Two Lovers
Night Mode
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It took her a moment to really focus and get out of her head but once she did, she quickly got ready. She got herself all cleaned out and then got into the shower. She used the hose attachment to only wash her lower half, then dried herself off and found some lube. She squirted it up her ass, wanting to make sure things went as smoothly as possible. She thought she heard a knock and froze for nearly a minute. She started hearing voices and her heart pounded in her chest.

Shit they were here, again this was happening! She couldn't believe this was happening! She was crazy, she looked at herself in the mirror but all she could see was her body and lips. She felt so strange like this, like it wasn't really her but someone else who was about to get super fucked. For a second she felt hallow, like she really was just this fucking hole inside. She trembled feeling unstable for a second, she wished the drugs were stronger or that she had more alcohol now. He didn't want her wasted but she was surprised at how aware of everything she still was. Yet after a few minutes passed it would all became a blur. It was like there was no past no future, only now. Somehow she managed to pulled it together.

Maybe the drugs had kicked in more cause she suddenly felt numb as she stepped out of the bathroom and crawled onto the bed. All the thoughts in her head fell away as she sat on her knees and waited for...for cock. She closed her eyes whispering to herself, "Shit, shit, shit."

Her heart was racing, she was so scared...excited, a mixture of both. She never thought she'd be with any guy that was this intense and fucked up. He really wanted her to fuck other guys in front of him, for his pleasure? Her first boyfriend had asked her to do his best friend but even he hadn't watched. She didn't understand it...understand Dawson at all…. For once, she might have actually met someone more fucked up then her. She didn't know why but the thought gave her a strange sense of comfort and affection... like she wasn't alone. There really were other people just as messed up as she was.

She didn't have time to dwell on it too long. One by one the men entered the room, taking her in. She glanced at them as well and they were all relatively good looking. She did her best not to look at their faces as Dawson requested and instead focused on what they were packing, they were already naked. He must have had them take their clothes off before coming into the room. Their bodies all looked young, fit, and they were decently sized, nothing massive, to which she was grateful. She didn't need another big boy after the other night. She could handle this shit! She raised her head confidently she was going to handle this! If there was one thing she knew how to do, it was how to take a cock.

Dawson entered last, he had a lit cigar in one hand and a fresh drink in the other. He had a big smile plastered on his face. It looked fake as fuck. His eyes, looked tired almost tortured but his mouth was oddly curved up. "Well there she is boys! Now she likes it rough, so don't hold back. Feel free to smack her around if she gets testy and cum inside as much as you'd like, she's been fixed.

FIXED! If her mask was off they would have seen her eyes go wide. FIXED! Like she was a dog. Dawson moved to his chair and sat down. She looked at him as he crossed his legs and beamed with excitement. How could he want this? How could he take pleasure from this? She was reminded of her first boyfriend again. How he'd asked her, to do this in a sense, only it was one guy instead of five. She hadn't even caught her breath from fucking his best friend, when he'd lost it on her. What if the same thing happened again... Would Dawson dumped her when she finished, leave her in this hotel room or kick her out on the street. All of this could just be one last fuck you to her before he ended it.

She shook her head, it didn't matter...they...they weren't together. It would probably be best... safer for her in the long run if he did dump her and yet she feared that hurt, that look of disgust in his eyes that was sure to come when he saw her take on five guys at once. Corrie had already walked out on her...he'd come back but he'd still walked out, eventually he'd walk out and never come back.

Dawson had said he wouldn't walk out on her but she knew eventually he would too. They'd all walk out on her in the end. Shit she wasn't in the right head space for this. She felt all over the place and was uncertain as fuck. She felt like she was fighting some internal battle and losing.

The men began surrounding the bed, she definitely wasn't used to it happening like this, usually it just happened naturally, she'd be making out, drunk of her ass and just go with the flow. She felt uneasy as they all loomed over her. They all looked hungry as they began stroking their cocks. She wondered which would take her first but supposed it didn't matter. They would all have a piece of her eventually….take another chunk out of her self-esteem. She swallowed, finder herself quivering. One reached out and tugged on her nipple ring. It was a struggle not to jerk.

"Nice," the man said.

"You like that, show them my ring," Dawson called before taking a big puff of his cigar. He let the smoke out in a big puff and the room began to smell of cigar smoke, "Go on now."

Gwyne's hands shook but she spread the lips of her sex wide open so they could all see. She was reminded of when she first started out, how the guys used to stare at her pussy and want to touch it. They all looked at her now, eyeing Dawson's ring. She knew those looks...they were curious enticed. She felt more at ease getting a feel for them. Yeah, she knew what she was doing...these guys were just like any other.

One guy reached out touched her sex as she held it open, "Shit bet that hurt!" He tugged on the ring and she flinched with pleasure. A long line of her juice seeped out of her and they laughed. One said "Look at this bitch, she's fucking salivating over here. You want our dicks that bad?"

Before she could answer Dawson called "NO SPEAKING! NOD FUCK HOLE!"

She nodded.

"Awe not allowed to speak. I bet I could get some sounds out of you." One boasted.

Fuck, she bet he...they could and would. She licked her lips and one of the guys stepped up, grabbing her by the back of her neck. He pulled her face to his cock. She took it without hesitation, letting it sink all the way back to her throat. The guy whistled and said, "Nice! Bitch fucking inhaled it."

