Two Lovers
Night Mode
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Gwyne woke up in pain, beyond hung over the next morning, afternoon, night...days later, she had no fucking clue. She hadn't been this fucked up in years, not since her mom had passed and she'd gone on a drug fueled sex binge or that time with the twins...fuck...fuck. She hoped that hadn't happened again. She could barley focus and had a hard time sitting up. She must have taken some hard shit in more then one way.

She stumbled then fell from the bed. She got on her hands and knees and crawled to the toilet. She just managed to make it there before she puked. The shit that came out of her was insane. She didn't recognizing any of it, once it was out, she relieving herself, her pussy ached something fierce.

She looked around some and realized she was back at that guys place again, what's his face, the mighty cock, rich dude...Dawson! Yeah, his place. It took a second longer but she realized he was there, in the bathroom, watching her. She wasn't sure how long he'd been standing there. While she was naked and fucked up he was fully dressed. He had a video camera and the red light was on. Was he fucking filming her?

She groaned and got off the toilet. She fell back to her knees again her pussy thundered. They must have fucked so hard she couldn't even walk her pussy felt so jacked. He stepped up to her and offered her something pills, "Here, this should help you come down."

Come down from what she wondered? Just what had she taken or done. She took the pills dry, anything to make the room stop spinning. She crawled back to the bedroom and somehow managed to get back in the bed. She collapsed on the cool silk sheets wanting to sleep this off. She felt him get on the bed and then he started to rubbed her back and but. He kept parting her cheeks and she worried he might want to go again. She let out a long groan of protest.

He chuckled "You slept so long I was beginning to think you'd never get up. You did really good the other night. I have to leave town for a few weeks but I'm going to reward you. First, we have some errands to run."

She vaguely heard him, errands to run? There was no way she was running fucking anything right now, not like this. She groaned again and then passed back out.

She woke in the backseat of a car, she was naked, a hand was squeezing her breast, playing with her nipple ring. She heard someone talking in another language on a phone? She couldn't be sure. After a minute or so things got quiet, she almost fell back asleep but then a phone rang. "Hello, yes, yes, thank you for getting back to me. Yes it has to be today. My flight leaves this evening, I got a few things to do, yes, yes, you can squeeze her in good, good, I sent you some photos. Yes, I want the clitoral glands, a ring setting, permanent, yes I'm sure, Than-"

She woke up on some weird bench or couch, she couldn't be certain, it was flat and fluffy. She was sort of reminded of a dressing room, there were mirrors everywhere. Some woman had measuring tape on her breasts. A man stood not far off, she couldn't see who it was feeling so tired. "I want everything measured, from her head to her toes, her insides as well."

Insides? How did you measure insides? She closed her eyes and passed out again.

The next time she woke, she still felt out of it but somewhat more aware. She was strapped to a table in a room with an overhead light. Was she being abducted by aliens? Her feet were up in stirrups and her pussy was spread, held open by weird metal clamps. Some guy had his head between her legs. He had on this hat with a magnifying glass attached over his eye "How's this?"

Someone else was in the room talking on a phone, "One second."

It was Dawson, he came over, he was wearing sunglasses, he lifted them, then looked down at her sex. "Yeah, right there, right on the gland, she'd got a gorgeous one. How many weeks before I can lead her around with it?"

"Four to six weeks if she takes care of it, longer just to be safe."

"Good...good that will work out nicely. Alright, go ahead,"

The guy nodded and she suddenly felt a sharp pain, like someone was pinching the shit out of her clit. She cried out for several seconds or minutes she couldn't be sure, it just hurt so fucking bad. The guy between her legs picked something up off to his side and a second later she saw several flashes of light...almost like sparks. She cried out once more before passing out again.

She woke in a bed, a nice soft bed, someone was talking, "Yes sir, healing up quite nicely. I'll fax you the latest pictures. Yes, yes I've just given her the last dose, Charles will drop her off this afternoon."

She woke feeling weirdly good, happy. Everything moved around her like she was flying or floating through the air. No, someone was carrying her up steps. She closed her eyes, then opened them recognizing her apartment building as she was carried in through her front door. She was placed in her bed and collapsed on her pillows. She snuggled them up under her arms as someone covered her up with a blanket. She heard her phone ring and groaned she didn't want to get up.

Thankfully someone answered her phone. "Yes sir, no, no problems. She's settled in, yes sir, thank you sir."

She hummed for a second then rolled over and fell back asleep.

She woke to loud music, followed by a blender, she tried to ignore it, burring her head under her pillow but after a few minutes it got to be too much. She sat up in bed feeling sick. It took her a moment to realized, she was at her place and Tawnie was over. She was blasting music as she was making margaritas.


"HERE," shouted Tawnie, handing her a margarita. "THIS SHOULD HELP!"

Gwyne took it and practically gulped half of it down, feeling thirsty. It was good, cold and just the right blend. Once the music shut off, the pain in her head lessen. However she quickly became aware of a new pain, between her legs. It felt different from anything she'd ever experienced.

Tawnie jumped on her bed and sat down next to her, "Girl where you been? I was about to file a fucking missing persons report!"

"What." Gywne said, still waking up.

"You've been gone for like a fucking week,"
"WHAT!" said said beyond confused.

"Yeah, we were suppose to hang out last weekend and you were a total no show. I thought you changed your mind. I called, came round a few times, may have borrowed a some things but you were like nowhere to be found. Got me all worrying!"

"There is no way it's been a week." said Gwyne shaking her head, she couldn't believe this.

