt it in our down time. It's taken most the month but we got the site cleaned up and the basic frame work up. Just waiting on others to kick it into gear so we can get to work on the rest of it. I'll probably head back tomorrow after my shift."

"That's nice," she said "That you guys are doing that and on top of everything else."

"Just doing our part," he said. "When and wherever we can."

"Yeah," she said poking the eggs on her plate.

He was amazing, a firefighter who rebuilt schools on his off time. Her mother would have said he was a great catch. Gwyne thought she would have liked him as she always liked volunteering. Her mother had known from a young age, her life was going to be short and wanted to leave a positive impact on the world, with what time she had left. Yes, Corrie would have been a great catch, if he could be caught. She looked down at the table sullen. She just couldn't seem to shake this somber funk tonight.

"How bout you? How are things?" He asked.

"Okay, I guess, just been working."

"Amber still thinking of selling the store?"

"Last I heard she's gonna wait a year or so."

"Hmm you should think about what you want to do, after?

"Maybe, its a ways away," she said poking her food around some more.

"Anything else?" he asked.

"Not much, Tawnie and I finally got to go to this wild costume party. We've been wanting to go to it forever but could never find it, when it was going on. Other then that...not too much else." No, not as far as Corrie was concerned.

He took a bite of his steak, chewed it for a moment then asked "That party uh, was that the one that happened down on Crocker Street?"

"Yeah," she said surprised, he knew the street it had been on.

"Hmm, I heard about that. The people who ran the event didn't have the right permits, turns out it was a pop up party. They were doing all sorts of illegal shit. Had several OD's and they were stuffing the place with people, when it wasn't up to code. They ended up having to shut it down."

"Oh that must have been after we left."

"Hmm," he said. He cut some more steak then casually asked, "You still do drugs with Tawnie?"

"Yeah," she said. They'd talked about it a few times. He wasn't too happy about it but never told her to outright stop. They didn't control each others lives like that, didn't get into each others businesses too much. No that would be too close to an actual relationship. If she was unhappy with something he did, she just had to accept it and vice versa for him

"Nothing too hard."

She couldn't be certain, given what Dawson had given her the other night. "No," she said then sarcastically added, "Only the safe ones."

It seemed to fly over his head, at least if it didn't, he didn't respond. "I showed you where to check for the fire codes compliance's, right?"

"Yes, usually out front or just inside, clearly displayed, time, date, label and codes." she said. "I think that was our third date?"

"Right, right good to see you remember." he said smiling before taking a swig of his beer.

"How could I forget, you gave me a what, two hour seminar on it?"

He scooped up some eggs then spoke with his mouth slightly full, "It's important, it saves lives," He swallowed, "Trust me you don't want to be in some building that running under the radar, those things are tinder boxes just waiting to go up."

"Right," she said seeing how passionate he was getting.

Sometimes she wondered if this was his way of saying, I care if you die so don't go places that can kill you. Of course she was probably reading into things... she knew his father, who was also a firefighter, had been killed on job in a building that wasn't up to code. Corrie probably made sure everyone knew about fire and safety codes.

She finally began to eat, taking a bite of her steak and then the eggs. It was good as always. "My complements to the chef, eggs are nice and salty and the steak is juicy and well seasoned."

"Yeah, been experimenting with the seasoning some, think I'm getting a good balance. Samuals's taught me some stuff with pit roasting and I took a few things from it I like. I want to use it on this years cook out. Of course, it also helps that Mr. Farmin on Counter street, always gives me the best cuts."

"Well you did save his shop from burning down more then once."

"All I did was give him a few suggestions and help him get up to code, nothing more, nothing less. He's always trying to give me gifts, everytime I go in, jerky, sausage, even a whole pig one time. I tell him we don't take gifts but it's hard to turn down good cuts of steak. I mean I paid for the meat, it's his choice to give me what cuts but yeah, these, these were some prime cuts, this week."

She saw how his eyes lit up as he talked about the meat and asked. "What's the best steak you've ever had?"

"Best? Best, oh you can't make me choose Gwyne," he said feigning distress.

"Really, nothing comes to mind?" she teased before taking a sip of her beer.

"No," he said shaking his head, "Too many good ones. I can tell you the worst but not the best, now ribs! Fuck Yes! Last summer the county fair, those, every time we got a call out. I was first to respond."