"Wonder if her pussy will to," said some guy from behind her. He quickly grabbed her hips and moved her into position. He tapped his dick on her ass then placed himself at her entrance. She barely had time to take it the sensation before he shoved it in. She let out a moan as the man filled her up. Her pussy tensed happy to finally get "fed."

The guy in her mouth kept poking the back of her throat. She tried to suck him off as she massage his balls, while the guy from behind was rough and started off pounding her pussy strong. She let her eyes roll back and was glad she was wearing a mask so they couldn't see how much she was enjoying this. He was hitting her just right and every time his balls smacked her it shook her clit ring. It just felt so fucking good, the guy knew what he was fucking doing. She paused for a moment just taking it and the guy her mouth protested at her distraction, "Don't forget about me, now sweetie."

She moaned and started sucking him off again, bobbing her head up and down his length then moving to suck the tip as she tried to massage his balls with one hand but she kept having to drop it. She found it hard to hold her balance, this other guy on her pus was just going to town and she was already so worked up. It didn't take her long before she clenched down on him cumming hard. She let out a muffled whimper. The guy in her mouth grew impatient. He grabbed hold of her head and just started jutting into her mouth.

The guy at her pussy laughed as he felt her cum against his cock but kept pounding her. She felt him reach around take hold of her clit ring and just tug on it, he was wild with it, sloppy, pinching and pulling it this way and that, it hurt but felt so good. Another guy grabbed her hand and wanted her to stroke his member. She grabbed onto him and another guy grabbed her other hand wanting the same for his cock. She clutched them both tightly, also using them to keep her balance as the guy from behind kept making her fall forward. She was now fucking with four dudes.

The fifth guy protested, "Hurry up and blow your load in her pussy so I can have a turn."

"We need to reposition her, get her ass going," said the guy in her mouth still chugging away.

"On it," said the guy in her pussy, he pulled out and then sunk up into her ass. She was beyond glad she lubed it now, knowing how rough this guy had been with her pussy. Her ass was sure to take a pounding as well. They guy at her mouth pulled free as they rolled her about the bed so that she was now laying on the guy in her ass. The fifth guy entered her pussy while the guy that had been at her mouth climbed onto the bed and practically sat on her chest before shoving his cock down her throat again..

The guys on either side of her grabbed her hands once more making her stroke them. Everything was full up now, all five guys cocks were touching her. She completely lost herself again, the mere, visual of it and the sensation of them all jerking her this way and that.

She came again and the guy in her pussy laughed. "BITCH JUST FUCKING CAME!"

"SECOND TIME!" said guy in her ass. He boasted "I already rolled her over,"

She heard Dawson call out then "STOP TALKING AND GET ROUGHER! You're all being too gentle with her. She's a fucking whore, treat her like one."

The guy in her mouth grabbed onto the side of her face again and started roughly face fucking her. It made it hard to breath. The guy inside her ass rammed into her so hard, she painfully felt it in her core. Her cries were muffled by the cock jutting into her mouth. The cock in her pussy started madly thrusting into her, his thrusts were so sloppy and uneven. He kept moving his hips in weird ways stirring her up.

Her holes were all moving at different speeds now. Her whole body quaked with sensation as she erupted once more. She let out such muffled moans, groans and whimpers. She came so fucking hard she swore her vision blurred for a second as she felt it everywhere. Three times and it probably wasn't even five minutes fuck...fuck…this was gonna be a long night...probably one of the longest of her life. Her heart swelled with joy she was going to get beyond fucked up.

The guy in her ass suddenly came, almost at the same time as the guy in her mouth. He dropped a load down her throat and the other guy in her ass. The guy in her pussy rushed to keep up with them and dropped a load as well. They pulled back and switched places with the guys she'd been pumping with her hands. Both guys climbed onto the bed keeping her between them. They lifted her up and timed it just right that they entering her ass and pussy at the same times. She cried out letting her voice fill the room as both holes got smashed.

They went to town on her madly bouncing her with their glorious cocks. She fell back on the one in her ass while the one in her pussy started roughly sucking and squeezing her breast. Oh she loved it, loved being grinded between too powerful cocks she couldn't control herself cumming, she let out several delightful cries. Another guy stood on the bed and shut her up, pushing his limp dick into her mouth. She began sucking on it as her hands soon wrapped around two more limp dicks wanting her to building them up again.

After some time she lost herself completely. He mind faded to the back and her carnal craving took over. She went all out, letting loose on the guys. She began wildly jerking her hips and sucking multiple cocks at once. She ran her hands all over them and squeezed down hard on each cocks she could get in her hands. She felt like she was in a candy store and it was all for her.

She allowed herself to fully enjoy every aspect of this moment without shame. She came and came and fucking came to her hearts content. Her muscles kept twinging and pulsing. She lost track of how many times crippling waves of pleasure tore through her. Her body became overwhelmed with sensations and such ecstasy. Maybe she really was made for this.

Her eyes kept rolling back and she began madly moaning and babbling to herself, when a cock wasn't in her mouth. "Fuck yes, fuck yes… love much cock...more...more fuck me up."

She'd broke one of Dawson's rules and he angrily ordered one of the men to shut her up. One guy slapped her across the face mid fuck, it stung but he didn't have shit on one of Dawson. It was sad and alarming that she could rate slaps now but she took it in stride only allowing it to enhance her experience. Dawson called out, "AGAIN! HARDER!"

Another guy slapped her again harder. Her face whipped to the side, this one hurt she whimpered but kept her mouth shut.