"Uh yeah, Girl! Where have you been? Who were you with?" She leaned in and teased, "Did Corrie come round and finally put a ring on it."

"No." Gwyne said feeling exasperated, "I don't think so." She tried to think "I...shit…shit..." She painfully laughed feeling like utter shit, the pain in her clit was so persistent. "Give me a minute, I have to piss."

She took another sip of her margarita then handed it to Tawnie. She got to her feet and painfully rushed to the toilet. She worried she might have an infection, she sat down and things felt weird as she relieved herself. She moved her fingers between her lips and went to touch her clit, it just felt so sore she had- She paused, feeling something weird and...metal. She tried to grab it and pull but that hurt even more, whatever it was, seemed to be attached to her. "The fuck!" She said wide eyed. She got up, rushed to her bathroom mirror and spread her lips open. Her clit was beyond swollen and red. It had a fucking ring going through it. She gasped realizing it had been pierced.

"THE FUCK!" she screamed.

Tawnie came running into the bathroom with the margarita's in each hand, "WHAT! WHAT IS IT!?"

She turned showing Tanwie. "What? Dang girl those are some bruises."

"Not them," she cried, "The ring… my clit!"

Tawnie looked again and tilted her head slightly, "Oh, you finally get it done?"

"NO!" cried Gwyne.

"Uh, looks like it to me?" Tawnie laughed before taking a sip of her margarita. "You talked about it once or twice before, didn't you?"
"I looked into it but it looked way too painful." She had considered getting a clit ring off and on, over the years. She'd had dreams where she'd already had one... but ultimately opted not to, after doing her research, finding out how long it took to heal and most of all the pain. Her clit was the most sensitive part on her body, she could barely bare it getting pinched she only assumed piercing it would have hurt a hundred times worse. "I decided not to. I can't believe this!" she said shaking her head. She didn't understand. "I can't believe this! How could this happen!"

Tawnie shrugged. "You must have been drunk off your ass. Remember the tattoo I got!" She put the margarita's down on the bathroom counter and pulled down her shorts, to showed a blue chicken leg taking up most her but cheek, "To this day, I still don't know what I was thinking. Why a chicken? Why blue? Why a leg and not a wing, tight or a breast?"

"I! There is no way I did this!" Gwyne said looking at herself in the mirror. She went to touch the ring and it stung at the slightest movement. "FUCK! FUCK! I can't believe I did it! There is no way I was that drunk."

"Well, what do you remember?"

"Uh….uhh," she recalled bits and pieces. "Getting picked up, a pool or a restaurant," She couldn't remember right now but the guy...he'd asked about her clit, asked why she didn't have it pierced. It had to be him fuck...fuck."The guy."

"What guy?" asked Tawnie. She picked up a margarita, drank it, then pulled back, realizing she drank the wrong one and picked up hers.

"The guy," said Gwyne letting go of herself. "Fuck,"

She ran her fingers through her hair, then realized what she was wearing, some sexy silk night gown, she'd never seen before. It had to be from him as well. She took it off and tossed it on the floor in disgust. She grabbed a thin pink robe putting it on. "The guy from the party, I hooked up with him again."

"WHAT!" said Tawnie, now she seemed all shocked. Gwyne getting her clit pierced and having no idea how, no big deal. Hooking up with the same guy twice that wasn't Corrie, big shocker. "TELL ME EVERYTHING! WHEN DO I GET TO MEET HIM!"

"YOU DON'T! I DON'T-," She let out a heated sigh, "I don't think I'm going to see him again." She was mad fuck beyond mad. She was irate, her father used to use that word when he was super pissed off. She used to think it was funny as a kid but now it describe exactly how she felt in this moment. She painfully stormed through her studio apartment and began to pace. Tawnie followed after her with the margarita's and asked "Why not?"

"Why not! WHY NOT!" said Gwyne throwing her hands into the air as if it were obvious. "I just lost a fucking week of my life and my clit is pierced, after the second time of meeting him."

"You were with him this whole time! DAMN GIRL! A WEEK! I told you to have fun but


"It was only suppose to be one night," she said frantically waving her hands about. "A dinner, I was returning the robe he let me borrow." Tawnie just smiled at her. "Don't smile, it's not like that. Wait! A week! I've REALLY been gone a week, what about work? Shit, what am I gonna do about Amber!"

"Relax, she called me," said Tawnie. "I figured you were up to something so I filled in.'

"You filled in at the thrift store?"

"It's not that hard, you just sell people shit and after a few days, Amber took over anyway. Though, you need to call her when you get a second, she wants to talk to you."

"Yeah I bet! I would too, if my employee had taken off from work for a week without warning. I can't believe I lost a fucking week!"

"Well a little more then, I rounded down" said Tawnie, "Did you at least have fun?"

"Fun…" said Gywne covering her mouth and nose with her hand. Fun was the last thing she could think about right now.

"I once lost a month doing MDN. I can barely remember what I did but I must have had fun."

"Isn't that when you got the chicken leg tattooed on your ass." Gwyne pointed out.

"Yeah but I also like, I think I went to the beach,"

Gwyne screamed out in frustration throwing her head back. "You think! I don't want that! I want to know what I've been up to!"

"Relax, its not like you haven't black out before right, you used to do it all the time."

"Not for this long."

"Not true, you fucking disappeared for like a week or two after you mom died and there's that time you were fucking those twins."

Gwyne paused for a second recalling, she had been in a bad place after her mom died. She was the only family Gwyne had left. After she'd taken care of arrangements and had the funeral, she'd gone out with Tawnie and done a bunch of crazy shit, she didn't even recall. At some point she woke up naked in a field in the middle of nowhere. She'd lost about ten days total and had the worse hang over of her life.