"I remember you taking us to get those, they were pretty decent."

"DECENT! WOMAN!" he glared at her "Juicy, tender, meat falling off the bone, melting in your mouth and that sauce, tangy, Mnn...Mnn" he was fist pumping, shaking his head. He looked like he was salivating over the memory. It was cute.

"Yeah, I guess it was pretty tangy but I'm more of a bread girl. When I was a kid there was this guy, Mr. Hacob who used to bake fresh breads. I swear I could smell it a mile away. Now that was something else. I'd get on my bike and would pedal my heart out to get that fresh. Those cinnamon rolls uh and the bread sticks."

He burst out laughing.

"What?" she said.

"I'm just picturing some little girl on a bike riding up on a bakery, like it's a candy store."

"Fuck candy stores. You never had Mr. Hacob's Banana bread."

They both started laughing, it was a simple conversation, nothing really but these moments, these little moments were everything to her. It made the times in between bearable. She couldn't understand why they weren't so precious to him. She wanted to know how he could walk out of here time and time again with the understanding that he might never return. How, how could he not want this everyday but she didn't say a word. She continued to laugh, like her heart didn't break and held her tongue.

They finished their, eggs, steak and beers and he helped her clear the table. He offered to help with the dishes too but she hissed at him. "Sit your ass down, how long have you been on your feet?"

"Long enough, I suppose." he said.

"Get yourself another beer and sit."

"If you insist." he said.

He got another beer and sat back down at the table. Gwyne filled up the sink with hot water and dropped some soap in before lathering up her dish sponge. For a few minutes she washed the dishes as he relaxed drinking his beer. A nice peaceful silence passed between them. She liked that they could do that... that they could talk for hours on end or just be quiet with one another and not have it be awkward. After she finished washing the dishes, she lightly hummed as she rinsed them off and set them aside. Finally when the sink was empty, she dried everything with a dish towel and began putting it away.

When she was nearly done, he yawned and asked "So how is Tawnie these days?"

"Tawnie is Tawnie, she wants me to hang out with her more."

"You should."

"Yeah, but I don't want to miss you dropping by."

"I told you I don't want you making your plans around me. If I get here and you're gone, you're gone."

"Well who knows maybe you'd want to come along, check fire codes." she teased, "And I'm sure Tawnie would like to see you more then once ever."

"Uh, we met twice, I'll have you know. Once when you properly introduced us and the second, when I thought it was you in the shower."

"Oh yeah right, I forgot about that."

"I did not," he said.

"Like what you see, ehh." she teased

"Pfft yeah, no thanks, she's not my type."

She chuckled to herself, she could remember Tawnie telling her the same thing. He's doable, but wasn't her type either...too short...even though he was taller then both of them, Tawnie always liked really tall guys. Gwyne didn't have a height preference as far as she was aware but admittedly short or tall, she liked a man would could lift her. There was something about being "handled" that just…"ump"

"What's that?" he asked. She realized she'd made a sound.

She laughed then casually asked."You gonna crash here tonight?" She was always eager for him to stay but tried to make it seem like she didn't care either way.

"Maybe," he said picking his teeth, "I got a few errands to run later this morning but I could use some down time been up on a double the last day or so."

"Oh?" she said finishing the dishes.

"Yeah, new guy didn't cut it so we're short a man, until we get a replacement should only be this week."

"Didn't you volunteer last time for extra shifts,"

"Yep, I'm kind of their go to guy. Not having a family makes it easier to fill in."

"Fair enough," she said.

The comment stung but was still true none the less. She remembered working in a coffee shop when she was younger. She'd always get the extra shifts cause people had kids or family things to attend. It was easier when you didn't have any other commitments but still it wasn't like you didn't have a life, things you wanted to do. She sighed and dropped her drying towel on the counter.

She turned around to face him then and gave him sultry look as she seductively asked. "Would you like me to help you come down?"

He looked at her, took a slow sip of his beer then coyly asked, "What did you have in mind?"

She slowly sauntered up to his chair. "Why don't you turn around in your chair and find out?"

"Okay, can do." he said with a big stupid grin on his face. It made her laugh, he knew exactly where this was going.