Dawson called out, "NOT ANOTHER FUCKING WORD!:

She nodded and things went on. After a few minutes Dawson lit a cigarette, she wondered what happened to his cigar having no idea how much time had passed. He let out the smoke then informed the group. "She doesn't like it up the ass make sure you really tear it up."

She looked at him yet again he used what she'd told him against her. She glared at him thinking fucker but he couldn't see her expression. He simply smiled back at her and leaning back in his seat. The next guy who took her ass, took his words to heart and went hard on her ass. She pissed herself it hit so brutal whens he came. She was lubed up and had cum in her but it was still a lot. Another guy in her pussy was also jerking it every which way.

She could feel the two holes colliding apart then at the same time it had been a while since she'd been double stuffed this much. There weren't letting her holes rest for more then a few minutes sometimes even only seconds at a time. She was overtaken with such pleasure and pain. Every hole was seeping with men's cum. She let out lustful moans of agony running her hands across her large breasts as her masochistic heart soared like never before.

After sometime it all got to be so so much. She could barely keep up. She kept crying out as they'd last longer and longer, never letting up on her. She tried to keep grinding and squirming about but there was just so many of them, too many, she gave up on keeping up with them. They moved around her like musical chairs. Every time they came they switched it up. After a while they moved her about the room into different positions, bending and stretching her in ways various ways. One guy in her mouth kept poking her cheeks instead of her throat liking how her mouth would stretch.

Another guy would push into her puss then pull all the way out then dive back in hard. He pussy and ass were throbbing, her hands grew tired squeezing and jerking at whatever she could grab hold of. She couldn't think only feel...only act she was so far gone in her euphoria, still loving every bit of this...even as it overtook her. She let out such deep indecent moans in her frenzied fucking. She didn't care how she looked, didn't care about anything beyond this anymore. She just wanted it all, every sensation every orgasm...every cock.

She was truly encased in sex... no swallowed up by it. One guy shot a load out over her back another all over her breasts. They tossed her about roughly she could see her skin bruising up, from Dawson's beating and the men roughly handling her. They smashed her into things, rammed her against the rooms furniture. They kept tag teaming in and out, someone was always ready to go, ready to push her limits more and more.

After who knows how long, Dawson ordered them to do her one at at time, and just her fuck hole. He wanted them to really mess it up and pass her around the room and they did. Guy after guy took her and would pass her about. One guy, drill her and squeezing her tits so hard she thought they might pop, they were turning fucking deep red and purple in his gasp. She cried out but he just drilled her that much harder. He didn't let up her until he came in her, then he just lift her limp body up and place her on another waiting cock.

The next guy would position her however he liked and do her all over again until he came then passed her on to the next guy who was ready. She felt so used, it was all so fucked up. They no longer treated her like a person but some object to be used and passed on. She'd get bent over, slammed, smacked around, turned upside down, side ways, on the floor, in a chair, on a desk.

She cried a few times but Dawson just instructed them to ignore it and keep going that she always did this when she was really enjoying herself. He told them to line up for her. One of the guys lifted her up into the air and spread her for the others. They lined up taking her one at a time. She kept expecting her pussy to go numb or for her body to lose all sensation but if anything it just got more and more sensitive.

He had to have given her something to enhance everything and keep it going because she was so aware, so in the moment, everything she could feel it all and take it in, all at once. It just kept hitting her so hard. There were times she felt so sick, then sad then so good…. amazing even, more amazing then she'd ever felt. She began to think of herself as a fucking succubus draining these men as she watched them get tired.

All the while Dawson sat watching from his chair in the corner. At first she didn't look at him, only listening for his voice. After a while she'd catch a glance of him. For the most part he kept that fake smile on but every so often his face was different. She'd see a mixture between disgust, interest, anger….and agony. It was like he wasn't just one man but several watching her.

He, him watching her was the strangest sensation of all. She wasn't used to others straight out watching and giving orders. Dawson now saw her, all of her and unlike the others who were lost in their lustful carnage. He was an outsider looking in on this rough gang bang. She had no idea what he was thinking. He was an enigma this whole night was...

She didn't know what to think. She started to get so tired after what three, four hours, maybe five hours of straight fucking. She couldn't be sure there was a clock but when Dawson saw she was glancing at it he took it away. He wanted her to lose all track of time to completely lose control.

She felt she had, this had to be the most she'd ever been fucked. There was that day Dawson fucked her but with five men they probably beat him by a few dozen fucks by now. Her body still kept cumming, kept reacting...some orgasms were amazing others painfully and some she barely even felt. She pissed herself more then once squirting and cumming. One of the guys asked if they should stop after a while when she barely responded but Dawson ordered them to keep going and pass her limp body around the room.

She was barely aware just more cock...cock... much delicious cock. She felt like she was fucking overdosing on it. She was dripping with cum, nearly choking on it. Every so often she let out weak moans and groans. Eventually they started to tap out one by one until there was just this one guy. He was an aggressive fucker. Having her all to himself now, he didn't let up on her. She just wanted to pass out but he'd keep her going refused to let her go limp on him. He slapped her around, forced her to get on her hands and knees and practically beating her, if she dared collapse.

She could barely hold herself up, she was just so tired and sore. Dawson seemed to like the guys initiative as he did nothing to stop him. After a few minutes he stood and stepped up to the bed with his hands behind his back, for a closer look. This guy kept hitting her hard and forced her to hold herself up as he went fucking ham on her pussy. It was so wet now...sloppy and swollen. She felt near delirious from all the sex and the pain was quickly outweighing any pleasure that was left.