After that she and Tawnie dropped out of college and just went adventuring. The twins, were another story all together. She told Tawnie she'd blacked out but the truth was she remembered nearly everything that happened. She'd lost control and didn't like to thinking about it. She wanted to forget it had ever happened.

"Still," she said pulling from her thoughts, "That stuff was years ago and it's different. I'm different now. For my mom I was grieving and after the twins, I cooled it on shit and hit the breaks on everything, remember."

"Yeah so take a break again but don't be so hard on yourself. In like three years, you've only let yourself fuck around in bars and shit. When's the last time we went to a rager, let loose at a concert or traveled."

"Were not in college anymore Tawnie and I don't like stepping out, on Corrie."


"It's complicated." said Gwyne.

"I swear I'm about to put a bullet in my head if I have to hear that one more time. It's complicated! IT'S COMPLICATED! He comes into your life and leaves whenever he feels like it cause he made a "choice." Girl, you've been in a three year booty call at best, fucker doesn't even leave a tooth brush here."

"You just don't get it." said Gwyne with a heavy sigh.

"Nah, you don't get it!" she snapped. "You don't owe him shit! Seriously, what's it gonna take, for you to take off your rose colored glasses and smell the shit…"

"That's not how that goes."

"Well, I mean the one with the shit and roses."

"You mean, falling into shit and come out smelling like roses?"

"No! I don't fucking know. It's something where you think you smell roses but it's shit. What I'm saying is your non-existent relationship is shit! Corrie is shit! Now drink your margarita, let me take a better look at your clit, make sure it's not infected and tell me more about mystery man."

Gwyne let out a huff but took up her margarita. She finished it but was not happy. She had to drink half of another before she could calmed down enough to let Tawnie even check her. They went into the bathroom and she spread herself again.

Tawnie looked over and her and Gwyne asked "Can you just remove it?"

"Do you want me to? I mean it's done, you don't have to do it again?"

"I know but it hurts?"

"So, its done! Remember when I got my tongue pierced that hurt like a son of a bitch but now it's much better. Besides if I take it off, you could end up doing it again next time your drunk.".

"I seriously doubt it," said Gwyne. Then again, she wasn't very sure, she'd never done something like this before when she was drunk. She supposed if it could happen once it could happen again.

"Well, it looks clean enough?" said Tawnie. "I mean I'm no expert here but no puss just redness and some swelling but it is your clit soo this could be how it always looks. I don't know."

"Great, thanks"

"Hey, at least I'm looking at it! Some friends would tell you to fuck off and go to a doctor."

"Fuck no and explain this!" said Gwyne shaking her head, "Can you just get it off?"

Tawnie took a sip of her margarita and looked at Gwyne's clit like she was assessing a fucking car engine. "Yeah, I'm gonna need to move it around, if you want it off,"

Gwyne closed her eyes and let out a deep breath before saying "Gently."

Tawnie moved it, and Gwyne twinged with pain but held herself as still as possible.

"Hmmm," said Tawnie after a few painful minutes. She clicked her tongue and Gwyne knew that meant trouble. She usually only did that when she was stuck.


"It doesn't have a thingy."

"A what?"

"You know, the thingy like a ball or a place where it clicks, the thingy to open the ring up so I can remove it. There is this gem at the bottom but it looks like it's welded to the ring" She looked for another minute or so, "Hmmm, yeah no this things looks solid, through and through, pretty gem you got though almost looks like you're wearing a ring like the kind that goes on your finger." Gwyne didn't know, she hadn't really looked at it that long. "Really good work, yeah I don't see a line or anything anywhere."

"They had to put in on somehow!" said Gwyne trying not to panic.

"Yeah but I don't see how to take it off, is what I'm saying," said Tawnie pulling back.

"What! No!" said Gwyne.

She closed her lips then scrambled to find another mirror to magnified things. She handed it to Tawnie then took another look. She tired to see where the ring opened but it hurt to move around and like Tawnie she didn't see shit. She finally got a look at the gem though, at the bottom of the ring where you'd think it could be removed. There was a setting with this ice blue gem in it. It reminded her of his eyes. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK"

"Looks like your stuck with it, your gonna want to keep cleaning it but otherwise, kudos. Tell me how it feels, when it's healed, who knows I might get one."

"You only got one nipple pierced and you're thinking of getting a clit ring."

"Hey, I have sensitive nipples, and I've still got way more piercings then you" Tawnie laughed for a second then teased. "And who knows maybe, if I get drunk enough."

"Fuck you!" Gwyne groaned. "I don't even know if I did this to myself or if it was done to me."

"Well spill the beans." said Tawnie

"No, I'm still too angry and hungry now,"

"Then let's go out, my treat, we'll get tacos and shit and you can tell me all about it. Maybe I can help you sort things out."

Gwyne groaned, "I cant go out like this,"

"Sure you can, put on some clothes maybe a little cover up."

"What about the ring?"
"Move gingerly? Other then that I mean who is gonna be looking at your clit, less you are planing to get laid at the restaurant."

"No but fuck Corrie. Shit CORRIE!," she said putting her hands to her mouth. Her heart skipped a beat, "What am I gonna do? What's he gonna think!"

"You don't need to tell him shit, let it be a surprise, see if he even notices.".

"He's gonna notice..."

"When? When he doesn't go down on you."

"That's cause I don't like it."

"You just haven't had it good. You're missing out,"

"Whatever, let's just get something to eat. I'm getting hangry."