He got up, turned around then sat back down in his chair. Normally she'd take her top off and do a little strip tease before a lap dance but she didn't want him to see the rest of her marks. If she wasn't so sore she could just turn off the lights and climb on but for tonight she just fell to her knees before him. He looked down at her, his grin getting even bigger.

Without hesitant she ran her hands over his crotch and undid the buttons on his jeans. She leaned forward then and took hold of his zipper with her teeth and unzipped him. He ran his fingers through her hair as she pulled him out. She loved the smell of him. It was a musky kind of smell that was hard to explain. He'd get the same smell, in his armpits when he sweated and she wondered if it wasn't his pheromones.

She wrapped her fingers around his member feeling the soft skin in her hand. It was different from the rest of him. His hands could be so rough and he had various injuries, scars and burns from work but his cock was pristine untouched by the elements. She loved touching it, pleasing him, usually it was all about her pleasure, how hard and often could she get off with a partner but she took pleasure in pleasing him.

She looked up at him as she wet her lips, then slowly moved in. She kissed the head of his cock and his smile turned gentle. His eyes had this glisten to it. Of course what man didn't like a woman kissing their cock. She gave it a gentle squeeze that slowly increased in pressure. It grew harder in response and he released this small pleasurable sound. She poked her tongue out just a little and began to lick him like a lollipop, slow long strokes from the center of his cock up to the top.

When he was fully erect, she took him in her mouth sending the head of his cock, to the back of her throat. She'd overcome her gag reflex in college years ago and could easily take him in her throat. She sucked down on him completely then, making her mouth into a vacuum of pleasure.

"Fuck," he said throwing his head back.

She enjoyed his reaction and let out a pleasing moan of her own, like having the first sip of a good hot chocolate. She slowly pulled back, pulling him from her mouth as she applied contestant pressure on his cock. When she got to the head again she focused her suction on it, swirling her tongue around and around. She wet and puckered her lips up sucking him deep into her mouth then released him and did it all over again.

"Mmm, mmm fuck Gwyne, you know what I like."

She popped him out of her mouth and playfully said "Yeah, I would hope so after all this time."

She quickly realized she'd messed up, mentioning time with him. He paused for a second upset. He had a little twinge of emotion in his eyes as he looked off the side. She quickly put him back in her mouth and began to suck once more hoping to distract him. She went up and down the length of him twice before he put his hand on her head and tangling his fingers in her hair. He gently said. "You should be doing this for your boyfriend or husband."

She pulled off him and protested, "Don't flattered yourself, you are nothing special. I'm just doing this because I love cocks, and yours just happens to taste nice. So shut up and enjoy so that I can enjoy, when you cum in my mouth and give me that salty goodness."

"Salty goodness," he repeated with a chuckle, running his fingers through her hair. She knew she was pushing it with that line. She wasn't the best actress, he could clearly see through her and said "Right."

"Hey," she said still not giving up, "I mean it, don't be selfish, your taking away from my enjoyment,"

He chuckled again and she went back down on him, hoping to save the moment. Sometimes when he drank he could get down on himself, on them, thinking he was holding her back from having some life, when if fact he was her life. It was true she could move on and end things but she didn't want to.

She wanted to be with him, she knew that in her heart and soul. There was something about him, from the first time they met, he'd just drew her in and kept her. Like, he was different for all the others, those ocean blue eyes truly saw her and she saw him back. Beyond the bullshit of whatever was going on and whoever they were pretending to be in that moment. It was like she knew him before knowing him. It sounded funny, crazy even but it was some real soulmate shit.

She knew most people didn't believe in that stuff. Even she was still on the fence but her grandfather used to tell her the eyes were the window to the soul and that you could tell a lot by a persons eyes. Looking into Corrie's eyes she just felt this deep connection and this unspoken bond between them. It felt so natural, like he'd always been a part of her life and there was never a time where he wasn't.

Gwyne just knew, if she was ever got with anyone else, she'd always be thinking of Corrie. She would wonder where he was and what he was up to. She would always be looking for him around every corner. There was never a time or a person who could distract her from him...well up until now.

For a moment Dawson crossed her mind, there had been something about him, something about his eyes but she couldn't remember now. All she knew was, when she was with him, she hadn't thought of Corrie as much. She had lost herself in him and the things he could do to her, it was unsettling. She'd told herself she couldn't be with anyone else but Corrie but perhaps she could...