Dawson stood over her, looking down at her in disgust, "I see you." He nodded to himself. "This right here and now is all you are." He declared. "You aren't anything special. You're no different from any other whore!"

She was too out of it for his crazy right now but he suddenly grabbed the back of her neck and pulling up on her making sure he got her attention even as another guy was still fucking her.

"This is all you ever were!"

He smiled down at her and lorded over her, enjoying the fact that these men had pummeled her into nothing once more. He hadn't slept for days...fuck it had been weeks without solid sleep. He felt like he was losing his fucking mind. After the events at the warehouse, he'd tried to put as much distance between them as possible. He got his injuries treated and gave her something special to make her "forget."

He treated her like one of his cover up jobs and had her set up at her place, with the toy he'd given her and a bottle of something strong, he'd found in one of her cupboards. He hired someone to monitor her calls and make sure she didn't recall anything. Everything seemed to have worked out. If she did recalled anything from that night she didn't show any signs of it.

He took down every reminder of her and left the country, hoping in time he would forget her. At first he buried himself into his work and then his family as he learned one of his daughters was pregnant. He was going to be a grandfather. He took the news rather well but Bray did not. She had a minor lapse thinking she was far too young to be a grandmother. He took her away for a few days and spoiled her, getting her used to the idea. Once it had fully sunk in, she insisted on putting some big party together to celebrate the joyous announcement.

He assisted and tried to stay busy wherever he could but his thoughts always returned to the whore...especially when he rested.

Whenever he closed his eyes, he'd see her big green eyes, staring back at him along with her face and those lips. He'd recall the sound of her voice, the feel of her body, her smell, her touch, her taste and the way her muscles would bear down on him when she came hard. He'd recall all the things she had told him...all the things she had done. He'd get so fucking hard thinking of her in her the various "situations" and "positions". He had Bray blow him several times a night. Her blow jobs were the best but it wasn't enough. She could tell something was up with him but he denied it.

He went out for a while and hired a bunch of high class whores. He worked them over good for days but still, even as he laid exhausted in bed, none of them could satisfy him like her. He realized this... thing...went beyond the mere physical.

He tried taking medications to get some decent sleep so he could think clearly but it didn't help, he'd just dream of her. He had dreams where she wasn't a fucking whore but the love of his life, a few where she was even his wife. Dreams of her smiling up at him and basking in the moonlight. He dreampt of spending every day with her, having a life with her and a family. When he'd wake his chest would ache for the need of her. He began romanticizing there time together...reanalyzing it. He looked over the pictures, listen to recordings and watch videos.

He started calling her and letting it ring until she'd pick up. He just wanted to, had to hear her voice. For a time it was enough to see him through just that much long. He knew his infatuation, had turned into a full on obsession at this point but he couldn't stop. He began to call more and more throughout the day. He never said anything just listened. Eventually she stopped answering or stopped speaking when she did.

He grew frustrated, he got so desperate he stepped out of his daughters celebration to call her. He just couldn't stop thinking about her, every minute of the day. No one, nothing had ever effected him like this in his entire life. He'd began to get hourly reports on her but still it wasn't enough. He needed to see her with his own eyes and be near her.

In the middle of the night he could no longer take it. Without a word to anyone he got up, got dressed and booked a ticket on the next jet flying out. When he arrived he didn't even wait to get picked up. He hired a cab to take him to her place and then climbed her fire escape. It was the middle of the night and she was asleep. He just watched her sleep until sunrise and began following her as she went about.

He knew how to hide, how to blend in plain sight and she was oblivious to him. He'd get so close, he could smell her but he didn't make contact or announce his presence because for once in his life he didn't know what he was doing. He just watched her, she'd go shopping and he'd stand in the line a few people away from her. She'd be on a bus and he'd be two seats away. When the bus got crowded and she had to stand he'd get even closer. He'd see men brush up against her, one man even grabbed her ass. She'd brushed the mans hand away and he did it again. She gave him a look but just rolled her eyes.

He watched her work out, go to the salon and struggle to find work. He enjoyed the look of worry on her face as she looked over newspapers trying to find some employment. He'd put a pin in that early on. Once he knew he wanted to keep her as his whore, he'd sabotaged her name on background checks. He added a few arrests to her record, for indecent exposure and prostitution. Now knowing how she felt about selling herself, it was hilarious.

He saw her hook up with her cuck in and watched her ride on that death trap he got her. He followed them back to her place and they raced up the stairs. She threw herself at and him and her cuck carried her up the stairs as they made out. He knew all about the cuck. He'd been curious, something about him just really pissed him off.

Even if he wasn't with Gwyne he just didn't like the guy from the moment he saw him.

He thought she had exaggerated, the way she talked about him being some hot shot hero. He doubted someone like that would get with a dirty whore like Gwyne but his record was squeaky clean, not so much as a parking ticket. He even had several public awards for his dedicated service to the city.

He began making plans for the cuck but wasn't sure if he wanted to completely destroy him just yet. No for now he'd just get him out of the way, keep the cuck as a wild card in his back pocket, given how she felt about him. Perhaps he could use him to manipulate her, should the need arise. He used his car phone to call her, hoping to interrupted things if not put a damper on them.

He lit a cigarette after there was no answer and made some other calls, getting the ball rolling, so to speak. However he might not have to do a thing. A few minutes later the cuck shot out of her place. He practically ran down the stairs and even jumped a few, to get away that much faster. He saw Gwyne come running out naked and crying. She pathetically called out to him but dude was cold, didn't pay her any mind, just walked out on her and drove off. He couldn't help but take pictures.