She put on some clothes, some cotton underwear, nice work out sweats and a baggy shirt, before sliding on some flip flops. They were gonna walk the few blocks to the restaurant but ended up getting a cab. Once they had ordered and had their drinks, Tawnie was all over her.

"Come on, come on, details, details, I always give you details."

"Fuck, okay, it's still coming back to me." said Gwyne

"Drink more that always helps me to remember a bender,"

"No, just give me a second to think." said Gwyne before taking a sip of her drink.

"Okay and one second go."


"Spill, you're stalling!"

"There is nothing to spill. The guy... sent me roses, asked me out to this weird ass restaurant, I think."

"What you don't know?"

"I do but it was wild though, like a boat came to get us."

"So some place on the water front, classy, classy. You did say he was rich"

"No, like it was in a building, a sky scrapper"

"Whaa?" said Tawnie confused.

"Yeah, I know, like we fucking went downtown, and went up some sixty floors in one of the sky scrapper and it was super dark, there was water everywhere and a fucking boat took us to our table, like an actual boat"

"SHIT!" said Tawnie, finally getting it.


"What was the food?"

"I don't even fucking know,," she said moving the straw around in her drink. "He ordered it before we even got there and it was too dark to see, seafood I think but weird."

"See you're remembering."

"Yeah, that I'm actually awake and not freaking out but like a lot of it's hazy and I don't remember like getting pierced or nothing."

"Well, let's go slow...where were we? Food...right."

"Yeah some weird seafood,"

"It taste any good that all that matters?"

"Yeah it was good, I guess, we did shots, a lot of them. Think that is why shits gone."

"Well it sounds fun, at least the guy knows how to treat you."

"I guess," she said furrowing her brow. She stared off into space for a minute still trying to call up the details. "Wait...wait…we didn't get along."

"You didn't get along?"

"Yeah, he was weird… like moody and shit. Like on the way there he was on his phone."


"It was in the car, like in that movie we saw, The one with the guy who was an agent. Remember how they had a phone in the car."

"Yeah, seriously!" said Tawnie excited. "There is rich and then there is RICH!" Gwyne just shook her head and took a sip of her drink. When she didn't keep going Tawnie got testy "Well, go on then. He was on his phone in the car and then what?

"We did shit," she Gwyne with a sly smile

"What shit?"
She looked up then told her, "He got handsie, started playing with with my garter belt. Kept running his hand up my thigh, I showed him my underwear and he like did some heavy petting and started to shove them in me. It was weird but kind of felt yeah...anyway, I let out a moan and he got all upset and just stopped."

"Hmm, he was on the phone? Guys get moody when their on the phone," said Tawnie moving her straw around.
"I know but like I thought he liked my underwear but after, we were in an elevator and her tore them off and got like all serious. He said if I wore them around him again he'd like shove them up me."

Tanwnie paused, "You know, I think that's a thing, like there's porn for that."

"Tawnie, there is porn for everything these day. What I am saying is how he meant it, wasn't sexual at all, like he sounded seriously pissy. Oh and he kept telling me to shut up all night and when we did manage to have a conversation, it was soo bad and awkward."

"Well, how was the sex?" asked Tawnie.

Gwyne bit her lower lip then let out a heavy sigh "It was fuck!"

"Well there you go," said Tawnie, pulling back in her chair, "You know some guys they just...they just shouldn't talk. I had one guy, dumb as a door nail but he could lay bricks in my pussy all day long. As long as he kept his mouth shut, it wasn't a problem."

"Seriously, I don't think he's dumb. It's more that he's rude, condescending. Like the shit he was saying to me and calling me. I don't know, I just got all sorts of mixed messages. He'd seem chill then moody as fuck and like threatened me, if I questioned him."

"Just sounds controlling to me, been a while since I had one of those, usually they have "issues" small dicks, or can't get it up."

"That's not it, he fills me up, and can gets it up pretty good."

"Hmm, well maybe he's just cocky, some of them get a complex when they know they've got the goods"

"Yeah, I guess."

Tanwie took a long sip of her drink, tapped her finger on the table for a second thinking before she said "So let me see if I got this, you fucked and shit, got pierced and that's it for a week?"

"No! I told you I don't after we had dinner, we swam and did stuff, but I think that was all still the restaurant."

"Hmm, well you did say they had boats so water and boats go together."

"Yeah but like it gets foggy." said Gwyne slowly. "I think we went to this cave or were in a hotel room, it was gorgeous, like so surreal it could have been the drinks though or even a dream."

"Where was this place again?"

"A building down town,"

"You have to show me. I gotta see this place. When we meet, make him take us to this place for dinner."

"You're not gonna meet." said Gwyne shaking her head.

"Uh, why not?

"Cause, I told you, I don't think I'm gonna see him again, once was enough, twice was defiantly pushing it. I mean look at me, I got pierced and lost a week. What could happen next time." She took a long sip of her drink then put her elbows on the table and rubbed the sides of her head trying to think. She tried to recall more of what happened. "Oh yeah, he also got super rough,"

"Okay," said Tawnie slowly, "But don't you like it rough?"

"Yeah, but there is rough and then there is ROUGH! Like he fucking whipped me, like hard, not messing around and shit. I think he fucked up one of my my tits," She said rubbing it.

"When did this happen? At the restaurant or after at the hotel?"

"Let me think," said Gwyne "Hmm well the restaurant... yeah there was a cave and that was like a hotel room. Well kind of, it had a full bar and bed and," Gywne yawned then said,

"like a fucking wall of sex toys and shit and he...he," She stirred her drink around recalling the broom. She froze dropping her lower jaw, flashes of what happened, washed over her, the broom and how it had felt. Oh how it had felt! She turned bright red and started to get wet just thinking about it "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."