She'd paused at the thought, of really being with anyone else and it made heart ache. The thought of someone else, someone that wasn't Corrie being a constant in her life felt so wrong. Even if they ever broke up, she still wanted to share some connection with him, be it friends or acquaintances. She wanted him always be apart of her life.

"You okay, you're not choking on it are you?" he teased drawing her from her thoughts.

"No," she said, snapping out of it. She felt guilty thinking of another man with Corrie cock in her mouth. "I think I found a hair?" she mumbled.

"What?" he said tilting his head

"Yep, my own," she playfully teased.

He laughed shaking his head, then said "You are so weird sometimes."

"I know," she said proudly.

Again he laughed and she stuck her tongue out at him. She laughed then licked him with it before taking him in her mouth once more. She cleared everything from her mind and just focused on Corrie's hard pulsating cock. She wished it could be throbbing between her legs right now but she had to wait. She pushed out her lips, making them big and wet, then began to bob gliding her mouth up and down his shaft.

Every third bob she slowly increased her pressure and every time she hit the tip of his dick, she'd swirled her tongue around it it. He gently stroked her hair and she listened to him, grunting and groaning. When she liked what she was hearing, she began to play with his balls stroking and moving them in her fingers, massaging them as she bobbed his member. She increased the pace and the pressure making a sucking sound as she slurped his cock. It filled the quietness of her studio apartment along with his satisfying groans.

She slowed her pace as she didn't want him to finish him off too quickly. She wanted to make his pleasure last and draw out his overall gratification. For several minutes, she held him just as the cusp until to the moment was right, when his breathing became hot and heavy. Then she used her tongue more and applied the intensity of her suction. He set down his beer and she knew it was time. He ran his hands through her hair as she swirled her tongue around his cock one last time and then went to town. She pushed him to the back of her throat then began bobbed faster and faster. Her movements were swift, powerufl and she felt him getting closer to his fruition.

She felt him reach the edge, he'd always made these little noises, when he was about to come. She practical pushed him down her throat as she played with his balls. He suddenly jerked in the chair and stiffened in the back of her throat. She could barely taste it as it jutted out and washed down her throat. She got a little on the back of her tongue and he was indeed rather salty today. She swallowed it all, then took care to suck of any excess from the tip, cleaning him up right and proper.

When she was done, she wiped her mouth and looked up at him. This was her favorite part. He'd always have this glow of affection after he came, such loving eyes and a cute, soft smile. She liked to think for a moment his love was shining through and that one day, he'd realize their love for one another was strong enough to keep them together through whatever.

"You're amazing," he said holding the sides of her face, he brushed her cheeks with his thumbs and she smiled.

"You are too," she said getting up from her knees. She gave him quick kiss and he laughed knowing where her mouth had just been but still kissed her back. When she pulled back from the kiss, she grabbed hold of his arm and pulled him to her bed. "Come now, sleep."

"What about you? Give me a minute and I can go again or we could play some, give you a little something."

"You've been up what, twenty four hours?"

"Closer to thirty six," he said sleepily.

"Fuck Corrie! Bed now, I told you those long shifts, gotta stop."

"I'm fine, whatever the job requires and I take naps."

"Right," she said. "An hour here or there doesn't count, you need real rest."

She laid down as he undressed down to his boxers leaving his clothes on the floor. He climbed into bed and she moved to lay on her side. He spooned her from behind, wrapping his arms around her and squeezed her tight. She loved being held in his arms. She tried to stay awake, wanting to stay in this moment forever. She wanted to always bee with the one she loved. After a while, she turned around, curling into him. He moved to lay on his back and she rested her head and arm on his chest.

Slowly she drifted back to sleep listening to the beat of his heart. She dreamt of pleasant skies and endless golden fields. The wind blew through her hair and dress as she found she wasn't alone he was there with her. They playfully chased one another before laying down in the tall grass. They stared at each other both thinking they were having a nice dream, having no idea they were sharing the same dream.


Thank you for reading

Author Note:



I thought this was a nice slice of life for them.

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© 2011 Leona Keyoko Pink All Rights Reserved Contact Leona at

May not be reproduced in whole or part without express written permission.

Thanks for reading!


© 2011 Leona Keyoko Pink All Rights Reserved Contact Leona at

May not be reproduced in whole or part without express written permission.

Thanks for reading!