It was a struggle for him not to get out and take her inside. She looked so fucking miserable. Given how she'd been making him feel it only felt fitting. His heart beat excitedly, more then it should have when he realized they might have broken up. He told himself he didn't care but yet he found himself in a good mood. He watched her break down sobbing before she went back inside.

That night he slept in his car outside her place. When it got dark enough and no one was around he slashed the tires on her motorcycle and then cut every line he could find before putting shit in the gas tank. It was a bit of an overkill but he wanted to make sure it was destroyed. He didn't want her riding it. He knew her well enough to know she'd only crash and burn and he had plans for her. Well he did but was unsure now.

He kept a closer watch on her over the next few days, knowing she was going to do something, at some point. She was far too self-destructive not to. She mostly stayed inside her place. He called her and sent Charles over a few times to rouse her. He slept in his car night after night waiting...waiting. Eventually she got a call from the friend, she was back in town. Gwyne agreed to go out and came out in this little number that had his head turning. It was hard not to drive up on her and take her right there...but he bided his time and remained in control.

He followed them to the bar and saw her fuck some limp dick in the men's room. He could tell she hadn't enjoyed it but still lost it for a moment. After she walked out, he'd come up behind the idiot and stabbed his knife into his kidney. He would have gutted him if he had time but he couldn't let her escape, his sight. He smothered the guy and propped him up in stall. He wasn't dead yet but he would be soon enough.

He just managed to catch them leaving and followed them to a club. He watched her as she danced. She kept grinding up against men even let one finger her on the dance floor. He could see how uncontrollable she was. Some girl attacked her but missed and she moved to dance with some others. He weaved through the crowd always close but never too close.

After a while they went off to the party. It wasn't a bad party, the fights were decent. If he knew she had liked this sort of thing he could have made arrangements, some real gruesome shit. Someone called the police and he lost her at one point during the raid. He spotted what car she got in and their general direction.

He drove around this hill area until he spotted some fireworks in the distance. It was a long shot but had paid off. He pulled up on the car. He parked hoping to see a show but it looked like it was just ending as they got into the car and drove off. He followed at a decent distance and watched her get out with one of the fighters. They went up to his place on the second floor.

After the car drove off, he tried to find a vantage point to watch them from. He wanted to see what was going on inside but there was no fire escape. He had to settle for sitting outside the door. He heard shit moving around heard her crying out in the throws of it. He wanted to burst in but then what? What was his plan? Did he want to kill them both? Scare her? Kidnap her? He still didn't know. He was so unhinged at this point he'd just been following her with no real end in sight.

He waited hours outside that door but finally he heard signs of movement. He waited under the stairs and watched her staggered out. He left his car and opted to follow her on foot. She was half naked stumbling around, from the gate of her walk, she'd had quiet the fuck. For once she actually spotted him. She asked if he had a light and he was tempted to make contact but again to what end. What would she think or do if she knew it was him? There would probably be some shock, then mess….there were too many variables he didn't like the risk.

So he pretended to be someone else, kept his distance and toyed with her. He watched as she made a fool of herself. She didn't recognize him at all, he considered attacking her to get in a a hit. Like she was a drug, he suppose to him she was. She started to get freaked out, tried to pathetically lose him, even intimate him. He enjoyed toying with. She tried to say she had a gun and it was just too cute.

At one point she stumbled and her skirt came up. He got a nice shot of her pussy and laughed at her flashing him. Maybe she wanted him to attack her. Maybe this is what she did, when she was super horny, walk the streets flashing her hole at strangers. He wouldn't put anything past this cock hungry whore.

When they got to a bridge, the bitch had thrown her shoes at him. She knocked his sunglasses off. He was worried about being exposed. He quickly picked them up and noticed her running. He shook his head knowing she couldn't outrun his ass yet when he got up the stairs she was nowhere to be seen. He ran to the end of the bridge then back the other way…then looked over. He worried in her state she'd up and fallen off. He didn't see her but had to be certain, he checked all around up top then went down below the bridge.

He began to freak out not knowing where she was, It really bothered him way more then it should have. He felt things had gotten out of control again. He gathered her shoes and returned to her place waiting for her. Eventually she showed, he called her phone so much after that she disconnected it. He climbed her fire escape and watched her until she laid down.

Once he was certain she was asleep, he left still feeling too ampt up. He had to do something about it. He went back to the place she'd been for hours. He broke in not carrying if the guy was home or not. His place was a literal fucking dump, trash everywhere and fucking maggots…

This, THIS was what she liked! This was what she wanted to fuck! She was truly filth. The guy she'd fucked was asleep on his stomach out cold. He put two in the back of his and rolled him over. He had to see what had kept her attention so long. When he saw what he had, he could understand. He was pissed he hadn't gotten to see her use it. He cut it off then set the whole place on fire. It was all just a trash heap anyway might as well burn it down.

He enjoyed destroying it and his mood settled down. He was long gone before anyone called it in. He doubt anyone would be able to trace it back to him but he couldn't afford to mess around like this anymore. He was older now and he personally didn't get his hands dirty. He had people for that now...resources. He was risking shit for what... who. He needed to think really think about what he wanted to do, going forward.

He didn't return to her place, instead he went to one of his nearby hideouts. He sat in a dark empty room for a while but kept thinking about her. He smoked through two packs and kept calling her off and on. He just couldn't help it. He tried to take more sleeping pills but they barely worked and again if he managed to sleep, he dreamed of her. He dreamt she was running from him. He'd chase after her, grasp hold of her but she'd slip through his the wind. She was like the wind but she...she would not escape him. He couldn't sleep after that and it had been days.