"WHAT! WHAT!" said Tawnie leaning in close. "You remembered something what is it?"

"I don't want to talk about it." said Gwyne embarrassed. She took a really big sip this time taking up half her drink. Then called the waitress over.

It took a minute but she stepped up to their table and asked "Yes, can I get you something?"

"Another of these," said Gwyne, holding up her drink.

"Me too," said Tawnie, "And a round of shots,"
"Tawnie it's too early for that!"

"Never too early, make it two rounds."

"Okay," said the waitress. She left and came back with their drinks.

They did the first shot, then the second.

"Okay now girl, you have to tell me. I told you about that guy who shit the bed, the dude who was so drunk he puked between my legs. You own me details."

"'s not what he did. I mean it is but it's more of what I did because of it." she said embarrassed. "I can't tell you, I'm so mortified."

"Do we need more shots."

"No, no...I don't want to get plastered I just fucking woke up."

"Then tell me! What! What! What!" said Tawnie not letting her get away with it.


The waitress stepped back up to their table with their food. They pulled apart taking their plates and thanking her. Once she was gone they ate a few bites then Tawnie started up again "Come on, come on, You know I'm not gonna judge you. Remember when I broke my leg just after high school trying to skinny dip of my roof into my back yard."

"I told you the flood waters were too low."

"I know but I mean when are you gonna have a pool surrounding your house. I had to jump. It was stupid embarrassing as all shit but yeah."

"It's not worse then that but pretty bad."

"Really is it worse then me, eating the expired bottle of cherries and going on the whip and whirl, with Darnell Rodgers."

"Uh…well maybe I don't know, maybe it's nothing, I am just so embarrassed on how I reacted."

"Come on," she said grabbing her hand. "You know, I'm never gonna drop this."

Gwyne groaned, then quickly said it "Fine, I fucked a broom."

Tawnie paused, for a second. "What's that? I barely heard you and you said it way too fast"

She said it again slower through gritted teeth, "I fucked a broom."

"YOU FUCKED A BROOM!" said Tawnie loudly repeating it.

Several people looked at the restaurant looked over at their table and Gwyne threw her head back. "We should have just gotten this to go."

"Nah, elaborate," said Tawnie, before eating some of her loaded nachos.

"Please, don't make me."

"Come on, come on," she cried.

"He, well, I told you it's fuzzy but at some point. I don't know when but he used a broom on me and I guess...I like it."

"What end?" asked Tawnie.

"What do you mean what end?" snapped Gwyne, "Like the handle end, what you think the bristle end?"

"I don't know, excuse me, I've never fucked a broom before. How would I know which end you fuck."

"The other end would never work. I mean….no…just no!" She said shaking her head. She took several quick bites of her food and sipped her drink. What was her life that she was sitting here, talking about what end of a broom you could or couldn't fuck. "Uh," She rubbed her forehead beyond flustered.

"Hey, don't get on me, you have no idea what can work until you try it," said Tawnie, "I've tried some shit over the years, some of it good, some yeah...not so." She laughed, "Once when I was high as a kite, I got creative and fucked a light bulb."

"A what...when." asked Gwyne, running her hand down her face. This was the first she'd heard about it.

"I don't recommend it. I forgot about it till now, it was weird, not as awesome as you'd think."

"I wouldn't think, it's got like glass and other shit...wires!"

"I know. I know. I told you I was out of my mind. I didn't put it all the way in, just the metal end. I was making a joke and trying to lighten up a room, get it" she laughed.

"It could have broken." said Gwyne still mortified. She tried not to picture it but couldn't help it.

"Didn't think of that at the time. The guy I was with did shit too, we were fucking around. He stuck a fan up his ass or was it a duster...a duster, yeah he even dusted with it. It was awesome"

"I...yeah, I don't know what to say to that."

"Oh come on, haven't you ever done it with shit before?"


"Really," said Tawnie she looked awestruck. "Seriously this is super surprising coming from you. I'm surprised this hasn't come up before. I just assumed by now you would have tried something, I mean who doesn't?"

Gwyne shrugged, "It's not like I haven't done shit. I just usually do shit made for sex toys. Everything else just seems kinda dangerous."

"Well yeah some shit is, that is why you gotta be careful, like wrap it, never go too big or too small. Don't keep anything in too long and nothing you can't eat."

"You can't eat a light bulb?"Gwyne pointed out

"Shit yeah, I mean fuck no uh...this is so weird I don't know how to give instructions on this. Usually it's just me messing around. I mean I read shit about it all the time in dirty magazines. You remember Coquette, they have all those sex articles, tips and personal adds, they also sell sex toys and gear now. But they had a whole article on what to shove up your nasty. Was pretty good one too, but yeah some just shouldn't be attempted."

"Hmm," said Gwyne sipping on her drink. It had been years since she'd read Coquette, not since high school. It had all sort of things in there, pretty cool things but it got dangerous. They used to like to read sex adds and personals men and women looking to hook up. Gwyne always wondered what would happen if she responded to one of them, you were suppose to include a nude. She talked to Tawnie about it a few times, it was just a fantasy but Tawnie actually went and did it. She wrote to a few and sent nudes to this guy half way across the country. He started sending all these dick pictures and weird shit. They'd laugh about it all but shit got crazy. Somehow the guy was able to figure out where she was from and showed up at their school senior year, scared the shit out of them both. "You're not still writing to random men are you?"

"Sometimes," she admitted. "But I'm much for careful."


"I always use post boxes," she said brushing Gwyne off, "But were not talking about me. We're talking about you and your lack of experience for once."

"Seriously, I don't get what the deal is. I mean I've thought about things, had fantasies but you know me. I've always been crazy for cock. I've never really needed to use anything else. I can pretty much get it whenever I want. And I do other stuff but usually sex toys shaped like cocks. I just never really felt the need to stick other stuff up there."

"Hmm," said Tawnie thinking, "You know what, you're like this documentary I saw the other night, when I was getting high. These bears got all the food they needed in one area so they just became lazy. They never left the area, never explored what was out there, like bears were suppose to and shit. It's the same for you."

"Are you saying I'm lazy?"

"Maybe just a little. I mean cock is grand and all but how do you know it's your favorite, if you'd never tried any other flavors like say a cucumber,"




"What you're always comparing men's cocks to cucumbers, might as well try a few...see if they really size up. They're pretty good actually, nice and cold," teased Tawnie before laughing. "I think you'd enjoy it, just have to wash it really well or put a condom on it.

"Size up? Serious I don't need to be that accurate."
"Nah if you want real accuracy some eggplants are just perfect, got that lump and no cock is the same size all the way through...give you a nice variety some even go fat tips. One guy I had, his tip was bigger then his base, it was like his dick was on backwards or some shit. It was great, cause the tip is what gets up there."


"Right, you should try it?"
"What the cucumber, eggplant or backwards cock." she laughed.

"Both, you could do with some studying up, sorry I just feel so more, experienced then you for once."

"You've had the run on me for a while, since I've somewhat settled down been with Corrie."

"That only gave me time to catch up, you had some years on me when we met,

"Not that long," she said. "Also I've done plenty of experimenting over the years. I just haven't done fucking everything, it's not possible."

"Who says?"

"Seriously Tawnie," said Gwyne, she took one of Tawnie's cigarettes and lit it. She took a puff then sat back in her chair letting the smoke out."There's so much shit out there. Fetishes we haven't heard of or even imagined. There just isn't enough time to try it all."

"Watch me try," said Tawnie, "I'm never settling down. I plan to live a life of debauchery. I've already done so much stuff and read so much shit. I've probably done just about everything by now." She beamed with pride.

"Really, I bet I could name something you haven't done."

"I doubt you could, you don't even know half the shit I've gotten up to without you."

"I doubt that," said Gwyne they told each other just about everything. Then again this was the first she'd heard about the light bulb and other shit. Gwyne supposed just like her there were some things Tawnie had kept secret or forgot to mention.


"What? What?" asked Gwyne tapping some ash off her cigarette into an ash tray on the table.

"I'm waiting for you to name something."

"Right," said Gwyne she took a few puffs of her cigarette then let it out smiling. "Pet play!"

"Pet what?" asked Tawnie
"You know, you pretend to be a pet and you have an owner or some shit. You remember that girl in high school the weird one. She liked to pretend to be a pet, a cat or some shit."

"Oh yeah her, fuck yeah I haven't thought about her in years. Yeah I remember that weird shit, she used to pretend to be a bunny, hopping around everywhere."

"You know, I think she was so into it I never heard her talked even once. I remember she always had guys giving her lettuce and carrots and petting her."

"Yeah fuck that shit. I don't think she was playing I think she was just mental" said Tawnie.

"Well, whether she was or not, it's still a thing that exists."

"Shit that's just master slave play but with costumes,"

"Still have you even done that?

"Uh no, cause no one owns my ass but me."

"Still to do everything you have to try everything at least once,"

"Maybe right before I die," said Tawnie. "But fuck that bunny girl was so fucking weird."

"Yeah but I always wondered if there wasn't something more going on with did she always pretend to be a bunny. I get role playing and pretending but she never stopped. When did it start and shit?"

"Who know maybe she was only that way at school...though I heard rumors her home life wasn't the best." said Tawnie, "But still, she was mental as shit. I had a few classes with her and she once ate a fucking math test rather then take it. Admittedly that was pretty cool but like would always stop and stare at me and follow me around in class."

"Hmm, well maybe she liked you,"

"Right, you know, now that I think about it I think I've seen her around,"


"Yeah I swear, like a year ago coming out a grocery store, she was with a guy who looked a lot like our old biology teacher, the young one fresh out of college. You know I almost didn't recognize her cause she wasn't hoping around. She was acting all normal and shit...still looked the same and you know what, fuck I think she had kids with the bio teacher cause they had a few of them with them and they all had the same hair coloring."

"Huh, well good for her?"said Gwyne putting out her cigarette
"Yeah...I guess,"

"Hmm," said Gwyne, "The biology teacher, that guy was,"

They both looked at each other and said, "Hot!" They burst out laughing.

"He was so always so brooding and quiet, was all mysterious" said Gwyne,

"Not to me, he was always busting my ass with detention. Yelling at me and shit."

"Cause you did shit that was so blatant, smoking in the halls, fucking in empty classrooms, closets..."

"Yeah and like the men's room wasn't blatant."

"I knew what times were safe and not,"

"Right, well I seem to recall you blowing some guy during one of your college classes and fucking a some dude in the quad?"

"That…" said Gwyne getting quiet. "Was when I was at my worst, a few days before my mom passed."

Things got quiet then Tawnie laughed "Fuck, what were we even talking about."

Gwyne knew Tawnie had a good memory, but was trying to keep things light. She played into it. "You know I don't even know anymore. I think I'm getting drunk."