He knew he had to do something about this, He couldn't function like this, his mental and physical health was deteriorating. He swore he was done with her that he'd never see her again, she was a problem and he had a problem but he couldn't help it. He couldn't stay away. He had no choice, everything had lost, it's flavor, it's essence, he couldn't think anymore, couldn't eat, couldn't fuck and couldn't sleep...not until the movie tonight.

He had to fix this somehow. He'd built her up into something, made her more then she was. He thought her special somehow but how was she different from any other whore. He finally broke down and set a date. No matter what he'd face this tonight. He couldn't bear another day of this.

He picked her up and didn't know how to treat her. She wasn't just some whore anymore but then what was she? Who was she to him now? What could she ever be? All night he kept thinking about it, looking at her studying her, trying to pinpoint just what about her was setting him off so and if it could be fixed.

She kept looking back at him with that face and those eyes. It kept making him think she was more then she was. More then she was...more then she was, all she could ever be was a nothing whore a fucking hole and yet when he looked at that face and into those eyes. He felt...HE FELT like he was truly going crazy. He almost strangled her to death with his bare hands at dinner. He just wanted to stop feeling like this, he wanted to make it all stop but again he couldn't bring himself to do it. When she pulled back, he suddenly got upset. He couldn't stand her looking at him but her pulling away from him was sheer agony.

He knew he should end this and maybe get checked out by professionals but what would he even say. I met this whore and she's destroying ever facet of my life but I want to keep seeing her. Yes, he wanted to keep seeing her, even after everything he wanted to keep going. He was absolutely crazy...had to be. Yet just as she had caused him such agony she he also given him the greatest pleasures he had ever known and he knew pleasure. He had gone the distant experimenting over the years but nothing had ever felt like her. He had made such plans for her and wanted to see them through to the end.

They needed to come to some sort of arrangement…some understanding and then it dawned on him. If her face and eyes were the problem he'd just do away with them. A mask was the simplest short term solution... long term he'd consider various options but for now he had to see if it would work. He offered to pay her and like any whore she took the cash. He got it on her as soon as he could and to his relief it did the trick.

It made things so much easy...clearer. She wasn't anything, she was just a body, a living sex doll, a pumped up drugged out nympho whore. He needed to break her down just as he had built her up. He needed her to be nothing again...need here to be... because if she was anything more he couldn't….he...HE WOULD CONTROL THIS! He decided he needed to see her in action, to watch that pathetic hole of hers take a pounding. He would put her back in her place. He started forming a plan.

He got her wound up, took her to his hotel room and ordered her up some nice cocks. She still put on a good act, feigned protested but after a few good smacks to warm her up, just like the cash, she couldn't resist this much cock. He wasn't sure if it was work...the buckets of come hadn't. If anything he'd lost control. He was on edge worrying things might get violent but he needed to see this. He needed see her as nothing but the whore she was. She could never be more then this...his wife... the love of his life. There was no future with her, no family. He had a life and she wasn't part of it. She was just entertainment...a passing fling.

For hours he sat back and watched her take cock after cock. She kept moaning like a bitch in heat. He struggled internally feeling a mixture of emotions, anger, possessiveness, lust and agony. She was still his complete, just because you let people into your house didn't mean they fucking owned it. No, if anything he felt even more in control then ever. Just look at what he could make this whore do…

With the mask on she...she wasn't real just an ideal. It really was like watching fucking porn. He had found quiet the treasure in this tart. Gloriously he could feel his dark urges rising up within him once more. The things he was going to do to her, the masochistic masterpieces he would make. It would rival anything he'd ever saw before. He didn't care about her, she was just meat to beat.

She didn't make him feel anything but a hard on. She was no threat. She wasn't anything but a dumb hole out of control. He knew her history and saw the shit she got into on her own. Someone had to take charge of this mess and it might as well be him. He felt confident once more, understanding what THIS was once more. The lines had blurred for a moment but they were now clearer then ever He'd done it! He'd managed to break her down again and lessen the effects she had on him. Fuck, if she ever had any to begin with.

He scoffed at her now, letting go of her. She slumped down on the bed, the guy smashing her forced her to rise up again. Dawson ran his hand over her, sweaty, cum covered back. Her filth was pouring out of her. He watched her hole take it hard and couldn't wait to measure it after all this. "Yeah! YOU TAKE IT! TAKE IT ALL!"

Gwyne felt so strange, having Dawson stroke her as she was taking a hard cock. She'd never had anyone encourage her to fuck like this...if felt wrong somehow and yet..."UH...UH," she let out deep lustful groans as her body rattled off once more, cumming hard. It ached from how many orgasms she'd had. It had to be her record. She didn't think she'd be able to walk for days after this, it was so worth it though she felt beyond intoxicated.

Dawson laughed watching her body quake with orgasm and yelled at her "YOU LIKE THIS? YOU LOVE COCK SO MUCH I BET YOU WANT TO DROWN IN COCKS."

He smacked her back and it stung, "ANSWER ME HOLE!"

"Yeah," she cried, "YES! YES! I LOVE COCK," She was nearly out of her mind from all this fucking, she'd agree to anything, it didn't matter what. He laughed seeing her so blitzed.