"I'm already there I woke up drunk just been riding it all day," They ate some more then Tawnie continued "Well, think of this as a whole knew world, a new adventure to set upon. I tell you I've done some crazy shit, it not a big deal. Fucking a broom is nothing, especially if you enjoyed it.

"Can we drop it," said Gwyne her face still turning red at the mention of it. Someday this would just be another story to laugh or even boast about but right now it was still to...raw, thinking about it was turning her on and that was making her clit ache.

"It's so wild to see you embarrassed. This guy really got to you didn't he? What else happened?"

"What do you mean, what else happened?"

"Uh I've been waiting for the part that is like a deal breaker with this guy. Some good reason you never want to see him again."

"Uh my reasons are totally good. Like...shit…" she paused trying to think but supposed in context, it wasn't all that bad. "Well, mostly the broom thing and I got my clit pierced. Like something I know I'd never do on my own. Yeah that is huge! Like I remembered he asked about it and I made it clear I didn't want to get it done cause of the pain."

"Well did it hurt?" asked Tawnie.

"Yes it hurts."

"Now yeah but when you got it done, did it hurt?"

"I don't fucking know, the last thing I remember is the broom and then you waking my ass up, OVER A WEEK LATER, I might add"

"Okay, okay, sooo beyond not recalling that week, right now. I'm not really seeing a huge problem here. Like dude took you out to some fucking awesome place, fucked your brains out in ways its never been fucked, got you something you've always wanted and even gave you some good shit or something so you didn't feel it. Sounds like boyfriend material to me."

"BOYFRIEND MATERIAL!" Gwyne's eyes shot open. "No, no, no fucking away I'm with-"

"Yeah yeah," said Tawnie waving her off, "You don't need to say it."

"You know my situation."

"I do," she let out a heavy sigh, "You're hopelessly in love with an idiot, so what! Who says you can't fuck um both! Like, just cause you are with Corrie doesn't mean you can't be with this guy too. I mean, Corrie's emo ass is always telling you to find some other guy, right"

"Yeah but I don't want some other guy."
"Well, like I said, keep them both, who says you can't have two lovers."

"Two lovers?" Repeated Gwyne, "I don't know, that sounds super slutty."

"Girl, I think that train passed years ago, like you're already there. You and me both."

Gwyne sighed, "I know, I know, it's just, hook ups and one night stands feels different. Like there is no connection just sex. Having another guy around feels like a whole other level. Plus, I get stupid around this guy. Like I can't think, I lose myself and just throw caution to the wind."

"Really! Even better, good for you! This guys sounds amazing! I mean fuck Gwyne, you've been living practically like a nun for three years. It's time you get out, get wild again and live girl, experiment, fuck brooms, pierce your clit, live it up…if it makes you happy. I'd way rather hear you bitching about this guy pushing your limits, then that asshole Corrie doing circles around you."

"It's not like that," said Gwyne. "We have a deep connection."

"Well nothing says you can't have one with this guy too. I mean what's the worse that can happen, you can't get pregnant. You know we both took care of that. As long as he's clean, go explore, don't think, just do. LIVE IN THE MOMENT!" Tawnie shouted.

"Tawnie," Gwyne laughed. "You're getting loud."

"So what! Whatever it takes for you to hear me!"

Gwyne let out a sigh "I don't know, I'm just, I guess maybe I'm scared. Something about this guy... it feels dangerous, like I really will lose all control around him."

"Lose it, look what happens when you're in control."



"I don't know, aren't you suppose to talk me out of shit?"

She scoffed "Fuck no, since when? A real friends talk you into shit! That's what they're there for. I know you, you can talk yourself out of anything. You've been second guessing yourself a lot lately. It's my job to get you out your head."

"I don't know. I don't know. I just need time to think."

"No, no, no!" said Tawnie clapping her hands in front of Gwyne's face. "No more thinking this guys rich, hot, and can fuck. If he calls you up, go to him, fly on your broom if you have to." Tawnie said bursting into laughter.

"Tawnie, uhh I knew I shouldn't have told you."

"What! What I'm serious! Fuck Corrie. Fuck this guy, Fuck um both. I know I would. Who knows maybe at the same time."

"Right, you are such a big help."

"You're welcome." said Tawnie lifting up her drink. "Now are you coming with me this weekend or not. I'm sure you could show that new ring off."

"No, I still need to decide if I'm keeping it and how to care for it. No weekend plans until I'm fully healed either way."

"I say keep it."

"I still worry about what I'm gonna tell Corrie."

"Show him, put it in his face and let him know some man is willing to put a ring on it," She lit up laughing then. "Bam, I'm sorry but it was too good to pass up." She sounded way too proud of herself.

"TAWNIE." said Gywne playfully smacking her arm.

The two laughed but moved on with their conversation, they mostly talked about what they wanted to do for the upcoming summer as they finished eating. She felt a bit better when she got home. A bit drunk but better, Tawnie left and she collapsed back on her bed for a few hours. When she woke up, sometime in the evening, she checked her message on her machine, they were all from Amber and Tawnie.

She'd squared things off with Tawnie but she was gonna need to call Amber first thing in the morning. Gwyne knew she had to be upset with her, she had no idea what she was gonna tell her. Obviously she couldn't tell her the truth, 'sorry amber, didn't mean to disappear for a week but I met this amazing guy and gut fucking blasted in more ways the one.

She kept sighing off and on as she snacked on some vegetables and tidied up a little. She noticed a strange box of chocolates on her kitchen table. It looked super expensive. It had an envelope attached to it that read fuck hole. She quickly opened it, inside was a close up picture of her pierced clit. With care instruction and heal time. "Fucking bastard." She hissed.