"YOU'RE SO UNHINGED! I SEE IT NOW! Yes I see it! I thought it was just your hole but its all of you, EVERY PART OF YOU IS GLUTENOUS. You can't help yourself, you really would let yourself get fucked to death, if no one intervened. You're no better then a dog in constant heat. You are incapable of taking care of yourself, incapable of reason, all you know how to do is fuck. All all your crave is fucking. Yes if left to your own devices, you'll eventually succumb to it." He paused for a long moment watching her, "Someone has to take charge of THIS," he waved his hands about madly ranting. "Of this mess, it might as well be me, since you clearly can't control shit."

She barley understood what he was saying. She didn't get why he was so fucking chatty all of a sudden. Had he seen enough? Was it finally over? Considering four guys had already tapped out it should be. Shit! She would have tapped out a while ago, if he'd let her. She just kept wanting to collapse, sleep it off maybe take a bath, fuck sleep in the bath but this guy at her back wouldn't let up. Dawson wiped his mouth nodding to himself before he reached into his pocket and finally pulled out the cash.

She watched him go over to the other four who were just sitting against the wall near the door relaxing and chatting. They got up as Dawson came over. He paid them each then escorting them out of the room. She couldn't believe he'd left her alone with a fucking stranger literary! To be fair Dawson had once been a stranger...fuck was still strange as shit. She didn't know him at all, especially after tonight. Just when she thought she got some sense of him, he'd change things up.

The guy pumping her let her finally collapse on the bed but didn't stop, he laid on top of her grinding into her. He grabbed her neck and began to choke her from behind as he whispered in her ear, "You are a mess! You love cock this much, huh? Can't get enough? I know a place, would pay you a nice price for this twat. Would let you get fucked all day and night by all sorts. It can get real rough too, needles, blades whips and chains, some real underground shit that would mess you up. You want that huh bitch?."

She came again and he chuckled, "Give me your name, a number or an address. I'll hook you up good after this. Names Jack, friends call me Jackrabbit, bet you can guess why by now. I'm always going and popping off"

Gwyne was way too tired for this shit, she let out a laugh. She couldn't believe the balls on this guy, so much for Dawson's "clean" service. This dude...Jackrabbit... was trying to fucking poach her mid fuck. It was insane but made her realize there was a whole world out there yet to be explored. Now that she knew what she was into, there were others that could give her what she wanted, if Dawson and her didn't work out.

"Come on," Jackrabbit called, "Before he gets back! Let me hook you up."

She could hear the desperation in his voice but didn't respond. While she realized there was more out there now, others to play with she wasn't interested. She was plenty busy with Dawson and Corr- Fuck Corrie. She hadn't even thought about him. What would he think of tonight. She gathered up the sheets in her hands thinking...knowing he probably wouldn't care.

"Come on baby. You've got a pussy that wont quit. He wont be able to satisfy you." Jackrabbit pleaded, "Give me something. I swear I'll get you messed up real good."
Before she could say or do anything Dawson came back into the room with a video camera. She was glad to see him. She'd almost broken his rule and spoke. It would be to decline but Dawson wouldn't have cared. He would have gotten mad and hit her again and she really couldn't take any more right now. She was overheated, dehydrated and beyond exhausted.

Her pussy began to feel like it was on fire but still it felt good...even the pain, it all just felt She came again and let out a deep moan as it rippled through her. She didn't know how she could still keep going like this. Shit! She began to wonder if he was right again and she was a nympho as well as a masochist. She wondered just how much fucking would ever be too much for her. She thought that one day, with Dawson been rough that she hit her limit fucking all day but she'd definitely surpassed that tonight… had too with five cocks. Dawson had said he was going to stuff her with cock tonight and had kept his word.

Dawson walked around the bed recording, "Yeah, yeah, looking good. Get her up and bring her into the bathroom, she likes that." Dawson ordered.

Since when Gwyne thought as Jackrabbit let go of her throat. She hadn't realized how much oxygen he'd been cutting off till she took in a breath. Shit, she was so used to Dawson rough chokes that this dude hadn't even made a blip on her radar. He pulled from her pussy and got her up she couldn't even stand her legs were so weak. He lifted her up over his shoulder and carried her into the bathroom.

"Drop her in front of the toilet, put her head in it, dunk it in the water, don't drown her, just get her in there nice and wet."

The toilet! What the fuck! Jackrabbit dropped in front of the toilet and bent her over it. She was so tired, she didn't fight as he shoved her head into the bowl. She barely had time to hold her breath as her head went into the water. It was sad but the cold water felt nice...refreshing. She was just so overheated. The toilet had been flushed but still this was disgusting as shit and degrading as fuck. She could understand why Dawson had ordered it now.

Jackrabbit pulled her head from the water and she let out the breath she'd taken in. She took another just in case he dunked her again but he didn't.

"Good, good now fuck her hole, really ram it!"

Jackrabbit entered her again, with her head resting in the bowl of the toilet. Her breasts slapped up against the cold porcelain...again the cold felt good but this...this was so humiliating! She was being fucked with her had in a toilet and liking it. Dawson got up close, he loomed over her and recorded it all. There was now a going to be video of her being railed with her head in a toilet. She knew she should be upset have some fucking self-respect but she just took it, cumming hard, so hard she cried out… hating...loving it all. Her cries echoed in the toilet and both men laughed at her.

"Go ahead dunk her head in the water again."

She took in another breath as her head went under the water again. This time he held her under for longer. He began drilling into her and wasn't letting her up. She hadn't expect that. She began to panic and squirm about instinctively fighting but he didn't let up on her until she fucking came. It was so powerful she screamed out under water. He pulled her head up and she sputtered coughing madly as both men chuckled.

"Yeah bitch is just bearing down on me, I didn't think she had anything left.

"I think she likes it," said Dawson.

She didn't she wanted to scream but only managed to cough. She had been scared out of her mind but still she'd fucking cum and was still cumming hard. Her eyes rolled back as it lasted way longer then it should have. It just kept going past a sold minute. She began to drool as she let her body fall limp. Her muscles just gloriously rippled and pulsed and she felt pleasure beyond anything she'd ever experienced.

She began jerking on the end of his dick almost unconsciously like she was having some sex seizure. He'd pinned her with his cock and her orgasm just kept going. She peed on the floor and let out a roar as it only deepened. It felt so fucking sharp cascading through ever fiber of her being it and had to be, might have been the hardest, longest orgasm, she'd ever had. Her body felt feverish and she squirmed about with such delight still fucking cumming. She mumbled to herself madly.

"Uh I think I broke her," said Jackrabbit as she quivered against him still pulsating. It just wouldn't end. She didn't know what to do with herself as she felt such intensity. It was like she'd had broken on orgasm. She was stuck at the top of the fucking Ferris Wheel. Was this her life now, oh yes let it be, she could just live like this forever. Let her succumb to unending infinite pleasure. She stared to cry out as he body just wouldn't unclench from his dick. She was really stuck on him on orgasm, she trembled and cried madly shaking about jutting in a delerious haze of such glory.

She had to cum down, Dawson recorded it all. Her fucking five minute and twenty seven second orgams. He could see how it effected her so. He pussy just couldn't take it anymore...just succumbed to endless rift of pleasure. She managed to lift her head and fell back on Jack rabbit. Dawson chuckled at her open mouth and squirming body.

She'd reached her current was a good starting point. He watched her tremble and convulsing with such pleasure and finally ordered "Go ahead and nut whenever you want, she's done."

Done done it was finally over. Jackrabbit just grunted in response put her back over the toilet and unpinned her pussy.. It flooded with pain such pain then having been clenched for so long. He fucked her for another few minutes then came. She didn't even feel it. She felt when he pulled out though. She'd been so full for hours and was now empty. A rush of cold air hit her privates as she slumped over the toilet still jerking her hips uncontrollably her head in the toilet bowl.

Dawson sounded excited as he said, "What a thing of fucking beauty! Look at those long strings of cum both holes just drizzling down, you're a real fucking toilet now, fuck hole."

"Very nice...very nice." said the Jackrabbit catching his breath "Uh, you want me to piss on her or in her?"

The room filled with silence. She was barely there but enough to know she didn't fucking want that! She groaned hoping Dawson wouldn't let this guy fucking piss on her. She recalled that night at the club, when she had to pee really bad but he wouldn't let her use the toilets cause people were doing crazy shit in the bathrooms. He'd pulled her out of the club then, surely now he'd-

"No," Dawson said. A wave of relief washed over her but then he continued. "Film me doing it."

WHAT! Her eyes popped, she heard rustling of a belt and then the sound of a zipper. This wasn't...NO! She felt something warm on on her head, it soaked into her mask and hair drizzling down the sides of her face and into the toilet. She closed her eyes tightly, smelling something musky as the warmth ran down her neck, back and finally hit between her legs. Dawson...was...was fucking pissing on her!

"Yeah this is how worthless you are to me!" He boasted.

She didn't move horrified. After it was over, she listened as he watched it over again. The fucking recording! He'd recorded himself pissing on her. "Yeah, yeah," said Dawson sounding excited. "Fucking beautiful"

"If you want I can take some shit and get up again, maybe go a few more hours,"
"Nah," said Dawson. "But you did good. I want to give you a bonus, you were the best out of the bunch. I also want your number. I've got some ideas for later. She'll be doing porn soon enough, this is just some early days, training, getting her stamina up."

"Really, sweet, I'm up for that, feel free to call me anytime, she's got a pretty nice twat still."

"Yeah, it's pretty surprising given she'll fuck anything,"

"That's even better, lucky bastard."

"That I am," said Dawson. She could felt his shoe tapping against her sex HE Lifted up his foot lifting her pussy, up "That I am."

A moment later, she felt it pull away and slumped back down. She heard footsteps and then...then nothing, silence. For the first time in hours she was left alone and able to really think. So much had happened... a lot just in the last few seconds. She couldn't process it all. She didn't know if she wanted to! She had no idea how she let things get to this point.

She was so tired dripping with cum and now piss. Dawson had fucking pissed on her!

She couldn't believe it and more over, she couldn't believe herself. She just sat there and took it. Was this really her? Was this really what she was about now? She still hadn't moved...still sat there with her head in the fucking toilet. Fuck, the shit she did tonight and the shit she let him do. It was awful and yet she had enjoyed off on it harder then she ever had before.

She acknowledged it and accepted it but didn't know what to think. What did this all mean now? She felt overwhelmed like this was...SHE was out of control. It felt like she really did have an addiction and had hit rock bottom. THIS! This had to be rock bottom for her. She didn't think she could get much lower then this but she was wrong, so very wrong. If anything this was only the beginning.

The End.


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© 2011 Leona Keyoko Pink All Rights Reserved Contact Leona at

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© 2011 Leona Keyoko Pink All Rights Reserved Contact Leona at

May not be reproduced in whole or part without express written permission.

Thanks for reading!