She tossed the letter down but took the chocolates, she never passed up chocolates. She planned to only eat a few but they were so good she ate the entire box. She thought about what happened and still had no idea what she was going to do or even when she was going to see Dawson again but one things was clear, next time she was gonna be in charge. She pictured him getting drunk off his ass and taking him to get his cock pierced. She cackled to herself and said, "Let's see how he likes it."

She watched some TV then took a nice long hot bath. After she dried off she stood naked in front of the mirror for a while. She examined herself closely and saw various hickies, healing on her neck. There were also some faded bruises all over her body, along with bite marks, the one on her shoulder looked the worse. Was he trying to leave a scar. "Fuck."

Her left breast, had whip marks across it and was still healing. She could see where he'd broken the skin. Her nipples were also bruised and had teeth marks around them. They felt a bit raw now, she'd been so worked up she hadn't noticed. She put some lotion on them and that seemed to help some. She took a step back from the mirror and looked at herself all over again. She really had been roughed up. The guy was like a fucking animal. He didn't hold back and did whatever he wanted.

He was crazy but he was also crazy good. She could still remember the feel of his hard cock inside her and that fucking broom. She looked at her pussy closer and saw he'd bruised it up good, they were fading but still really noticeable. No wonder Tawnie had noticed them over her clit ring. She examined the bruises from different angles and thought it had to be from him whacking her with the broom.

He had to hit her pretty hard to bruise her pussy up like this. Oddly, she couldn't remember the pain only the pleasure. It was weird she'd been rough fucked before but had never bruised her pussy. She rubbed her hand over the bare bruised skin, and cupped her mound in her hand. She gently held herself, she didn't know why but seeing the bruises there turned her on. Her pussy was such a delicate thing...yet he'd roughed it right up, beaten it. She'd had her pussy beat with a stick...FUCK!

She closed her eyes and started getting wet recalling the hard whacks. She had to lean on the sink for a moment as pleasure washed over her. Some things were foggy from that day but the orgasms, were imprinted on her or in this case in her. She'd had such a hard broom handle hit her again and again. It was perverse but her reaction to it was all out depraved.

She spread herself and saw she was soaking wet, her clit was also super sore but she could see why. It had swelled up as she got turned on and the ring had been pierced right through her gland, greatly affecting her. Years ago, she'd done research on clit piercings, she never decided on what type she wanted but had seen there were many different options. The gland piercing had looked the most brutal to was said to be one of the most sensitive places. Of course that was the one she had to choose, she couldn't wait for it to heal up.

She bit her lower lip then spreading her was bright red, drooling as he had put it. Just thinking about that fucking broom had her pussy drooling. She let out a heavy breath getting turned on by her dirty thoughts. She worried she'd never be able to think of a broom in the same way again, no...not when It had given her some of the best orgasms of her life.

A gob of her juices dripped onto the floor. Fuck she was so wet. "Great, now I'm making a mess." She laughed at herself standing there naked, dripping on her floor, man she was was so slutty. Her face reddened, she was definitely aboard the express train. She put a towel on the floor and used her foot to wipe it up. She stared at herself for a moment longer, admiring the ring and wondered how long before it would stop hurting and help. She almost couldn't wait to see just how it enhanced things.

She got dressed, putting on a big shirt and some cotton underwear. For a moment she lifted her shirt to see if she could notice the ring while she was wearing underwear. She could ever so slightly see something but you couldn't really tell what it was, that was good, she wouldn't have to worry, when she wore a swim suit. She quickly began to soak through her underwear and laughed.

"Great, "I wonder how long I'm going to be drooling like this. It was just a broom. It wasn't that good!"

She shook her head and went to her bed to lay down. She tried to sleep but kept thinking of him and what he had done to her. What he could do to her, if this kept up. She felt restless, scared but excited at the same time by this new heightened intensity. He was definitively a dangerous man, when it came to her.

She wondered what else he'd done to her this last week and why she couldn't remember. All sorts of dirty thoughts came to mind and she got angry with herself. She reminded herself, she was suppose to be mad at him, not drooling over him. He'd pushed her limits, he did things he had no right to do and she...she needed to push back. She couldn't let him walk all over her.

She gathered up her pillow frustrated. When, no if, IF she ever saw him again, she was going to give him a piece of her mind and demand he tell her what else he'd done to her, in that missing week. She cursed him under her breath determined to find out, yes, next time she'd be in control.




Thank you for reading

Author Note:



Still dealing with digestion issues. Fun fun fun. I've been drawing a lot, of Two Lovers. Put Gwyne in her belly dancer costume. Showed it to magic and he was like she was walking around like that. lol. Also Naru was their biology teacher in this life and the rabbit girl was Taba. Taba had some issues connecting with others and became disassociated with realty. She was put into special classes and nearly institutionalized for her weird ways. I like to think Naru kept a professional eye on her. He never broke the bonds of being her teacher but helped her slowly come back to realty. Years later they reconnected after she got treatment. They might pop up again in this life but otherwise that is there mention. Someday I might get to them in the Twenty but they've been in a few lives.


So they figured out what was going on after 6 months. I have to do a few things now but I can now eat most stuff again! So yay!

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© 2011 Leona Keyoko Pink All Rights Reserved Contact Leona at

May not be reproduced in whole or part without express written permission.

Thanks for reading!


© 2011 Leona Keyoko Pink All Rights Reserved Contact Leona at

May not be reproduced in whole or part without express written permission.

Thanks for reading!